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Did richt franklin muschamp or mullen have hc experience

none of them have regularly defeated saban...

Who has? Oh wait, we ran off the only coach who has beaten saban more than saban has beaten him.

He didnt beat Saban untill we hired him though.....

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Did richt franklin muschamp or mullen have hc experience

none of them have regularly defeated saban...

Who has? Oh wait, we ran off the only coach who has beaten saban more than saban has beaten him.

He didnt beat Saban untill we hired him though.....

True. Coach Tub never played saban until after he was our coach.

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I think these coaching topics should be locked down b/c this is starting to feel a lot like al.com. Sickening....

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I don't understand how we can only win with BP. Can we not win and have someone that would better represent the values of the University? Do we really have to pick one or the other?

I don't think Petrino supporters for the most part believe we can only win with him. Personally I would love have him. But I would also love to have Stoops, Fisher, Peterson or Patterson. What we have a hard time understanding are the 35% percent or so of the fan base that would rather have an unproven coach over him. Its truly mind boggling.

This is patent foolishness. Let's unpack this BOLD assertion. :-\/>

First of all, the Petrino fan club on this board is either unable or unwilling to understand that the poll on AUF is NOT representative of the entire "Auburn family". To somehow assert as if it is now a verifiable fact is ludicrous. The demographic of this and any other AU football discussion board is actually very narrow--almost entirely male and probably about 75% between 20-40 yrs old. Now I know you would like to believe that is the only group that matters, but you're wrong if you do. If you want to take that perspective, you would be wise to consider who is NOT in that slice of the AU family. You are actually in the minority, a very vocal minority especially here, but a minority nonetheless.

And as far as those who do not support AU hiring Petrino, who said that those of us who don't like the idea of a Petrino hire buy into this notion that the only other option is "an unproven coach"? To suggest that BP is the only answer is such tunnel vision that it would be baffling to even an unbiased observer. There are many other choices and AU will hire one of them, the sooner the better.

First off who said I was using that poll to base my opinion on. And I think it is just as unfair to presume that I feel that demographic is the only one that matters. Clearly everyone is entitled to their wrong opinion, and I have never stated he was our only option, but to completely dismiss him is <disagreeable with me>.

Watch your language there cowboy.

I would love to discuss the demographic data you have, please bring it out. I made a post a few days ago all about demographics that you may want to review before asserting anything about the "35% or so". Your assumption and assertions to the contrary are, as they say, "upside down"...and of course you are entitled to your wrong opinion! It's still in the Bill of Rights last time I checked. ;) And if I had totally dismissed BP, why would I be debating you? But I am really concerned about all you fellas and what you are going to do when he isn't hired. I hope you don't up and leave like many have suggested those of us who don't want him hired should do.

War Eagle! :comfort:

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I think the "pro petrino crowd" believes that he will be the best option on the table. Personally, I don't believe we can pull off hiring bob stoops or mike gundy or patterson. petersen is going to arky if the rumors are true. I don't think jimbo leaves tallahassee. So, once those names are off the table, where do we turn? At that point, I think petrino is far and away the best option and will come with an exceptionally low price tag.

I could live with Gus too. Anything else and I will be tremendously underwhelmed as will a great majority of the fanbase.

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I get what weegle and others are saying here. I don't agree with them but I get what they are saying.I just think that if hiring BP is the best option then Auburn is in worse shape than I thought. We might as well blow the whole thing up and start over . It might be painful for a while but it would leave us with a great future.

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I don't understand how we can only win with BP. Can we not win and have someone that would better represent the values of the University? Do we really have to pick one or the other?

I don't think Petrino supporters for the most part believe we can only win with him. Personally I would love have him. But I would also love to have Stoops, Fisher, Peterson or Patterson. What we have a hard time understanding are the 35% percent or so of the fan base that would rather have an unproven coach over him. Its truly mind boggling.

This is patent foolishness. Let's unpack this BOLD assertion. :-\/>

First of all, the Petrino fan club on this board is either unable or unwilling to understand that the poll on AUF is NOT representative of the entire "Auburn family". To somehow assert as if it is now a verifiable fact is ludicrous. The demographic of this and any other AU football discussion board is actually very narrow--almost entirely male and probably about 75% between 20-40 yrs old. Now I know you would like to believe that is the only group that matters, but you're wrong if you do. If you want to take that perspective, you would be wise to consider who is NOT in that slice of the AU family. You are actually in the minority, a very vocal minority especially here, but a minority nonetheless.

And as far as those who do not support AU hiring Petrino, who said that those of us who don't like the idea of a Petrino hire buy into this notion that the only other option is "an unproven coach"? To suggest that BP is the only answer is such tunnel vision that it would be baffling to even an unbiased observer. There are many other choices and AU will hire one of them, the sooner the better.

First off who said I was using that poll to base my opinion on. And I think it is just as unfair to presume that I feel that demographic is the only one that matters. Clearly everyone is entitled to their wrong opinion, and I have never stated he was our only option, but to completely dismiss him is <disagreeable with me>.

Watch your language there cowboy.

I would love to discuss the demographic data you have, please bring it out. I made a post a few days ago all about demographics that you may want to review before asserting anything about the "35% or so". Your assumption and assertions to the contrary are, as they say, "upside down"...and of course you are entitled to your wrong opinion! It's still in the Bill of Rights last time I checked. ;)/> And if I had totally dismissed BP, why would I be debating you? But I am really concerned about all you fellas and what you are going to do when he isn't hired. I hope you don't up and leave like many have suggested those of us who don't want him hired should do.

War Eagle! :comfort:/>

Alright Herk. But what makes you think the demographics voting on that dang poll are what you say they are. It could be a bunch of old blue haired ladies in a sewing circle for all we know. See, assumptions suck for both parties. For what it's worth BP wouldn't be my first choice but he is way above, oh how did weegs put it, the 8-5er's front runners. I'll just be glad when spring is here because I feel we may be b****ing about the coaching staff regardless until then. And don't worry I'll still be around to support Auburn no matter who is hired. I just hope the same can be said for the anti-BP crowd in the event he is indeed hired. But you know what they say in sports....winning cures all. WE!
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I don't understand how we can only win with BP. Can we not win and have someone that would better represent the values of the University? Do we really have to pick one or the other?

I don't think Petrino supporters for the most part believe we can only win with him. Personally I would love have him. But I would also love to have Stoops, Fisher, Peterson or Patterson. What we have a hard time understanding are the 35% percent or so of the fan base that would rather have an unproven coach over him. Its truly mind boggling.

This is patent foolishness. Let's unpack this BOLD assertion. :-\/>

First of all, the Petrino fan club on this board is either unable or unwilling to understand that the poll on AUF is NOT representative of the entire "Auburn family". To somehow assert as if it is now a verifiable fact is ludicrous. The demographic of this and any other AU football discussion board is actually very narrow--almost entirely male and probably about 75% between 20-40 yrs old. Now I know you would like to believe that is the only group that matters, but you're wrong if you do. If you want to take that perspective, you would be wise to consider who is NOT in that slice of the AU family. You are actually in the minority, a very vocal minority especially here, but a minority nonetheless.

And as far as those who do not support AU hiring Petrino, who said that those of us who don't like the idea of a Petrino hire buy into this notion that the only other option is "an unproven coach"? To suggest that BP is the only answer is such tunnel vision that it would be baffling to even an unbiased observer. There are many other choices and AU will hire one of them, the sooner the better.

First off who said I was using that poll to base my opinion on. And I think it is just as unfair to presume that I feel that demographic is the only one that matters. Clearly everyone is entitled to their wrong opinion, and I have never stated he was our only option, but to completely dismiss him is <disagreeable with me>.

Watch your language there cowboy.

I would love to discuss the demographic data you have, please bring it out. I made a post a few days ago all about demographics that you may want to review before asserting anything about the "35% or so". Your assumption and assertions to the contrary are, as they say, "upside down"...and of course you are entitled to your wrong opinion! It's still in the Bill of Rights last time I checked. ;)/> And if I had totally dismissed BP, why would I be debating you? But I am really concerned about all you fellas and what you are going to do when he isn't hired. I hope you don't up and leave like many have suggested those of us who don't want him hired should do.

War Eagle! :comfort:/>

Alright Herk. But what makes you think the demographics voting on that dang poll are what you say they are. It could be a bunch of old blue haired ladies in a sewing circle for all we know. See, assumptions suck for both parties. For what it's worth BP wouldn't be my first choice but he is way above, oh how did weegs put it, the 8-5er's front runners. I'll just be glad when spring is here because I feel we may be b****ing about the coaching staff regardless until then. And don't worry I'll still be around to support Auburn no matter who is hired. I just hope the same can be said for the anti-BP crowd in the event he is indeed hired. But you know what they say in sports....winning cures all. WE!

I will be here :jossun:

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I think the "pro petrino crowd" believes that he will be the best option on the table. Personally, I don't believe we can pull off hiring bob stoops or mike gundy or patterson. petersen is going to arky if the rumors are true. I don't think jimbo leaves tallahassee. So, once those names are off the table, where do we turn? At that point, I think petrino is far and away the best option and will come with an exceptionally low price tag.

I could live with Gus too. Anything else and I will be tremendously underwhelmed as will a great majority of the fanbase.

With other teams getting involve his price may not be that low.
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Well, Texas will lose, Patterson to Texas, Peterson to Arkansas....Hello and welcome Coach Bobby Petrino

Don't be so sure of that. There may be others ahead on the committees' list. I don't know the reason but there is a reason Petrino will be one of the later interviews.
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My take: he's the best x's and o's guy out there that is available. And he's shown he can compete in the SEC even with lesser known recruits vs the big boys.

The only reason you wouldn't take him, IMO, is if in interviews and talking with his wife and others who know him and how he's conducted himself since the big debacle, you don't get the impression that he's really ready to get back in the game or hasn't properly dealt with his sins and mistakes...meaning, being humble, taking full responsibility, making changes in his life to be more accountable, is truly repentant.

I've heard from one guy who knows him that says that he is truly repentant. It's not an act and he's been working hard with his wife to repair their marriage. If we can talk with more people who feel the same way and can get him to agree to provisions in the contract regarding checks and balances, accountability and various protections for Auburn, I think there's no way you pass on him.

What if he like Tiger Woods now he lost his G/F he lost his game...lol j/k

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Its pretty comical watching the Petrino devotees, on the one hand, deny that they think Petrino is the only coach that Auburn can win with, while on the other, they call the faction that's not enamored with the prospects of hiring Petrino the 8 - 5ers. Seems just a tad hypocritical to me but hey..what do I know? One thing this situation has made painfully obvious....some people are going to be terribly disappointed with this new hire. This is the most divided I have ever seen the Auburn fanbase. Clearly, the BCS NC has delivered equal measures of blessing and curse...carry on and War Eagle

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Its pretty comical watching the Petrino devotees, on the one hand, deny that they think Petrino is the only coach that Auburn can win with, while on the other, they call the faction that's not enamored with the prospects of hiring Petrino the 8 - 5ers. Seems just a tad hypocritical to me but hey..what do I know? One thing this situation has made painfully obvious....some people are going to be terribly disappointed with this new hire. This is the most divided I have ever seen the Auburn fanbase. Clearly, the BCS NC has delivered equal measures of blessing and curse...carry on and War Eagle

How is saying that you want one coach and that you will support whichever coach is hired hypocritical? You are reaching. What is hypocritical is the faction of Auburn fans that preach the creed and then proceed to call BP the scum of the earth. Clearly that is hypocrisy.
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It's sickening at this point to see all these Creed thumpers that don't want Petrino at all. We're not paying coaches millions of dollars to be the players friends. We're paying them to give the players structure and get them to play football.

If we don't get Gary Patterson then it's gotta be Petrino. We can't keep letting the Creed people hold us back and let LSU, UGA, and Bama run roughshod over us.



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Its pretty comical watching the Petrino devotees, on the one hand, deny that they think Petrino is the only coach that Auburn can win with, while on the other, they call the faction that's not enamored with the prospects of hiring Petrino the 8 - 5ers. Seems just a tad hypocritical to me but hey..what do I know? One thing this situation has made painfully obvious....some people are going to be terribly disappointed with this new hire. This is the most divided I have ever seen the Auburn fanbase. Clearly, the BCS NC has delivered equal measures of blessing and curse...carry on and War Eagle

How is saying that you want one coach and that you will support whichever coach is hired hypocritical? You are reaching. What is hypocritical is the faction of Auburn fans that preach the creed and then proceed to call BP the scum of the earth. Clearly that is hypocrisy.

Calling anyone that is uncalled for and you cannot list my name among that group. Supporting whatever coach is hired is the only option of an Auubrn fan. In the meantime how do you explain your caddy "anthem of the 8 - 5ers" retort everytime someone suggests that petrino is not the only candidate that can win at Auburn? I'd love to hear you explain how that is NOT a little duplicitous

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Well. Today is the day that we find out if these "insiders with friends" are correct. I want BP, big supporter. I'm just ready for it to be over with now. BP, GP, Jimbo, or Gus and call it a day.

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Well. Today is the day that we find out if these "insiders with friends" are correct. I want BP, big supporter. I'm just ready for it to be over with now. BP, GP, Jimbo, or Gus and call it a day.

Amen to that. Its been such an ugly debate Im almost to the point where i dont really care, I just want the thing to be decided and done with

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I think the "pro petrino crowd" believes that he will be the best option on the table. Personally, I don't believe we can pull off hiring bob stoops or mike gundy or patterson. petersen is going to arky if the rumors are true. I don't think jimbo leaves tallahassee. So, once those names are off the table, where do we turn? At that point, I think petrino is far and away the best option and will come with an exceptionally low price tag.

I could live with Gus too. Anything else and I will be tremendously underwhelmed as will a great majority of the fanbase.

I think you have accurately described our situation. If Gus doesn't want the job, it's Petrino's to refuse.

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Well. Today is the day that we find out if these "insiders with friends" are correct. I want BP, big supporter. I'm just ready for it to be over with now. BP, GP, Jimbo, or Gus and call it a day.

No real insiders said anything will happen today for sure. This is a very fluid situation. Early last week it was believed there may be an announcement today. With interviews and Official contact starting today the timeline now looks to be midweek.
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Well. Today is the day that we find out if these "insiders with friends" are correct. I want BP, big supporter. I'm just ready for it to be over with now. BP, GP, Jimbo, or Gus and call it a day.

No real insiders said anything will happen today for sure. This is a very fluid situation. Early last week it was believed there may be an announcement today. With interviews and Official contact starting today the timeline now looks to be midweek.

Darn. Time to go back to sleep until Wednesday.

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