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I did not watch past hallway through the second quarter. Did Saban really take his foot of the gas? If he did, that is sad that even he would feel the need to do so.

If you choose not to watch the game when we play, then I wouldn't worry so much about who the coach is and just go pick another team who is winning to watch each year. imo

Take that self-righteous s*** somewhere else. Here's one for you . Why don't you go find another team to root for. We don't need your kind around here. Not very nice or friendly is it?

Sure. My goodness people can really read some negative things into what people say around here. Self-righteous? Please.

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I did not watch past hallway through the second quarter. Did Saban really take his foot of the gas? If he did, that is sad that even he would feel the need to do so.

If you choose not to watch the game when we play, then I wouldn't worry so much about who the coach is and just go pick another team who is winning to watch each year. imo

Take that self-righteous s*** somewhere else. Here's one for you . Why don't you go find another team to root for. We don't need your kind around here. Not very nice or friendly is it?

Sure. My goodness people can really read some negative things into what people say around here. Self-righteous? Please.

Actually, I read the same thing. Maybe you just try not to be such a arrogant smartass when you post and maybe we wouldn't think you actually were one. Just a thought.

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I agree that in regards to football, there are not many things worse than losing to bama but there are many things worse than that as a whole. Realize that the head football coach is a representation of our university to the world. It just can't be all about wins. If they hire BP, then they need to be working on how to correct all the negative publicity that it will cause. I know, I know...a small price to pay for most of you for wins on the field.

I mean this with all due respect, but you really just don't get it that Auburn football is a huge money maker and wins put butts in the seats do you? And negative publicity? Unless you have been in a coma for the past five years, Auburn has had nothing but negative publicity. And that is with a great, moral, and decent man at the helm. Winning in a football program will cure a lot of the negativity that surrounds it and keeping players in line is what Petrino is very good at doing.

Really? Of course I get it, but you do understand that it is a huge money maker regardless of wins? That is not a good argument. Do you think our athletic dept's income this year has suddenly dropped of to zero? I am in no way saying that we should keep Chizik, he should be fired because of his performance and BP should not be hired because of his. It's just a difference of opinion.

So if it is about performance, then why wouldn't you want a winner? And the money drop off wont happen in one year, it will happen if a solid winner isn't hired and AU tries to hire the good guy again instead of hiring the hard nosed coach.
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I did not watch past hallway through the second quarter. Did Saban really take his foot of the gas? If he did, that is sad that even he would feel the need to do so.

If you choose not to watch the game when we play, then I wouldn't worry so much about who the coach is and just go pick another team who is winning to watch each year. imo

Take that self-righteous s*** somewhere else. Here's one for you . Why don't you go find another team to root for. We don't need your kind around here. Not very nice or friendly is it?

Sure. My goodness people can really read some negative things into what people say around here. Self-righteous? Please.

Ok. You are right. What you posted could, most certainly, not be seen as negative or mean spirited in any way. :-\ You posted it, maybe you shouldn't have.
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I agree that in regards to football, there are not many things worse than losing to bama but there are many things worse than that as a whole. Realize that the head football coach is a representation of our university to the world. It just can't be all about wins. If they hire BP, then they need to be working on how to correct all the negative publicity that it will cause. I know, I know...a small price to pay for most of you for wins on the field.

Without winning in football a 100 million dollar machine comes to a halt. That same machine is the thing that feeds tons of funds into other Auburn programs including education. Our schools success everywhere hinges a good deal on the success of our profitable sports programs.

I second this

Negative publicity? Have you not been reading the news since the Bear was coach at UAT? I'm all for getting another solid coach besides BP if there is one to be had at a decent price,but stop with this "bad publicity" nonsense. We get bad publicity no matter how saintly we act, so might as well sin a little and win some ball games. Better yet we can spin "we are acting like good Christians by forgiving BP his trespasses and helping to right himself spiritually". Would Jesus throw BP under the bus or would he work with him to become a better man? He would work with him. What he did was wrong and there needs to be dire consequences for him if he does anything remotely similar again, but to not give him another chance is not the Christian way (despite what some of the "stone throwers" on here type.)
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It was sad to see him act inappropriately in regards to the young lady at the University of Arkansas. However, in regards to his personal life, there are many, many people (maybe myself and other members of this forum) who would not have jobs if their worse sins were laid for the world to see. That is just a fact.

I certainly do not approve of adultery, but agree in terms of private/personal life outside the job.

My problem with Petrino, however, is not so much his personal life (i.e., the infidelity) as his professional ethics, to whit:

1) Lying to police and your bosses, violating EEOC regulations in hiring your mistress, and putting your employer in possible legal liability with the hire.

2) Stabbing your old boss who treated you well in the back (Tuberville), and sneaking around behind the back of your current boss--on his turf-- to negotiate a new job, as in Jetgate.

3) Failure to recognize that as a HC of a major college program and perhaps the most public face of the institution, you don't really get a "personal life"--all your actions reflect on the University.

That being said, if we end up with Petrino:

Yeah, I'll enjoy the victories from the day they (hopefully) begin, and am willing to forgive his past after several years of him demonstrating by his actions that he's a changed man.

That's fair. Well said.
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I did not watch past hallway through the second quarter. Did Saban really take his foot of the gas? If he did, that is sad that even he would feel the need to do so.

If you choose not to watch the game when we play, then I wouldn't worry so much about who the coach is and just go pick another team who is winning to watch each year. imo

Take that self-righteous s*** somewhere else. Here's one for you . Why don't you go find another team to root for. We don't need your kind around here. Not very nice or friendly is it?

Sure. My goodness people can really read some negative things into what people say around here. Self-righteous? Please.

Ok. You are right. What you posted could, most certainly, not be seen as negative or mean spirited in any way. :-\ You posted it, maybe you shouldn't have.

No I get it. I'm just saying it wasn't. Judging by his response to what I said, I would say that we agreed that the reason he stopped watching was not because he was a fair weather fan. All is good.

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I did not watch past hallway through the second quarter. Did Saban really take his foot of the gas? If he did, that is sad that even he would feel the need to do so.

If you choose not to watch the game when we play, then I wouldn't worry so much about who the coach is and just go pick another team who is winning to watch each year. imo

Take that self-righteous s*** somewhere else. Here's one for you . Why don't you go find another team to root for. We don't need your kind around here. Not very nice or friendly is it?

Sure. My goodness people can really read some negative things into what people say around here. Self-righteous? Please.

Actually, I read the same thing. Maybe you just try not to be such a arrogant smartass when you post and maybe we wouldn't think you actually were one. Just a thought.

Nice. I thought that name-calling was against the rules? Especially when the post had nothing to do with you? Eh, whatever. Just move along.

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I think KY will hire Petrino if we do not. UT will not go there either. Of course, if Arky could get away with it, they would hire Petrino back in a heart-beat. If we do not hire Petrino, I think we will hire a solid proven winner as our next coach. Just not sure who this will be. My top choice is Bob Stoops

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I did not watch past hallway through the second quarter. Did Saban really take his foot of the gas? If he did, that is sad that even he would feel the need to do so.

If you choose not to watch the game when we play, then I wouldn't worry so much about who the coach is and just go pick another team who is winning to watch each year. imo

Take that self-righteous s*** somewhere else. Here's one for you . Why don't you go find another team to root for. We don't need your kind around here. Not very nice or friendly is it?

Sure. My goodness people can really read some negative things into what people say around here. Self-righteous? Please.

Actually, I read the same thing. Maybe you just try not to be such a arrogant smartass when you post and maybe we wouldn't think you actually were one. Just a thought.

Nice. I thought that name-calling was against the rules? Especially when the post had nothing to do with you? Eh, whatever. Just move along.

Just defending a fellow fan from simple minded arrogance. Maybe you should move along.

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I did not watch past hallway through the second quarter. Did Saban really take his foot of the gas? If he did, that is sad that even he would feel the need to do so.

If you choose not to watch the game when we play, then I wouldn't worry so much about who the coach is and just go pick another team who is winning to watch each year. imo

Take that self-righteous s*** somewhere else. Here's one for you . Why don't you go find another team to root for. We don't need your kind around here. Not very nice or friendly is it?

Sure. My goodness people can really read some negative things into what people say around here. Self-righteous? Please.

Actually, I read the same thing. Maybe you just try not to be such a arrogant smartass when you post and maybe we wouldn't think you actually were one. Just a thought.

Nice. I thought that name-calling was against the rules? Especially when the post had nothing to do with you? Eh, whatever. Just move along.

Just defending a fellow fan from simple minded arrogance. Maybe you should move along.

I'm just trying to understand your point? You are against me because I made a statement that implied if fans don't watch the game because we are doing bad, that they should move along? It was an anti-fair weather fan statement. I later found out that he did not mean it that way and we set that straight. I will let it go now, some people just like to argue.

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I agree that in regards to football, there are not many things worse than losing to bama but there are many things worse than that as a whole. Realize that the head football coach is a representation of our university to the world. It just can't be all about wins. If they hire BP, then they need to be working on how to correct all the negative publicity that it willows cause. I know, I know...a small price to pay for most of you for wins on the field.

I agree with this, no one says BP can't coach, but he is a PR nightmare. AU better be ready to deal with it. And he has to win now, with his baggage he does not have the luxury of winning later.....

Losing 49-0 is bad PR. Any bad publicity generated by hiring BP will end at kick-off.

Not if it's a blowout loss at the end of the game...the BP train will not be at full steam until AU is 8-0 or something like that, it's going to take a great start to get the entire family on board...if Arky St comes in and plays AU tough or wins for that matter...the train will never get going, especially if Gus is still at ASU.

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I did not watch past hallway through the second quarter. Did Saban really take his foot of the gas? If he did, that is sad that even he would feel the need to do so.

If you choose not to watch the game when we play, then I wouldn't worry so much about who the coach is and just go pick another team who is winning to watch each year. imo

Take that self-righteous s*** somewhere else. Here's one for you . Why don't you go find another team to root for. We don't need your kind around here. Not very nice or friendly is it?

Sure. My goodness people can really read some negative things into what people say around here. Self-righteous? Please.

Actually, I read the same thing. Maybe you just try not to be such a arrogant smartass when you post and maybe we wouldn't think you actually were one. Just a thought.

Nice. I thought that name-calling was against the rules? Especially when the post had nothing to do with you? Eh, whatever. Just move along.

Just defending a fellow fan from simple minded arrogance. Maybe you should move along.

I'm just trying to understand your point? You are against me because I made a statement that implied if fans don't watch the game because we are doing bad, that they should move along? It was an anti-fair weather fan statement. I later found out that he did not mean it that way and we set that straight. I will let it go now, some people just like to argue.

No...we're good

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I agree that in regards to football, there are not many things worse than losing to bama but there are many things worse than that as a whole. Realize that the head football coach is a representation of our university to the world. It just can't be all about wins. If they hire BP, then they need to be working on how to correct all the negative publicity that it willows cause. I know, I know...a small price to pay for most of you for wins on the field.

I agree with this, no one says BP can't coach, but he is a PR nightmare. AU better be ready to deal with it. And he has to win now, with his baggage he does not have the luxury of winning later.....

Losing 49-0 is bad PR. Any bad publicity generated by hiring BP will end at kick-off.

This "BP must win big immediately" notions are the hallucinations of the nutbar clan. This team is a frickin mess. It would be awesome to turn around in one season and win 10 games but no one truly expects that, even from Petrino. But if we can turn it around and win 8 or more and not get embarrassed by our two biggest rivals, most will be happy in year one. Stop making things up.

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I agree that in regards to football, there are not many things worse than losing to bama but there are many things worse than that as a whole. Realize that the head football coach is a representation of our university to the world. It just can't be all about wins. If they hire BP, then they need to be working on how to correct all the negative publicity that it willows cause. I know, I know...a small price to pay for most of you for wins on the field.

I agree with this, no one says BP can't coach, but he is a PR nightmare. AU better be ready to deal with it. And he has to win now, with his baggage he does not have the luxury of winning later.....

Losing 49-0 is bad PR. Any bad publicity generated by hiring BP will end at kick-off.

This "BP must win big immediately" notions are the hallucinations of the nutbar clan. This team is a frickin mess. It would be awesome to turn around in one season and win 10 games but no one truly expects that, even from Petrino. But if we can turn it around and win 8 or more and not get embarrassed by our two biggest rivals, most will be happy in year one. Stop making things up.

AU would be taking a flier on a coach with more baggage than a 747, he will be coming in possibly under the greatest divide among AU faithful ever. 5-7, to 8-4 to 10-2 and no title or SEC championship appearance by that 4th year, and out come the torches and pitchforks. AU is a championship program, look how quick Saban cleaned up after Shula, for 4 milly he had to deliver quick. Same with Muschamp at UF, following Meyer ...regardless of how one looks at it BP is following a national championship coach. Yes 8 wins in 2013 would be a good start, but he will not have the luxury of a massive rebuilding campaign...and as far as nutbar fans it depends, on if they are expecting 11-1 or 12-0 yeah nuts. There will be those that never wanted him hired waiting to point out every loss he has, while the pro Petrino peeps will be asking for more time...the only cure to that is to win and to win early and often.

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I'm going to throw this out for consumption...not going to quote anyone nor am I going to site a source other than I heard that BP is on JR's payroll. You figure out the rest...

He has had several SEC coaches advertise for Yellawood in their local areas. It would not surprise me if BP was one of them.

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I'll bet good $$$ BP is our next HC.

From all the rumors right now, at this moment, it's going to be Malzahn.

I like malzahn but don't feel he would be the BEST hire we could do.

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I'll bet good $$$ BP is our next HC.

From all the rumors right now, at this moment, it's going to be Malzahn.

Not all the rumors. Not even close.

Hang on to that mortgage payment.

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