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Westerman gone? Merged threads.


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Someone posted on the bunker that Westerman hasn't finished the transfer papers and the coaching staff is trying to get him to at least stick through Spring

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Unless he's really unhappy here, as far as football goes, staying seems to be the best option for him. He'll have 3 years to play here and it looks like he's a likely starter next season. And this is the offense he was recruited to play in. Hope he changes his mind, but if not, we are lucky to have some depth on the O-line.

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No need to be all up in arms over someone leaving. It happens with every coaching change. There will be more but it doesn't mean anything negative towards the new coaching staff. Players will be leaving either because they don't mesh with the new system or the new staff "processes" them. I know of two that will be gone in the coming weeks. It isn't the end of the word just the way things work.

On the contrary, KEEPING good players is critical to any recruiting plan and a huge part of analyzing whether to spend time & resources going after a recruit in thefirst place. Dyer, Westerman, Pike, etc etc are really BIG losses. The winningest coaches & programs in college ball get and KEEP coast to coast talent. Namath was Pennsylvania, virtually every decent non-Ward FSU QB has been from out of region, most of Miami's great players come and stay from 1000 + miles away, Notre Dame is in the national title game w/ guys from 30 different states, etc.

O line is a position which can never have enough depth anyway.

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I wish Christian Westerman well in his football future. Just another concrete example of why its never wise to get all excited about incoming recruits. I get excited when the make plays and help Auburn win. I really dont feel Auburn has lost anything here, which is not to say he wont be a great player somewhere else..just that, obviously, the wasn't for Auburn.

I know it isn't popular but I have a hard time giving respect to someone who never contributed to the team in the least, leaving because his best friend (his position coach) isn't there anymore. IMO, it shows a complete lack of character to take your ball and go home because you don't like the coaching situation. Maybe it is just the way I was raised but once you make a commitment, you don't break it just because things aren't going the way you envisioned. You stick it out and man-up. I was under the impression that CW was raised the same way; he and his family talked like he was. Ihis character issue has been a recuring theme lately and just like with with RF, I really hope he makes the right decision and sticks with his commitment because he will not regrety it, but if he doesn't then we are almost certainly better off without him because that sort of attitude is contagious and detrimental to team cohesion. Best of luck to him, and I hope I'm wrong about his future.


And how much character are you showing by posting this on a message board???

How many people on this board have ever played one team sport? Westerman has done more for Auburn football than 90% of the people that post here.

I can't stand how people make statements based off assumptions. Unless you are his family or roommate you have no clue what is driving his decisions. Show some class, respect his decision, and wish him all the luck in the future.

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He has not filed paperwork with ASU per ASU Insiders, hope he stays as he seems to bring an intensity and toughness on the o-line, but if he decides to move elsewhere, it is his choice and wish him the best.

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I wish Christian Westerman well in his football future. Just another concrete example of why its never wise to get all excited about incoming recruits. I get excited when the make plays and help Auburn win. I really dont feel Auburn has lost anything here, which is not to say he wont be a great player somewhere else..just that, obviously, the wasn't for Auburn.

I know it isn't popular but I have a hard time giving respect to someone who never contributed to the team in the least, leaving because his best friend (his position coach) isn't there anymore. IMO, it shows a complete lack of character to take your ball and go home because you don't like the coaching situation. Maybe it is just the way I was raised but once you make a commitment, you don't break it just because things aren't going the way you envisioned. You stick it out and man-up. I was under the impression that CW was raised the same way; he and his family talked like he was. Ihis character issue has been a recuring theme lately and just like with with RF, I really hope he makes the right decision and sticks with his commitment because he will not regrety it, but if he doesn't then we are almost certainly better off without him because that sort of attitude is contagious and detrimental to team cohesion. Best of luck to him, and I hope I'm wrong about his future.


JMO but " lack of character" is demonstrated by posts like this one.

I thought AU people were above such pety comments but the longer I'm on this board, the more unsettling things I learn about AU fans.

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I wish Christian Westerman well in his football future. Just another concrete example of why its never wise to get all excited about incoming recruits. I get excited when the make plays and help Auburn win. I really dont feel Auburn has lost anything here, which is not to say he wont be a great player somewhere else..just that, obviously, the wasn't for Auburn.

I know it isn't popular but I have a hard time giving respect to someone who never contributed to the team in the least, leaving because his best friend (his position coach) isn't there anymore. IMO, it shows a complete lack of character to take your ball and go home because you don't like the coaching situation. Maybe it is just the way I was raised but once you make a commitment, you don't break it just because things aren't going the way you envisioned. You stick it out and man-up. I was under the impression that CW was raised the same way; he and his family talked like he was. Ihis character issue has been a recuring theme lately and just like with with RF, I really hope he makes the right decision and sticks with his commitment because he will not regrety it, but if he doesn't then we are almost certainly better off without him because that sort of attitude is contagious and detrimental to team cohesion. Best of luck to him, and I hope I'm wrong about his future.


Yeah, kind of like we honored the commitment we made to CGC. AU had to do what they felt like they needed to do for their own interest and in my mind it is very hypocritical for AU people to fault players and recruits for doing the same thing.

Most everybody wanted change, well we got change. This is the price of the change. It was obvious things like this was going to happen in the aftermath, though there seemed to be a lot of people who wanted to pretend, deny, and ignore that this was going to happen on the front end.

We are not far away from, if we are not already on, another 4 year rebuilding plan and that will most definitely be the case if we keep losing players and recruits. Problem is, will the "fire XYZ" crowd give the coach that long. If not, we will be starting ANOTHER 4 year plan before this one ends.

YES, I do support CGM, I am happy he is here. I hope he can do what we all want. It is just that the powers that be (fans, alumni, and admin) decided we should start from scratch. That is we collectively asked for, that is what we got.

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I assume nothing about a kid. I played one year of (small time) college football, then quit. I just didn't enjoy it. I don't blame anyone, and I don't blame myself. It was just after the season, as I was getting ready for workouts, I realized I simply was done with it. I stayed at the college, switched over to baseball (at which I was terrible), and maintained terrific relationships with my teammates and coaches even beyond my college career.

What I'm saying is, it's not like he cheated on his wife, stole money from the church, or something. Maybe he didn't like Auburn like he thought he would. Or maybe he didn't build friendships. We just don't know.

I do hope he takes another look and decides to stick with Auburn. But I can say one thing affect my own decision back in the day: we had a losing season, it was demoralizing, and we had a coaching change. Some common factors.

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Yeah, kind of like we honored the commitment we made to CGC. AU had to do what they felt like they needed to do for their own interest and in my mind it is very hypocritical for AU people to fault players and recruits for doing the same thing.

Most everybody wanted change, well we got change. This is the price of the change. It was obvious things like this was going to happen in the aftermath, though there seemed to be a lot of people who wanted to pretend, deny, and ignore that this was going to happen on the front end.

We are not far away from, if we are not already on, another 4 year rebuilding plan and that will most definitely be the case if we keep losing players and recruits. Problem is, will the "fire XYZ" crowd give the coach that long. If not, we will be starting ANOTHER 4 year plan before this one ends.

YES, I do support CGM, I am happy he is here. I hope he can do what we all want. It is just that the powers that be (fans, alumni, and admin) decided we should start from scratch. That is we collectively asked for, that is what we got.

There is a myth out there that Auburn fans know there football. Well if we do why are people confused and dumbfounded that recruits are looking elsewhere and some on the current roster are transferring. (heads up guys, there will be more) We just went through all of this in 2008/2009!

I beleive that Gus will do everything in his power to get Auburn over the hump but if he has a down year in 2016 will this board want his head? (4 years, usually when coaching change scars rear their head)

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He needs to spend some time with family over the holidays and figure out where he needs to be. The coaching staff needs to give him reasons to stay but I hope there isn't any convincing going on. If he isn't at AU for himself then we'll deal with this again. I hope he takes the time to meet the coaching staff before he makes that final decision.

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If they cant play here they are in trouble. I doubt arzz st has a worse oline than us. That goes for about any position here. As gus said they are all open.

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I wish Christian Westerman well in his football future. Just another concrete example of why its never wise to get all excited about incoming recruits. I get excited when the make plays and help Auburn win. I really dont feel Auburn has lost anything here, which is not to say he wont be a great player somewhere else..just that, obviously, the wasn't for Auburn.

I know it isn't popular but I have a hard time giving respect to someone who never contributed to the team in the least, leaving because his best friend (his position coach) isn't there anymore. IMO, it shows a complete lack of character to take your ball and go home because you don't like the coaching situation. Maybe it is just the way I was raised but once you make a commitment, you don't break it just because things aren't going the way you envisioned. You stick it out and man-up. I was under the impression that CW was raised the same way; he and his family talked like he was. Ihis character issue has been a recuring theme lately and just like with with RF, I really hope he makes the right decision and sticks with his commitment because he will not regrety it, but if he doesn't then we are almost certainly better off without him because that sort of attitude is contagious and detrimental to team cohesion. Best of luck to him, and I hope I'm wrong about his future.


And how much character are you showing by posting this on a message board???

How many people on this board have ever played one team sport? Westerman has done more for Auburn football than 90% of the people that post here.

I can't stand how people make statements based off assumptions. Unless you are his family or roommate you have no clue what is driving his decisions. Show some class, respect his decision, and wish him all the luck in the future.

And you're assuming none of us have. Not only did I play a college scholarship team sport but I was recruited to play professionally in that sport and was part of Canada's olympic selection pool in a different sport in 1984. Since then I've finished 32 triathlons (3 half-ironmans) with a professional career and family. Not saying I'm qualified to judge anybody but don't assume we're all brushing Doritos off our fat bellies here either.
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I just want the kid to be happy. We have recruited 11 or 12 offensive lineman over the last 2 or 3 years. All of them cannot play and some of them will likely eventually transfer.

Oxford, I agree with you. I, too, just want the kid to be happy.

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I wish Christian Westerman well in his football future. Just another concrete example of why its never wise to get all excited about incoming recruits. I get excited when the make plays and help Auburn win. I really dont feel Auburn has lost anything here, which is not to say he wont be a great player somewhere else..just that, obviously, the wasn't for Auburn.

I know it isn't popular but I have a hard time giving respect to someone who never contributed to the team in the least, leaving because his best friend (his position coach) isn't there anymore. IMO, it shows a complete lack of character to take your ball and go home because you don't like the coaching situation. Maybe it is just the way I was raised but once you make a commitment, you don't break it just because things aren't going the way you envisioned. You stick it out and man-up. I was under the impression that CW was raised the same way; he and his family talked like he was. Ihis character issue has been a recuring theme lately and just like with with RF, I really hope he makes the right decision and sticks with his commitment because he will not regrety it, but if he doesn't then we are almost certainly better off without him because that sort of attitude is contagious and detrimental to team cohesion. Best of luck to him, and I hope I'm wrong about his future.


And how much character are you showing by posting this on a message board???

How many people on this board have ever played one team sport? Westerman has done more for Auburn football than 90% of the people that post here.

I can't stand how people make statements based off assumptions. Unless you are his family or roommate you have no clue what is driving his decisions. Show some class, respect his decision, and wish him all the luck in the future.

Okay, dad!
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I wish Christian Westerman well in his football future. Just another concrete example of why its never wise to get all excited about incoming recruits. I get excited when the make plays and help Auburn win. I really dont feel Auburn has lost anything here, which is not to say he wont be a great player somewhere else..just that, obviously, the wasn't for Auburn.

I know it isn't popular but I have a hard time giving respect to someone who never contributed to the team in the least, leaving because his best friend (his position coach) isn't there anymore. IMO, it shows a complete lack of character to take your ball and go home because you don't like the coaching situation. Maybe it is just the way I was raised but once you make a commitment, you don't break it just because things aren't going the way you envisioned. You stick it out and man-up. I was under the impression that CW was raised the same way; he and his family talked like he was. Ihis character issue has been a recuring theme lately and just like with with RF, I really hope he makes the right decision and sticks with his commitment because he will not regrety it, but if he doesn't then we are almost certainly better off without him because that sort of attitude is contagious and detrimental to team cohesion. Best of luck to him, and I hope I'm wrong about his future.


And how much character are you showing by posting this on a message board???

How many people on this board have ever played one team sport? Westerman has done more for Auburn football than 90% of the people that post here.

I can't stand how people make statements based off assumptions. Unless you are his family or roommate you have no clue what is driving his decisions. Show some class, respect his decision, and wish him all the luck in the future.

And you're assuming none of us have. Not only did I play a college scholarship team sport but I was recruited to play professionally in that sport and was part of Canada's olympic selection pool in a different sport in 1984. Since then I've finished 32 triathlons (3 half-ironmans) with a professional career and family. Not saying I'm qualified to judge anybody but don't assume we're all brushing Doritos off our fat bellies here either.

I take offense to that statement canuck.. I take great pride in my ability brushing off those darn doritos

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