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Arizona St. Article on Westerman


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Only thing that worries me is the claim that we may be facing NCAA sanctions! I thought this was made up.

Other than that, we all know that some of the reasons given for Christian leaving sound familiar. The only other thing that doesn't make sense is why firing Chizik would cement his decision to leave. You'd think bringing in a new coach to fix those things would make him reconsider wanting to leave.

Guess you haven't been keeping up. We don't even have a Letter of Inquiry much less facing sanctions. You have to have that and a formal investigation before you start finding out what your sanctions are. We should all be well versed in this since the Cam debacle.

Sounds like his father has just been reading Thamel et al. or listening to the sports network or maybe he listens to that afternoon show.

Actually, this is what I thought the latest was, until I saw what his father said.

I could be wrong but I don't think that portion of the article came from his father. The way I read it was that the ASU writer added that part.

I double-checked. The reporter is definitely quoting Christian's dad as saying this.

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Only thing that worries me is the claim that we may be facing NCAA sanctions! I thought this was made up.

Other than that, we all know that some of the reasons given for Christian leaving sound familiar. The only other thing that doesn't make sense is why firing Chizik would cement his decision to leave. You'd think bringing in a new coach to fix those things would make him reconsider wanting to leave.

Guess you haven't been keeping up. We don't even have a Letter of Inquiry much less facing sanctions. You have to have that and a formal investigation before you start finding out what your sanctions are. We should all be well versed in this since the Cam debacle.

Sounds like his father has just been reading Thamel et al. or listening to the sports network or maybe he listens to that afternoon show.

Actually, this is what I thought the latest was, until I saw what his father said.

I could be wrong but I don't think that portion of the article came from his father. The way I read it was that the ASU writer added that part.

I double-checked. The reporter is definitely quoting Christian's dad as saying this.

His dad is saying this as justification for his son transfering. Also wishful thinking. Christian did not have a good work ethic and wouldn't/couldn't pickup the offensive schemes. He played very soft and was beat by our DL, which was not very good, on 98% of his plays in practice. This coupled with the AU staff not pushing him harder and here is what you get.

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The entire article is a great oxymoron. Good luck but stay far away.

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He couldn't start on the bad offensive line that AU had. IMO, Chizik and staff "said" players were hurt at times to save face. Then he goes off bashing AU. You can't complain about discipline if the new coach has been preaching about getting back to it and you wouldn't stick around for it. Site old staff leaving as a reason to transfer when your criticizing how they ran things. Then complain about the new offense being finesse when the new offense is a down hill running attack that is as close to the wing-t as it is a spread.

Westerman comes off looking like a bitter and petty person. Somethings he said were true but the motivation to say them says a lot about his own character. It just seems as though he didn't want to give it a chance and was looking for it to be AU at fault when in truth it was both he and AU.

As I said in another thread, Let us call it mutual disinterest.

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I hate to see the negative comments since they sound like sour grapes considering that he had not broken into the line-up whether because of injuries or otherwise. But, it's understandable the might leave....all the coaches he knew were gone and he basically had no other contacts to the region other than grandparents. I expect he will be much happier back in Ariz where he grew up. Otherwise, JMO but he was probably just trying the justify the decision....rather than say he was "homesick".

Hope he does well at ASU.

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He couldn't start on the bad offensive line that AU had. IMO, Chizik and staff "said" players were hurt at times to save face. Then he goes off bashing AU. You can't complain about discipline if the new coach has been preaching about getting back to it and you wouldn't stick around for it. Site old staff leaving as a reason to transfer when your criticizing how they ran things. Then complain about the new offense being finesse when the new offense is a down hill running attack that is as close to the wing-t as it is a spread.

Westerman comes off looking like a bitter and petty person. Somethings he said were true but the motivation to say them says a lot about his own character. It just seems as though he didn't want to give it a chance and was looking for it to be AU at fault when in truth it was both he and AU.

As I said in another thread, Let us call it mutual disinterest.

I found this odd as well. I don't know what the deal is but it is probably best for all that he is gone.
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Its funny, but the stuff from that article explaining why Westerman supposedly left Auburn sounds like a talking points memo that other schools would use against Auburn. in negatiive recruiting. It gives you an idea what we're up against. Anyway, Westerman will qualify for the NFL draft before he ever gets meaningful playing time in college. Another example,as if we needed one, that the number of stars given to high school players can be very misleading. WDE

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that the number of stars given to high school players can be very misleading. WDE

The stars account for athletic ability not maturity, class, and loyalty.

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Im not one to trash 18 year old kids so i wont. I wish this kid the best of luck. But, what do you have to say about the skills of an OL that doesent play much on a 3 win team?

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"Waa waa waa! I can't handle anyone criticizing my team! Waa waa waa! I know! To show him how wrong he is and how immature it is for him to talk bad about our program even though he lived inside it for 2 years, I'll make disparaging comments about him and his family. Yeah, that'll do it! Man! That Westerman is so classless!"

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He couldn't start on the bad offensive line that AU had. IMO, Chizik and staff "said" players were hurt at times to save face. Then he goes off bashing AU. You can't complain about discipline if the new coach has been preaching about getting back to it and you wouldn't stick around for it. Site old staff leaving as a reason to transfer when your criticizing how they ran things. Then complain about the new offense being finesse when the new offense is a down hill running attack that is as close to the wing-t as it is a spread.

Westerman comes off looking like a bitter and petty person. Somethings he said were true but the motivation to say them says a lot about his own character. It just seems as though he didn't want to give it a chance and was looking for it to be AU at fault when in truth it was both he and AU.

As I said in another thread, Let us call it mutual disinterest.

+1 well said
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I hate to see the negative comments since they sound like sour grapes considering that he had not broken into the line-up whether because of injuries or otherwise. But, it's understandable the might leave....all the coaches he knew were gone and he basically had no other contacts to the region other than grandparents. I expect he will be much happier back in Ariz where he grew up. Otherwise, JMO but he was probably just trying the justify the decision....rather than say he was "homesick".

Hope he does well at ASU.

Boo friggin hoo....I entered the Army at 18, went to bootcamp in SC, left there went to Southern Arizona for specialty school, left there for Ft.Benning for Airborne school, left there and spent 4 yrs in upstate NY. It's called growing up and becoming a man. Lots of these kids are ******* nowadays. Here's a perfect example. Then they dog out a school and constantly contradict themselves in the process. Whatever tho....he most likely would have quit went it got rough in the spring.

Really?? The slang for a female body part has to be censored?

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Pretty comical Westerman's final decision was the coaching staff being fired. Yet he bragged about ASU's head coach. Hey pal memo to you go play for the SCHOOL NOT the coach have you seen the ASU Head Coach track record? He has little history of staying anywhere long. He screwed Pitt over after one year.

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Don't understand why these guys transfer. Now he has to sit out a year before playing? CTG may be gone by then. I'd rather stay and fight for a starting job! Just don't know what's going on inside a 19-20 year old's head!

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Don't understand why these guys transfer. Now he has to sit out a year before playing? CTG may be gone by then. I'd rather stay and fight for a starting job! Just don't know what's going on inside a 19-20 year old's head!

Don't understand? Students transfer all time time and why are football players any different....especially ones at schools where the entire coaching staff is gone? I'm totally sympathetic to his desire to transfer...he just did not need to dump on AU with a half-baked excuse.

None the less, if AU can give him an outright then that's what ought to be done. I hate it when any school tries to hold a dissatisfied player hostage...especially after a coaching change. I give lots of credit to UF for being willing to let Blakely go and not limiting his choices.

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"Waa waa waa! I can't handle anyone criticizing my team! Waa waa waa! I know! To show him how wrong he is and how immature it is for him to talk bad about our program even though he lived inside it for 2 years, I'll make disparaging comments about him and his family. Yeah, that'll do it! Man! That Westerman is so classless!"

And what about whining about whiners whining about whining? Same boat if you ask me but unlike yourself, I actually contributed to the conversation with pointing out flawed logic. Thanks for playing.

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Nothing more pointless than commenting on this but damn that article makes your blood boil. Hard to think of a kid who got more message board love than him who played less meaningful snaps at Auburn. He just took up two years of a scholarship that could have gone to someone who was more deserving and was willing to stick it out. I don't wish him ill but definitely leaves a bad taste in your mouth. I am not sure of how the release thing works. Will he really have to sit a year before he plays at ASU?

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I don't like reading what he said, but I give the guy a pass. He was far from home and played on a terrible team. My parents both went to Auburn so I was born an Auburn fan. When I finally went to Auburn it was after growing up 600 miles away and only setting foot in AU a handful of times. I know how weird it feels to be 18 and feeling like a fish out of water. By the end of my first year I was totally in love with Auburn, but the first few months were difficult. Having said that, Christian had enough time to adjust... he must have really wanted out bad.

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