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Petrino Discussions


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Weegle were you not one of the ones that has been complaining about the hiring CGC?

Actually when Chizik was hired I said that he would end up being one if the most beloved coaches in AU history. Ooops. :laugh:
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This is very telling.

Number one this is a REAL and PROFESSIONAL AD unlike Jay Jacobs.

Secondly, this guy lays out Petrino how soon we forget.

"Coach Petrino engaged in a PATTERN of misleading and manipulative behavior..." This says enough.

I am in the process of hiring a new employee at my practice. Part of this persons responsibilites will be collecting patient payments, handling accounts receivable, and handling accounts payable. I received over 94 resumes in 3 days for the job. During interviews today, one woman (who was one of the most qualified and experienced applicants) revealed that she had been arrested for and plead "nolo contedere" to a Forgery charge and a Breach of Trust charge. She is in the process of getting the charge expunged (so she says). Do you think I will consider her for the position. Absolutely not. I am not going to risk the liability of my practice and my business's finances to someone with a history like that. The liability is just too great. I would suggest that those responsible for hiring a new head coach would use similar scrutiny.

Forgiveness is divine and should be applied. Do not confuse forgiveness with foolishness nor frivolity. There is a pattern here and to risk it is not worth the potential reward.

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And just what is the Auburn way?

I can't wait to hear this. Anyone? Bueller...Bueller? :lol:/>

Honestly the way tubbs had the program in early to mid 2000 is the auburn way....I mean I remember players taking the field from the tunnel arms locked....solid rbs...game managing qbs...a defense wirh swag and other teams feared

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If I were a betting man then I would bet that Petrino is named the coach Saturday and CBVG and TT will stay.


I will take that bet. I have Sunday.

Your just gonna bet on the day :)

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Petrino was born to be coach of Auburn, he would've been coach in 2004, but Tubs kept on winning. Although finally coming together in a valley, both entities are recovering from a fall from prideful years. Bobby Petrino will have every eye on every move he makes. He has an opportunity to prove his apologies are true, and that once you hit rock bottom, you can come back more truthful, more honest, and a better man in the long run. I feel this could be a great pair, Auburn football and Bobby Petrino... both having fallen from the throne of much success, to the valley of lows. We will see, but if he has the slightest idea of selfishness again, ensure he's gone for good.

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Petrino was born to be coach of Auburn, he would've been coach in 2004, but Tubs kept on winning. Although finally coming together in a valley, both entities are recovering from a fall from prideful years. Bobby Petrino will have every eye on every move he makes. He has an opportunity to prove his apologies are true, and that once you hit rock bottom, you can come back more truthful, more honest, and a better man in the long run. I feel this could be a great pair, Auburn football and Bobby Petrino... both having fallen from the throne of much success, to the valley of lows. We will see, but if he has the slightest idea of selfishness again, ensure he's gone for good.

Hahahahahahahababahahaha sorry. ...pfft hahahahahahahaha

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Apples and oranges..the comparisons dont wash. Ones fall was due to lack of integrity, manipulating people and abusing power.....the other just sucked at football.

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If I were a betting man then I would bet that Petrino is named the coach Saturday and CBVG and TT will stay.


I will take that bet. I have Sunday.

Your just gonna bet on the day :)

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If I were a betting man then I would bet that Petrino is named the coach Saturday and CBVG and TT will stay.


I will take that bet. I have Sunday.

Your just gonna bet on the day :)/>

YUP! ;D/>

Lol you just made me think of storage wars

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I think I am ok with the Petrino hire. His players seem to play for him. He seemed to have their respect and they also seemed to have some fear of him (a good thing IMO).

I just hope that he is the same coach after his ordeal and a changed man for real. He'll have to prove both.

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FWIW... a trusted source with close ties to current and former trustees and other power brokers says winds are shifting to Petrino... This source is not a Petrino fan and has been very reluctant to speculate up until now.

I personally think it is a crap shoot with Petrino. Great if he is changed, but why must Auburn be the proving grounds for SEC Redemption Island? Smacks of desperation. If it happens, the administration would be foolish to (1) offer big money and (2) grant a long term contract.

If it happens, you might want to break ties with your Bama friends, because the laughing and ridicule will be nonstop... at least until he manages to beat them on the field.

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Petrino was born to be coach of Auburn, he would've been coach in 2004, but Tubs kept on winning. Although finally coming together in a valley, both entities are recovering from a fall from prideful years. Bobby Petrino will have every eye on every move he makes. He has an opportunity to prove his apologies are true, and that once you hit rock bottom, you can come back more truthful, more honest, and a better man in the long run. I feel this could be a great pair, Auburn football and Bobby Petrino... both having fallen from the throne of much success, to the valley of lows. We will see, but if he has the slightest idea of selfishness again, ensure he's gone for good.

Hahahahahahahababahahaha sorry. ...pfft hahahahahahahaha

Pretty sure you dont know what you want.

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I am going to do a major 180 here. I have been arguing,with a little knowledge,I thought,against BPs' hire. I've been searching different web sites,and people really close to him believe he is chomping at the bit to prove he is a better person and a better coach. Arkansas people and southwest people are praying we don't get him,and he goes to a div II or a minor college. I am rethinking my argument. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Sun Tzue

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