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JB Grimes hired as new OL coach


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AUBritt, kinda funny the first time, less funny every other time. a fine line between funny, annoying and childish.

annoying is somebody that tells other people how to post. Thought for the day. (and yes, I get the irony. I'm just an :moon: that way)

annoying is when someone can't comprehend a statement. Thought of the day!!! :Sing:

Sorry. The way I comprehended it was, you were acting like Britt's parents and were telling him how to post.

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AUBritt, kinda funny the first time, less funny every other time. a fine line between funny, annoying and childish.

I was thinking the same thing about the doom n gloom sentiments. Can we just play a game before people jump to conclusions about coaches when most have no fricken idea what they are talking about??

well sure that would be ideal, but people come to boards like this to voice their concerns, etc. It is the same with every fanbase and there is no reason why ours would be any different. To get upset about this and let it bother you is pointless. I like the avenue that TitanTIger took in approaching it. Look how many posts are put up in a game thread when there is a bad play.I got no problem with people voicing their opinion on a discussion board about the topic, but someone who just adds sarcastic responses is adding nothing to the topic at hand just, nevermind. not worth saying

It's good to have opinions, but when the same people keep saying the same ole tired crap about every hire made is just annoying IMO. And I don't believe I'm alone in that. My suggestion is that why don't we see what the coaching staff can do collectively before dragging every coach thru the mud. Is that really such an unrealistic idea?

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I'm really getting tired of hearing the whole "men of character" thing. I just want hard nosed coaches, not Sunday school teachers.

I'm with you on that...

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I'm really getting tired of hearing the whole "men of character" thing. I just want hard nosed coaches, not Sunday school teachers.

I want the hard-nosed guys too. But character does matter, integrity matters. Or at least they should. Give me a coach who can teach his position, means what he says, and doesn't put up with "superstar" mentalities that want an easy ride through school.

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I'm really getting tired of hearing the whole "men of character" thing. I just want hard nosed coaches, not Sunday school teachers.

I want the hard-nosed guys too. But character does matter, integrity matters. Or at least they should. Give me a coach who can teach his position, means what he says, and doesn't put up with "superstar" mentalities that want an easy ride through school.

I watched that short video of Coach JB Grimes. What impressed me was how he looks like a stickler for perfection. He looks like a teacher. He looks like a good coach of technique. He may be a bad hire, but I am willing to see what he can do before I berate his coaching abilities.

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I'm really getting tired of hearing the whole "men of character" thing. I just want hard nosed coaches, not Sunday school teachers.

I want the hard-nosed guys too. But character does matter, integrity matters. Or at least they should. Give me a coach who can teach his position, means what he says, and doesn't put up with "superstar" mentalities that want an easy ride through school.

I watched that short video of Coach JB Grimes. What impressed me was how he looks like a stickler for perfection. He looks like a teacher. He looks like a good coach of technique. He may be a bad hire, but I am willing to see what he can do before I berate his coaching abilities.

I agree. I'd also add, you don't stay in any profession as long as he has if you can't do the job. There should be no doubting his teaching ability in my opinion.
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Should be able to get the offensesive line up and running quickly since he and Lashlee and Malzahn have worked together this past year (with good success I might add). He should be up to speed on all the alignment and assignment stuff. Also you don't have to learn a new name for the offensive line coach; still someone named Coach Grimes.

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Sorry, but this is absolutely a horrible hire. This guy was the offensive line coach at Moo State under Sly Croom and their offensive line was a disaster. This guy is worse than Grimes and Hugh Nall in my opinion

Moo State had a pretty solid rushing attack under Croom, also the number of QB sacks went from 36 before he got there, to 29, to 20. So at least there is improvement in that category.

No they did not. Moo State was last in rushing offense among SEC schools in 2006 and 2008 and 10th in 2007

Prior to his time with the Jayhawks, Grimes spent five seasons (2004-08) as the offensive line coach at Mississippi State. In his inaugural season MSU rushed for 1,744 yards, the most at the school in four years. Behind his offensive line Mississippi State produced three seasons with a 1,000-yard rusher.

MSU under Croom had no players on offense. They never had a decent QB. There were way more problems than the best O-line coach could have solved.

You don't have to do cartwheels, but don't come in here being a sourpuss over half-assed facts.

insert three finger snaps and a head roll!

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What does this Gus feller know about anything?

Have you guys seen him diagram a play. The blocking is what he gets excited about. Some big names may not want his input or may have reservations about power-spread blocking.

Bottom line... Gus knows what he needs to make his O Go.

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What does this Gus feller know about anything?

Have you guys seen him diagram a play. The blocking is what he gets excited about. Some big names may not want his input or may have reservations about power-spread blocking.

Bottom line... Gus knows what he needs to make his O Go.

This is what got me on board with this hire. I am not one of those that blindly follow the coach just because they are the coach at Auburn. But I think in this case CGM needed to hire who he needed to run his offense. With the way everyone said xCGC handicapped his offense, I want to see it run exactly the way he wants to. For that, you need a guy that can coach the OL to spread block the way the offense needs them to. If CGM thinks this guy is the answer, then I am on board. We dont need anymore of the trying to jam a round peg into a square hole (see the switch in offensive style in 2012).

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OK, very excited because I have the answer fo us! Here is what Gus needs to do.

Before every hire or recruit offer; Gus should take a survey of all Auburn fans! If the result of the survey comes out 90% or more positive, he can then proceed with the hire or have the recruit sign! If below 90%, Gus sould move-on to someone else!

In case you didn't notice, that ridiculous rant of yours about Chizik was excised from the thread. Don't bring it up here.

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Dint know he was that old.

OLD my ass good god his a frickin kid


With the Chizik buyout, Auburn has opted for the senior tax credit to help with the budget. =p

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Might not be. Could be "second choice, solid hire." Maybe he was waiting for Hand to make up his mind. Or maybe there are more pieces to the puzzle. If you take a guy with the reputation of being a better teacher than recruiter in one spot, you need to perhaps grab a better recruiter in another slot. So waiting on this hire could have to do with knowing what you're getting in other spots.

All I can say is that when he was hired I was told that Malzahn's greatest weakness was the fact that he had very few contacts developed among the coaching circle and that he was overly loyal to his small circle of coaches that he knows. JB Grimes was specifically mentioned as a guy that Gus would look to bring when he should be setting the bar much higher. Auburn is giving him more than enough money to assemble a top-level SEC staff...for him to have been hired weeks ago and to name Grimes today confirms the realistic worry that I had about Malzahn. Grimes does absolutely nothing for me.

Probably a legitimate ding against him. Yet he pulled in Ellis Johnson and Harbison who I don't think were in his coaching circle.

Yes true, but according to the Petrino Cult members on this thread he would have done better than Johnson and Harbison!

Yes they will moan and groan about anybody being hired on the staff....kind of tired of it or some of them are fans of another school posing....

My money says the oxford moron is a solid bammie fan.
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I know you guys could careless what I think about your OLine coach but I do have some insight. I am a high school OLine coach in Mississippi and I regularly attended MSUs coaches clinics while he was the OLine coach and I absolutely loved the guy. I know his resume the last few years isn't great but this guy knows his stuff when it comes to offensive line. Sometimes its not what you are running, but the players you have running it and without a doubt AU will have the most talented guys he's probably ever coached. I think he'll do a great job on the field. I have no idea about recruiting.

Thanks TP50.... That is a meaningful reference based on reality!

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I know you guys could careless what I think about your OLine coach but I do have some insight. I am a high school OLine coach in Mississippi and I regularly attended MSUs coaches clinics while he was the OLine coach and I absolutely loved the guy. I know his resume the last few years isn't great but this guy knows his stuff when it comes to offensive line. Sometimes its not what you are running, but the players you have running it and without a doubt AU will have the most talented guys he's probably ever coached. I think he'll do a great job on the field. I have no idea about recruiting.

Thanks TP50.... That is a meaningful reference based on reality!

Thank you very much for the insight!!! =)

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AUBritt, kinda funny the first time, less funny every other time. a fine line between funny, annoying and childish.

auburnphan, you strike me as generally fair minded, so I apologize if I annoyed you. I may well have crossed the line in response to what I take to be the complete lack of thought behind many of the negative posts that have run rampant across the boards in response to recent hires.

Sorry if I annoyed any other reasonable folks, too.


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AUBritt, kinda funny the first time, less funny every other time. a fine line between funny, annoying and childish.

auburnphan, you strike me as generally fair minded, so I apologize if I annoyed you. I may well have crossed the line in response to what I take to be the complete lack of thought behind many of the negative posts that have run rampant across the boards in response to recent hires.

Sorry if I annoyed any other reasonable folks, too.


It's okay; we're used to it. :P

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AUBritt, kinda funny the first time, less funny every other time. a fine line between funny, annoying and childish.

auburnphan, you strike me as generally fair minded, so I apologize if I annoyed you. I may well have crossed the line in response to what I take to be the complete lack of thought behind many of the negative posts that have run rampant across the boards in response to recent hires.

Sorry if I annoyed any other reasonable folks, too.


That was touching. I feel so verklepted now. :'(
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