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3 months ago everyone was hoolering for Chiz head. Looking back would you have rather just got a new offensive coord. and defensive coord. or did what we did. We hung with Clemson the first game and had a shot of beating them and LSU, withv all of that we also keep our recruiting class. I believed Chiz deserved one more year. So if you could would you still want the same thing done.

I am in the Minority, but (assuming there were no major NCAA issues) I would have left CGC in charge with whomever he wanted and let him fill out this year's recruiting class and take our lumps next year and then hire CGM (or someone else).

We could have much better handled a down recruiting class next year than this year in terms of how soon we get back. We were not going to be great next year with the old staff, but unless we fill some critical needs with recruits, I doubt we will do much better with the new. Still, I would have preferred to have had a down year next year with a loaded roster for a new coach than having a down year with a new coach and rebuilding roster.

Now, there may have been some things going on behind the scenes at AU which meant we had NO CHOICE but to make the change. However, I do not accept that as true just because of all the BS posted in the forums.

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Getting rid of Chiz meant losing recruits. But we would have lost some anyways.

What sucks is the whole National Title effect on recruiting, that we never got to obtain.

Two years after a National Title is when a team gets big time recruits and we missed on that. (We started out feeling the effects).

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3 months ago everyone was hoolering for Chiz head. Looking back would you have rather just got a new offensive coord. and defensive coord. or did what we did. We hung with Clemson the first game and had a shot of beating them and LSU, withv all of that we also keep our recruiting class. I believed Chiz deserved one more year. So if you could would you still want the same thing done.

I thought the same thing you know we did not hear anything from Luper or Troop

I am in the Minority, but (assuming there were no major NCAA issues) I would have left CGC in charge with whomever he wanted and let him fill out this year's recruiting class and take our lumps next year and then hire CGM (or someone else).

We could have much better handled a down recruiting class next year than this year in terms of how soon we get back. We were not going to be great next year with the old staff, but unless we fill some critical needs with recruits, I doubt we will do much better with the new. Still, I would have preferred to have had a down year next year with a loaded roster for a new coach than having a down year with a new coach and rebuilding roster.

Now, there may have been some things going on behind the scenes at AU which meant we had NO CHOICE but to make the change. However, I do not accept that as true just because of all the BS posted in the forums.

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I think it's unfair to discredit Chizik completely, and in fact think he did have a great deal to do with the NC in 2010. I base this on having heard from a couple of sources that something about him changed after that season, that he was irritated with the way he felt he'd been undersold as a part of that team; I think he started trying to make it all about him the last couple of years, to get all the credit, and that is what spelled his doom.

I believe we made the right move, both to fire Chizik and to hire Malzahn. I won't say that Gus was my first choice, but I don't think there is anyone we could have hired who would have made me any more comfortable about the future of the program. I would have liked Gary Patterson, but he is the only one whom I think we had a realistic shot at that comes close to Gus. I would have been happy with either of the Fishers or Franklin, ecstatic with Bob Stoops (though that was a pipe dream in and of itself), at least okay with Charlie Strong, and if not for the baggage that came with Petrino (particularly that which has yet to come to light), I'd have been plenty happy with him, too.

But Malzahn fits. He is a brainchild with a mind for the game in an atmosphere he already knows and loves, with players who were largely recruited to play in his offense. He's been successful every year as a college coach, with the lone exception being when he had handcuffs slapped on his wrists, and he won the conference championship in one year as a collegiate head coach despite returning virtually no starters from the year before. He has a real chance to become an elite coach in college football at Auburn in very short order. If last year was a perfect storm of what can go wrong, this seems to me to be a perfect storm for what can go right in hiring a new coach.

I am sorry that appears the discredit is complete. There were definitely other problems. Hence Gus firing the whole staff with few to no interviews. With that said Reality is when Chiz hired Gus then his offense became our team's identity and Chiz should have stuck with it. Chiz became envyous of Gus and the credit he and his offense was given. To the point where he put the clamps on Gus last year which in turn frustrated Gus to the point he took the Arky St. job. If Gene had danced with the girl who got him to the dance, namely Gus's offense, he would still be our HC and gus would have stayed as the OC. Gus may have very well been the new HC at Arky or Tennessee today.

I don't have near your inside information, but I agree 100%!

I found two things peculiar with chiz and his assistances:

One: The assistances got zero mention in his book except for Gus and it was just a passing glance.

Two: When Chiz hired Lefty he (Lefty) was asked “What kind of offense will you run at Auburn? Lefty looked the reported right in the eye and said “I really don’t know??

I was really worried at that point!

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3 months ago everyone was hoolering for Chiz head. Looking back would you have rather just got a new offensive coord. and defensive coord. or did what we did. We hung with Clemson the first game and had a shot of beating them and LSU, withv all of that we also keep our recruiting class. I believed Chiz deserved one more year. So if you could would you still want the same thing done.

Not to be rude but did you miss the last two seasons?

That was some of the worst football I've ever seen fielded at Auburn. Chizik had lost the team and there is no guarantee that keeping him after a 3-9 year, where by all accounts we were regressing, would have resulted in us keeping the class together.

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Quote" there is no guarantee that keeping him after a 3-9 year, where by all accounts we were regressing, would have resulted in us keeping the class together."

Correct. Certainly had we tried to recruit with the same staff after last year we'd have been fortunate to keep 1/4 of them. The writing would have been on the wall.

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