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Senator Dianne Feinstein To Introduce New Assault Weapon Legislation In Wake Of School Shooting


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You made no sense. You probably want more accountability for educators too and dont want to be taxed for it.

Just because you don't or won't understand does not mean that I make no sense. Maybe this will be a better explanation for you. I want the educators and administrators to be accountable to the people they work for, the taxpayers, not the federal government. The focus of the educational system should be about the education and welfare of children, not playing the game of securing federal dollars.

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Ok, do you favor raising state and/or local taxes forgeting the federal money?

If the bible thumpers would get their heads out of their hind quarters and pass the Alabama Lottery we wouldnt need nearly as much federal funding or pay state taxes....see Florida.

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We should arm kindergartners and first graders. That way if someone bust into their school with and assalt riflte holding 30-100 rounds, wearing a kevlar vest, the can get off a head shot and take him out.

That would mean you get the first Glock, right???? :poke:/> jk

Rather than recess and duck duck goose target practice should be required

Or peg the tail of a donkey.... ;)

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Ok, do you favor raising state and/or local taxes forgeting the federal money?

This mentality baffles me. How about this. If the federal government is going to move money around, why not do it without a big bureaucracy. The bureaucracy is overhead that serves no purpose other than to spend a significant portion of the funds on non-productive functions. Box checking and record keeping represent waste. Forget about telling school districts what they will get based on some magic bureaucratic formula where attendance reports and test scores are more about fudging the numbers for funding rather than getting the real job done. No Child Left Behind is the idiotic brainchild of useless bureaucrats. It's more about serving a bureaucracy than achieving a real goal. It is typical of the self-absorbed bureaucratic types who believe they can run things based on paper from 1000 miles away better than someone with the problem staring them in the face. It represents the fatal flaw of the federal government. It's not the Dems nor the Repubs. It's the fact that they have all adopted this bureaucratic bullsheet attitude. They are all lost in the idea that the bureaucracy has grown more important than the people it originally set out to serve. The functions of the bureaucracy have become more important than goals the bureaucracy was set up to achieve. Bureaucracy has evolved into this monster that instead of serving the public good, demands we serve it. Just redistribute the money without the waste and corruption. Is that too much to ask? Probably so, because the power to divert part of the redistribution has become a very profitable career for bureaucratic weasels in BOTH parties.

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You made no sense. You probably want more accountability for educators too and dont want to be taxed for it.

We're already being taxed for it. Someone's not holding up their end of the bargain.

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Ok, do you favor raising state and/or local taxes forgeting the federal money?

If the bible thumpers would get their heads out of their hind quarters and pass the Alabama Lottery we wouldnt need nearly as much federal funding or pay state taxes....see Florida.

If it would have been written better, I would have voted for it the first time. I believe it was written to allow legislators to determine how lottery funds are to be distributed. It would be awesome to have an Alabama Lottery. I would vote for it in a heartbeat. Alabama is losing so much money to the surrounding states that could be used for our kids and their education.
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