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If Chiz is fired Monday?


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I say we just let the Fathers of the players take control of the team for the rest of the season.

Heck, Jeff Blake and DJ Maseo could run the offense and Parkey's Dad could run the special teams. We just need someone to take over the D.

Just think. They couldn't possibly do any worse, and they'd have absolutely no pressure on them to perform. :)

dont forget Jeff Fisher
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I've been saying that Chizik should not get another year. I hope by now the people on here sees that light. BTW, Jacobs and Jackson needs to be fired first.

I have to agree with everything you said here, and I was one of those arguing for another year for Chizik (while replacing JJ and TJ). Clearly that's not possible now.

I do think that we need to maintain our focus on getting rid of Jackson and Jacobs first. They should be gone tomorrow and we should be looking to get a professional AD who can take an objective look at the athletic department and clean house as needs be. Perhaps we can 'promote' Chizik to interim AD.

Luper needs to become acting Offensive Coordinator, as well. When you see how much success we can have (relatively) putting in a freshman to run a few plays off of the zone read (and some play-action out of the i), it finally hits you that it's not the players, it's the mismanaged offensive scheme that cost us this season.

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I've been saying that Chizik should not get another year. I hope by now the people on here sees that light. BTW, Jacobs and Jackson needs to be fired first.

^I am 100% in agreement with you. They should fire Jacobs and Jackson TODAY
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Rumor is that Chiz and Troop are gone Monday. Van Gorder is interim for remainder of year.

This is all so sad. I agree that changes have to be made, but it all just makes me so sad. I can't help but feel bad for everyone involved. I still dont know how we could go from best to worst in such a short time. I agree with everyone else, sadly, that change must come sooner rather than later.

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Rumor is that Chiz and Troop are gone Monday. Van Gorder is interim for remainder of year.

This is all so sad. I agree that changes have to be made, but it all just makes me so sad. I can't help but feel bad for everyone involved. I still dont know how we could go from best to worst in such a short time. I agree with everyone else, sadly, that change must come sooner rather than later.

This is how I feel. I fully admit that I am one of the many that thinks Chiz needs to go, but it honestly does make me sad for the guy. In truth, its not that I want him to go at all, I want him to be able to win and to be at Auburn for the next 40 years. I just don't think he's a good enough coach. And it really does make me hurt for the guy, regardless of how much money he'll get in the end.

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I've been saying that Chizik should not get another year. I hope by now the people on here sees that light. BTW, Jacobs and Jackson needs to be fired first.

^I am 100% in agreement with you. They should fire Jacobs and Jackson TODAY

Rumor is that Chiz and Troop are gone Monday. Van Gorder is interim for remainder of year.

FIRST........ ax Jacobs and Jackson ..TODAY

THEN... .... Chiz and Troop on .......MONDAY

LEAVING .. Van Gorder as ...............INTERIM

Who'd that leave on the Island - for next week ?

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Has he been vetted ?

Will he grow up to be a Tiger ?

Can be beat lsu, UGA & Bama ?

He was just at the vet's a few weeks ago for a check-up. He's a big, strong healthy boy. ;)

He has Tiger stripes already---face, legs, tail.

I think he has just as good a shot at beating teams as the staff we have now, but he'll work for a lot less.

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Coach Chizik will not be fired this week. You can't fire him the same week he buries his Mother. I think the administration will wait til the end of the season. I think however they should go ahead and let Chizik and the fans know he will not be retained though, and go ahead now and search for a successor.

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Coach Chizik will not be fired this week. You can't fire him the same week he buries his Mother. I think the administration will wait til the end of the season. I think however they should go ahead and let Chizik and the fans know he will not be retained though, and go ahead now and search for a successor.

Where do I sign?

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I don't think when an entire team quits you can blame it on BVG. He isn't the reason that team quit. BVG as interim HC should probably have been done a couple games ago but regardless, it should be done now.

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I wasn't suggesting Trooper be the head coach if Chiz is fired. I just assumed since he's been around the longest, has great relationships with the players and recruits he'd get the interim position.

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IMO, AU lines up the next hires now. Then the axes drop after the IB beatdown. Announcement for next batter up sometime in December. Coaching ties to Louisville coming.

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Who replaces him as head coach? I've seen all across this board and others everyone screaming for his head. If he does get the ax, who finish's the season as head coach? Trooper?

He will not be fired Monday and likely will finish the season and be gone.
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I know most of you will think that this is a horrible choice for a Temporary....I mean temorary HC for the rest of the season and nothing more. My pick is......... Pat Dye. I know he is a crusty old goat, but he would have the players giving their best and could do a good job of damage control. Pat Dye was a damn good coach back in the day. I think he would do a better job than John L. Smith at Arky. We probably will not win the last SEC games on our schedule, but I feel that we will not see any 60 point loses under Dye. I think if Coach Dye had not been in seriously bad health his final 2 seasons, he would have had a much better win loss record. Hech...why not?

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I finally signed up just to respond to this thread. I love AU and love college football. I've been a solid fan through good times and bad. I've been more patient throughout the years than most with our ups and downs. But I have never before felt or seen such an overwhelming sense of hopelessness amongst our fans. While this is sad to me (as is the idea of letting a coach go when his mother just passed away) - there is much more at stake here. Money. There is a reason coaches get paid what they do and there is a reason they get contracts. And there is a reason schools are willing to pay what it takes to replace them. It's about the money. And the last two weeks have cost us plenty. It was a calculated risk based on the fact that while we had been losing - we had not been losing BIG. The faithful were still on board so. It seemed reasonable to think we could beat Ole Miss and Vandy so there seemed to be no reason to risk a shake up before the end of the season. Two losses later and we get a letter asking us not to give up (aka - the money needs to keep coming in and we will fix things next year). Yesterday's humiliation took it to another level. If Chizik cares about the Auburn family, the current players and the future of the program, he would walk (ala Tommy Bowden from Clemson) while there is a chance we could rally donors while still facing possible humiliation in remaining games. Coaches know the drill - they are paid to.

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Nobody needs to go before JJ, and that should be y'day if not sooner..

Chikzik should be given or take a leave of absence for bereavement.

Put Luper incharge until Coach Chizik returns or after IB.

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The hatred some of you show for Trooper is baffling to me. He is probably the coach the players like the most. All these "thug" comments...is a man a thug because he wears his ball cap backwards?

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Not sure anyone hates Trooper. He does come with some rumor baggage though, whether true or not.

No way I'd have him for an interim HC. Somebody needs to lay down the law, and his method of being one of the guys isn't going to cut it.

Time for a new Sheriff in town.

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I know most of you will think that this is a horrible choice for a Temporary....I mean temorary HC for the rest of the season and nothing more. My pick is......... Pat Dye. I know he is a crusty old goat, but he would have the players giving their best and could do a good job of damage control. Pat Dye was a damn good coach back in the day. I think he would do a better job than John L. Smith at Arky. We probably will not win the last SEC games on our schedule, but I feel that we will not see any 60 point loses under Dye. I think if Coach Dye had not been in seriously bad health his final 2 seasons, he would have had a much better win loss record. Hech...why not?

You know what, I kind of like this idea. I always thought it was a shame that Coach Dye stopped at 99 wins. Let him coach the rest of the way and get his 100th win ? Sure why not.
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If coaching is our problem, why not fire everyone and finish the season without any coaches. Lets have the players call the plays on the line for both sides of the ball. Its time for a real leader to stand up snd In the end, they will either all stand up or all fall.

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