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It is possible we are not as talented top to bottom as we thought we were. With that being said I've seen the good coaches get the most out of mediocre talent. This past year we were not competitive and with all due respect to EB there was no fight in this team.

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Emory said the team did not quit, nor did Chizik lose the team. I believe him over anyone here. If that puts fire in your giblets I am sorry. But to say someone is pulling the company line because they believe a guy that was out there in the trenches, playing games, practicing, going to class, in meetings, etc. is ludicrous. Lack of balanced leadership, new offense, new defense, poor coaching and staff chemistry plus freshman all over the place - equals a tough season. Remember as bad as the record was AU was in every game through 4th qtr up until the A&M game. Youth, inexperience, tough schedule, poor preparations from coaches those are the reasons the team went 3-9. Apocalyptic posters say the team quit, Chizik lost the team, but have no one but their opinions to try and back that claim up..

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Are y'all listening to yourselves and thinking about what you are posting ?

There will be plenty of time and future useful threads to dissect the joy of last season.

One of our Srs. had a supportive opinion and it was posted.

Let it be.


I'm with you two.

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i see some of the 3rd grade silliness that infested the A&E board is making its return.....

Well now, we can't have that can we? You must put a stop to it immediately. People having fun; How rude!

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Emory said the team did not quit, nor did Chizik lose the team. I believe him over anyone here. If that puts fire in your giblets I am sorry. But to say someone is pulling the company line because they believe a guy that was out there in the trenches, playing games, practicing, going to class, in meetings, etc. is ludicrous. Lack of balanced leadership, new offense, new defense, poor coaching and staff chemistry plus freshman all over the place - equals a tough season. Remember as bad as the record was AU was in every game through 4th qtr up until the A&M game. Youth, inexperience, tough schedule, poor preparations from coaches those are the reasons the team went 3-9. Apocalyptic posters say the team quit, Chizik lost the team, but have no one but their opinions to try and back that claim up..

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i see some of the 3rd grade silliness that infested the A&E board is making its return.....

nope more like 2 graders infestors..........w/o naming names of course.


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On offense it was an inability to adapt to a new system, a system that was too predictable, with plays that were too slow to develop, etc., etc. It was almost as bad as trying to jump from the Al Borges system to the Tony Franklin system. Add immature defense personel on top of a new DC and it was an unmanageable situation. Too much change in one year was the perfect storm. It was a disaster.

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High Expectations and no senior leadership. We took for granted 2010, how quickly the tide turns. It was a perfect storm with seniors with loads of experience at every position. The o-line arguably the most important part of an offense had 4 seniors starting on it with 30 games of starting each. We started 4 freshman for the first time this year and the line was disappointing, but expectations have blinded your ability to see rationally. We lost so much more after the 2010 season. We entered the dark ages of experience and leadership which does more to develop talent than many five it credit for. Our first top 5 class got one year under those seniors. Then 32 of our leaders the core of our team graduated and or left for better opportunities leaving 50 plus players with little or no experience and no senior leadership to show these stud recruits what hard work and being auburn men is about. The coaches are not available all the time but the players are always there. Auburn started more freshmen the next season than another team, except maybe Tennessee. Even this year we are only graduating 13 seniors who only had two years under hard working leaders. The cycle is going to continue till the 2010 guys can impart some wisdom to the younger classes that they should have worked harder and avoided the BS. You can't coach leadership, despite what posters on this board think. Will we turn it around more than likely. Malzahn is an offensive genius, the defense will be good but will still be hurting unless they get enough depth to stay fresh. When we get leadership in the players we will start to win games. Until then it will be bumpy. Just the thoughts if an unwavering auburn man.


This almost made me cry. There really is Auburn fans out there that love, study, and understand the game.


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Tried to tell you guys yesterday. Go against the company line and get blasted by the "If an Auburn player or Auburn coach say it, it is gospel." crowd. Thought y'all would have learned that going against these militant posters is a no-no here. :dunno:/>

Yes, BY ALL MEANS, TRUST, what you read from posters on the Internet over coaches and players any day.

Well, in a way that is true as perception can have the same impact as reality and most of the perceptions about the AU program were created in forums and on talk radio.

Wow. Really? So going 3-9 had zero to do with the players or the coaches? So who is left? Think before you post.


Now, if a player or coach on this football team came out on twitter and said that we were changing the colors from burnt and navy to purple and chartreuse, you would take it as gospel wouldn't you! Look at the end results people! You don't go 3-9 and look absolutely lost on the field if something isn't wrong! Some of you are beginning to worry me about how you will just fall in line so easily with anything that is said. Be your own person.

++++++++++10,000 Weegs...

Oh dear lord!!! The problem here is that no players or coaches have said anything about changing colors. In fact, there has yet to be anything said from the coaches or players that can be proven false without a shadow of a doubt.

Too bad the same can't be said about "sources", writers, and rumors posted here.


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Tried to tell you guys yesterday. Go against the company line and get blasted by the "If an Auburn player or Auburn coach say it, it is gospel." crowd. Thought y'all would have learned that going against these militant posters is a no-no here. :dunno:/>

Yes, BY ALL MEANS, TRUST, what you read from posters on the Internet over coaches and players any day.

Well, in a way that is true as perception can have the same impact as reality and most of the perceptions about the AU program were created in forums and on talk radio.

Wow. Really? So going 3-9 had zero to do with the players or the coaches? So who is left? Think before you post.


Now, if a player or coach on this football team came out on twitter and said that we were changing the colors from burnt and navy to purple and chartreuse, you would take it as gospel wouldn't you! Look at the end results people! You don't go 3-9 and look absolutely lost on the field if something isn't wrong! Some of you are beginning to worry me about how you will just fall in line so easily with anything that is said. Be your own person.

++++++++++10,000 Weegs...

Oh dear lord!!! The problem here is that no players or coaches have said anything about changing colors. In fact, there has yet to be anything said from the coaches or players that can be proven false without a shadow of a doubt.

Too bad the same can't be said about "sources", writers, and rumors posted here.


Is it really that hard for you? :laugh:
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I love Emory Blake but I have a very hard time believing Chizik didn't lose the team.

Yes, God forbid ANYBODY believe what a key player who was actually on the team says about what happened. I mean, what does this guy know, if people want to know what happened, don't ask someone who was there, just read the Internet. People who post online know a LOT more about things down there than the actual players.

I'm not saying Emory is a liar or that I know more about what happened in the locker room than he does. Of course I dont, that would be absurd. He may be right. I'll I'm saying is its hard FOR ME to believe the team didn't quit based on what I saw on the field. Week after week after week. A team stocked full of 4 and 5 star players, with offers from the best schools in the USA, getting beaten handily by teams with much less talent, and being completely non competitive against its good opponents. It takes more than a bad offensive scheme or young players for that to happen.

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I like EB. We lost our last 3 SEC games by a combined score of 150-21, with 2 of those being shutout losses. How anyone can say that the coaches didn't lose control and/or the players didn't quit is beyond me.

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I like EB. We lost our last 3 SEC games by a combined score of 150-21, with 2 of those being shutout losses. How anyone can say that the coaches didn't lose control and/or the players didn't quit is beyond me.

So every time a team loses like that the players have quit or coaches have lost control? CSL offense was awful, long play counts, elementary type schemes, and no adequate QB, To this day I have no clue what BVG was doing, you want to talk about who quit - maybe it was the coaches who gave up on each other and failed to prepare this team via accountability, discipline, schemes, and putting them in positions to compete for 4 quarters. I saw confused players, who were out of position, poorly coached and poorly motivated - as I stated earlier this was possibly the worst coaching job I have ever seen at AU...

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I love Emory Blake but I have a very hard time believing Chizik didn't lose the team.

Yes, God forbid ANYBODY believe what a key player who was actually on the team says about what happened. I mean, what does this guy know, if people want to know what happened, don't ask someone who was there, just read the Internet. People who post online know a LOT more about things down there than the actual players.

I'm not saying Emory is a liar or that I know more about what happened in the locker room than he does. Of course I dont, that would be absurd. He may be right. I'll I'm saying is its hard FOR ME to believe the team didn't quit based on what I saw on the field. Week after week after week. A team stocked full of 4 and 5 star players, with offers from the best schools in the USA, getting beaten handily by teams with much less talent, and being completely non competitive against its good opponents. It takes more than a bad offensive scheme or young players for that to happen.

Peel back that onion and you will see that a lot if these players were not 4/5 star guys. Wallace, Mosely, Slade, Sullen, Burgess, and the players that were are either freshman or sophomores. The dline had the most star talent across the board, but this team was no where near the star talent level oh UGA, UA, or LSU. What I saw was a poorly prepared team, and coaches who seem to have mailed it in....

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