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GA's/QC staff fired this morning


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Maybe he saw the ga's that were there as distractions not help! Maybe they were more the players friends instead of a good coaching figure! (like Trooper Taylor was) So maybe it wasn't a bad move.

I think the entire staff has to be replaced. Go Gus.

Couldn't agree more.

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Definitely agree. But I find it funny that before Rodney was hired, many were second gessing Coach Gus's decision to let everyone go.

What do you expect, hippocrites are abound. .

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Anytime you take over a mess, you have to make a statement to the incumbents and the stakeholders of the program. In this case his statement was "any leader associated with this program has to go". He knew a lot of these folks...that is not easy as a new leader to let folks that were previously your peers go. But, unfortunately, it was necessary for the overall good of the program and to send a message to the athletes that the old way was wrong, and those that were responsible can't be associated with the program going forward.

As for the athletes, the best thing I have heard him say is that the "recruiting evaluation goes both ways". Not only are recruits evaluating his new Auburn program; but he is also re-evaluating all of them on Auburns behalf. I think that is a powerful message. He has to set a high standard for folks coming into he program. A full football ride at Auburn is a privelidge, not a right to these kids no matter how many stars someone puts by their names. We were certainly not doing something right previously with selection and development.... I think it is OK to tell some of these prima-donna's that they may not be as sought after as they think they are.

I have not seen it in writing, but I would also assume he has told the existing athletes the same. My Dad always told me the Branch Rickey story when I was a kid. For those of you unfamiliar, Ralph Kiner had won the NL Home Run title and was angling for a raise...he told Rickey if he didn't get it he would go elsewhere...Rickey asked him what place the team had finished in and Kiner said "last". Rickey responded with, "We finished last with you and we can finish last without you." I have used this many times in business with team members with an inflated sense of self worth....I think we need to reset the bar with everyone on scholarship.

I think Gus is doing just fine out of the gate. He is moving decisively; and whether I agree with every decision is not really important. They are his decisions and he actually coaches football for a living...so I'll let him make them. It's his ass on the line.

War Eagle and Merry Christmas to the Auburn Family...

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It is astonishing the things people will say on a message board or on the phone that they would never have the guts to say to a man face to face.

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I think he is making most of the decisions. I just think most of these decisions will lead to him being fired in 3 or 4 years. I just hope there is some real change and the stooges like Jacobs, Jackson, and Dye all go when he does

I totally disagree...he has made excellent decisions to date. Not sure what you are basing this on.
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I think he is making most of the decisions. I just think most of these decisions will lead to him being fired in 3 or 4 years. I just hope there is some real change and the stooges like Jacobs, Jackson, and Dye all go when he does


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I don't know if anyone on here really knows (some folks do have inside info) why he is cleaning house, but let's face it, there are/were some serious problems with the former staff.

The way I see Gus is a total workaholic, perfectionist, professional, polished guy! I'm not claiming to be an expert, but in all of my leadership positions (military, business, Church and commmunity, worked for a congressmen for four years) you generally can't go wrong with the workaholic, perfectionist types!

On the negative side; I have experienced people who don't want to work for the workaholic, perfectionist, because they simply have to work so hard to please them! Even this can turn out to be a positive.

This is how I see Gus, I sure hope I am correct!

You know who is also a perfectionist, Roger Waters from Pink Floyd. Near the end of his tenure with pink floyd the banded hated working with him, yet; all those albums are kick ass WDE

If you're not willing to put in the time, you will not get the result. All these coaches have to be perfectionists and work-aholics. There is no success at this level of football without that level of commitment. This is true in any field of endeavor. No pain, no gain...success is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration...there is a reason all these cliches exist. It's because they are true. Frankly, anyone making the kind of money these guys make for being around football all the time should be on their knees thanking the Almighty everyday...I'd do it for a hell of a lot less.
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I don't know if anyone on here really knows (some folks do have inside info) why he is cleaning house, but let's face it, there are/were some serious problems with the former staff.

The way I see Gus is a total workaholic, perfectionist, professional, polished guy! I'm not claiming to be an expert, but in all of my leadership positions (military, business, Church and commmunity, worked for a congressmen for four years) you generally can't go wrong with the workaholic, perfectionist types!

On the negative side; I have experienced people who don't want to work for the workaholic, perfectionist, because they simply have to work so hard to please them! Even this can turn out to be a positive.

This is how I see Gus, I sure hope I am correct!

You know who is also a perfectionist, Roger Waters from Pink Floyd. Near the end of his tenure with pink floyd the banded hated working with him, yet; all those albums are kick ass WDE

If you're not willing to put in the time, you will not get the result. All these coaches have to be perfectionists and work-aholics. There is no success at this level of football without that level of commitment. This is true in any field of endeavor. No pain, no gain...success is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration...there is a reason all these cliches exist. It's because they are true. Frankly, anyone making the kind of money these guys make for being around football all the time should be on their knees thanking the Almighty everyday...I'd do it for a hell of a lot less.

Yes, I would serve as president for a lot less myself. However, I am certainly not willing or able to do all that it takes to get to that level.

The first question is, would you be able to do it AS WELL for a lot less?

The second question is, would you be willing to work 80 hours per week being an assistant coach for class 1-a Wadley high school for $35k per year, then pick up your family and move them to some other po-dunk town every 3 or 4 years until you worked you way up to being a High School HC? Then, if you are successful, pick up your family and move again to start over as an assistant coach at some D-2 or D3 school?

These guys are paid what they are because they have paid their dues and have proven in the past that they are good at their job. The same opportunity is open to anyone who wants to pay their dues and can prove they are good at it. They are paid what they are paid on the basis of supply and demand and its what the market calls for.

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