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Bryan Matthews on Chizik - Sportscall radio show


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Was asked if he thinks Chizik is the guy to lead us out of this. He said he was disappointed in CGC talking today about his unbending approach. Said he needs to be talking about what he'll do different and take responsibilities for his mistakes. Also said he thinks this coaching staff has lost some of the team.

Not exactly the ringing endorsement you might expect from someone in his position.

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GC lead us into this mess. What makes anyone think he can lead us out of this mess? Perhaps his OCD trait of ensuring all helmets are perfectly lined up on the turf during practice? Yeah, buddy.

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We Jacobs to blame for these mess. Jacobs is the one who hired Chizik. Jay and Tim must follow Gene out the door soon after the uaT game.

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Was asked if he thinks Chizik is the guy to lead us out of this. He said he was disappointed in CGC talking today about his unbending approach. Said he needs to be talking about what he'll do different and take responsibilities for his mistakes. Also said he thinks this coaching staff has lost some of the team.

Not exactly the ringing endorsement you might expect from someone in his position.

Bryan Matthews is quite frankly not a person I depend on for anything approaching valid insight concerning football. The man has never demonstrated anything approaching insight and his football knowledge is on par with most message board posters. I don't care who Matthews endorses or doesn't endorse. Matthews' endorsement or non-endorsement is meaningless.

Wish like heck people would stop depending on others to tell them what to think. Watch Chizk's press conference for yourself and listen to his remarks in context:

Personally, I don't know what anyone might have him say other than what he said. I listened to his remarks. I thought they were spot on, and I came away impressed.

As far as Matthews...

The next time Bryan Matthews work impresses me will be the first. (If the boy knows so much, why ain't he coaching somewhere?)


Aaron Brenner at WEXTRA has a write-up: Chizik Brushes Off Dye's Criticism

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Was asked if he thinks Chizik is the guy to lead us out of this. He said he was disappointed in CGC talking today about his unbending approach. Said he needs to be talking about what he'll do different and take responsibilities for his mistakes. Also said he thinks this coaching staff has lost some of the team.

Not exactly the ringing endorsement you might expect from someone in his position.

Bryan Matthews is quite frankly not a person I depend on for anything approaching valid insight concerning football. The man has never demonstrated anything approaching insight and his football knowledge is on par with most message board posters. I don't care who Matthews endorses or doesn't endorse. Matthews' endorsement or non-endorsement is meaningless.

Wish like heck people would stop depending on others to tell them what to think. Watch Chizk's press conference for yourself and listen to his remarks in context:

Personally, I don't know what anyone might have him say other than what he said. I listened to his remarks. I thought they were spot on, and I came away impressed.

As far as Matthews...

The next time Bryan Matthews work impresses me will be the first. (If the boy knows so much, why ain't he coaching somewhere?)


Aaron Brenner at WEXTRA has a write-up: Chizik Brushes Off Dye's Criticism

I agree. I don't care what Matthews thinks. :-\

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Mathews sounds like us. Every AUburn fan. Dont kill the messenger especially when he is probably telling the truth. The AD goes and any of this underlings first. Get a new AD in to sort out the football mess (fire Trooper and put a real WR coach in). Oh, and probably fire the whole staff as well. They deserve it, wether it happens or not.

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What did trooper do to you?

Trooper has been in control of the most under performing unit at Auburn IMO. His recruiting is very good though so personally I'm torn.

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What did trooper do to you?

Trooper has been in control of the most under performing unit at Auburn IMO. His recruiting is very good though so personally I'm torn.

Does you no good to have a exotic sports car in the garage if you don't have the keys for it. Don't take this a me flaming you but why is this staff seen as great recruiters? Do we have the right personnel onboard right now? I would say no, we are lacking at several key positions.

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What did trooper do to you?

Trooper has been in control of the most under performing unit at Auburn IMO. His recruiting is very good though so personally I'm torn.

Does you no good to have a exotic sports car in the garage if you don't have the keys for it. Don't take this a me flaming you but why is this staff seen as great recruiters? Do we have the right personnel onboard right now? I would say no, we are lacking at several key positions.

Our people we recruit are fine. All other D1 programs worth anything are going for majority of the players we are going for and we are landing most of them. The chances of so many recruiters failing on particular kids are slim. The issue is lack of coaching which is obvious. I honestly feel that if you took our players and put Mullen (hurts me to say that), Saban, or Les in charge of them, they would play significantly better then they have so far.

So yeah, I think we have the right personnel onboard right now that are not being put in the best position to win. Trooper is a main one I am seeing as potential let down. Though, a lot of our other coaches seem to be having issues coaching players up as well.

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What did trooper do to you?

Trooper has been in control of the most under performing unit at Auburn IMO. His recruiting is very good though so personally I'm torn.

Wrong. Jeff Grimes, IMO

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What did trooper do to you?

Trooper has been in control of the most under performing unit at Auburn IMO. His recruiting is very good though so personally I'm torn.

Does you no good to have a exotic sports car in the garage if you don't have the keys for it. Don't take this a me flaming you but why is this staff seen as great recruiters? Do we have the right personnel onboard right now? I would say no, we are lacking at several key positions.

Our people we recruit are fine. All other D1 programs worth anything are going for majority of the players we are going for and we are landing most of them. The chances of so many recruiters failing on particular kids are slim. The issue is lack of coaching which is obvious. I honestly feel that if you took our players and put Mullen (hurts me to say that), Saban, or Les in charge of them, they would play significantly better then they have so far.

So yeah, I think we have the right personnel onboard right now that are not being put in the best position to win. Trooper is a main one I am seeing as potential let down. Though, a lot of our other coaches seem to be having issues coaching players up as well.

We seem to agree that the coaches are the "keys" to the car and we don't have many keys in place right now. Of the original staff the only coach that constanly earns their paycheck is Jay Bouleware, it's ironic he is least paid coach on the staff. I am only seeing potential in CBVG, CWM, CJB, and sometimes CCL.

We are lacking linebackers, and some qb's. We could use another between the tackles rb or two and some serious player development.

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What did trooper do to you?

Trooper has been in control of the most under performing unit at Auburn IMO. His recruiting is very good though so personally I'm torn.

Wrong. Jeff Grimes, IMO

I have never understood why he has gotten a pass from the serious questions since he has been here. It took CGC at the time to call out his OL during 2010 to start winning the battle in the trenches and since then there hasn't been much to smile about.

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What did trooper do to you?

Trooper has been in control of the most under performing unit at Auburn IMO. His recruiting is very good though so personally I'm torn.

even the QB's Dt's MLB and SS/FS's? I would say that these areas are performing much worse compared to my expectations at least I mean how good are the wide recievers really going to be if the youth of our o line wont keep a 4 man rush off our quarter backs. I am just saying that it is like a pyramid first oline then running back then QB then the recievers show up. Also the WR's at auburn have been under producing every season other than 2010 since 04
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What did trooper do to you?

Trooper has been in control of the most under performing unit at Auburn IMO. His recruiting is very good though so personally I'm torn.

even the QB's Dt's MLB and SS/FS's? I would say that these areas are performing much worse compared to my expectations at least I mean how good are the wide recievers really going to be if the youth of our o line wont keep a 4 man rush off our quarter backs. I am just saying that it is like a pyramid first oline then running back then QB then the recievers show up. Also the WR's at auburn have been under producing every season other than 2010 since 04

Up until the past few games our wide receivers never seemed to fully play. Giving up on plays, not running routes right or dropping passes. They are slightly getting better this year, granted that could just be more talent showing up that are better than others.

Our lines coaching has been suspect it seems as well...but our receivers just seem to quit a lot...while our lines are sucking I still see them trying. they could be players or coaches on that one though

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I go back and forth about Trooper. Greg Knox was so bad, so almost anyone was an upgrade. Adams and Zachary were nonexistent til Trooper arrived, and Burns became a decent receiver when he switched. Blake has developed very well. Louis in very brief flashes looks like he is going to be a good one, and Coates can be a game breaker for us. Reed, Bray, Benton...these are our high profile busts to date. And the first two may yet pan out, though Bray is very unimpressive to me as a punt returner.

All in all, Trooper is our best recruiter, and the problem with our receiving corp is simply our QBs failing to make reads and spot the open receiver IMO.

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I go back and forth about Trooper. Greg Knox was so bad, so almost anyone was an upgrade. Adams and Zachary were nonexistent til Trooper arrived, and Burns became a decent receiver when he switched. Blake has developed very well. Louis in very brief flashes looks like he is going to be a good one, and Coates can be a game breaker for us. Reed, Bray, Benton...these are our high profile busts to date. And the first two may yet pan out, though Bray is very unimpressive to me as a punt returner.

All in all, Trooper is our best recruiter, and the problem with our receiving corp is simply our QBs failing to make reads and spot the open receiver IMO.

It's hard for any receiver to step up or develop when the QB is laying down under a pile of linemen. Not to mention, I'd say 60+% of our passes have targeted either E. Blake or the opponent.

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I go back and forth about Trooper. Greg Knox was so bad, so almost anyone was an upgrade. Adams and Zachary were nonexistent til Trooper arrived, and Burns became a decent receiver when he switched. Blake has developed very well. Louis in very brief flashes looks like he is going to be a good one, and Coates can be a game breaker for us. Reed, Bray, Benton...these are our high profile busts to date. And the first two may yet pan out, though Bray is very unimpressive to me as a punt returner.

All in all, Trooper is our best recruiter, and the problem with our receiving corp is simply our QBs failing to make reads and spot the open receiver IMO.

It's hard for any receiver to step up or develop when the QB is laying down under a pile of linemen. Not to mention, I'd say 60+% of our passes have targeted either E. Blake or the opponent.

I think Adams and Zachary suddenly appeared due to Gus Malzahn, his play calling, and the ability of Todd and then Newton to deliver the football, not due to Trooper Taylor. JMO though.

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What did trooper do to you?

Trooper has been in control of the most under performing unit at Auburn IMO. His recruiting is very good though so personally I'm torn.

Totally false (made on the basis that you don't take him seriously). He had 2 major future contributors commit felons. Benton's lack of development is on Benton. The rest of the guys have been solid this year. Emory is the most technically skilled WR to come out of our program in 20 years at least.

Trooper is (all around) the best WR coach we've ever had at AU. Greg Knox... ugh.

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What did trooper do to you?

Trooper has been in control of the most under performing unit at Auburn IMO. His recruiting is very good though so personally I'm torn.

Totally false (made on the basis that you don't take him seriously). He had 2 major future contributors commit felons. Benton's lack of development is on Benton. The rest of the guys have been solid this year. Emory is the most technically skilled WR to come out of our program in 20 years at least.

Trooper is (all around) the best WR coach we've ever had at AU. Greg Knox... ugh.

Attrition is part of the game and they still didn't produce much.

Benton is troopers player....so lack of production is on trooper. As a coach it is their job to not only coach but motivate. either that or dismiss.

Emory was a stud coming in. You can thank his dad....you know, the nfl player....for his results...

The numbers aren't in Troopers favor. I have nothing against him. I just don't see our receivers playing at the level that their talent suggests they should be able to....and I never once said I didn't take him serously. I hold all coaches accountable for their players...and his, aren't great at route running and seem to give up on plays. That isn't biased....that is view from watching games for the past 3 1/2 years

and anyone would have been better than knox IMO...

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What did trooper do to you?

Trooper has been in control of the most under performing unit at Auburn IMO. His recruiting is very good though so personally I'm torn.

Totally false (made on the basis that you don't take him seriously). He had 2 major future contributors commit felons. Benton's lack of development is on Benton. The rest of the guys have been solid this year. Emory is the most technically skilled WR to come out of our program in 20 years at least.

Trooper is (all around) the best WR coach we've ever had at AU. Greg Knox... ugh.

Attrition is part of the game and they still didn't produce much.

Benton is troopers player....so lack of production is on trooper. As a coach it is their job to not only coach but motivate. either that or dismiss.

Emory was a stud coming in. You can thank his dad....you know, the nfl player....for his results...

The numbers aren't in Troopers favor. I have nothing against him. I just don't see our receivers playing at the level that their talent suggests they should be able to....and I never once said I didn't take him serously. I hold all coaches accountable for their players...and his, aren't great at route running and seem to give up on plays. That isn't biased....that is view from watching games for the past 3 1/2 years

and anyone would have been better than knox IMO...

I know when he showed up that he got the very best out of the WR unit by actually noticing TALENT.

T. Zachary and D. Adams were buried on the depth chart and low & behold, look what happened.

To judge WR's now is a joke. There's not a QB on roster who can get them the ball. And as far as I can see they all play hard and block well in the running game.

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What did trooper do to you?

Trooper has been in control of the most under performing unit at Auburn IMO. His recruiting is very good though so personally I'm torn.

Totally false (made on the basis that you don't take him seriously). He had 2 major future contributors commit felons. Benton's lack of development is on Benton. The rest of the guys have been solid this year. Emory is the most technically skilled WR to come out of our program in 20 years at least.

Trooper is (all around) the best WR coach we've ever had at AU. Greg Knox... ugh.

Attrition is part of the game and they still didn't produce much.

Benton is troopers player....so lack of production is on trooper. As a coach it is their job to not only coach but motivate. either that or dismiss.

Emory was a stud coming in. You can thank his dad....you know, the nfl player....for his results...

The numbers aren't in Troopers favor. I have nothing against him. I just don't see our receivers playing at the level that their talent suggests they should be able to....and I never once said I didn't take him serously. I hold all coaches accountable for their players...and his, aren't great at route running and seem to give up on plays. That isn't biased....that is view from watching games for the past 3 1/2 years

and anyone would have been better than knox IMO...

Players have to be accountable too. D'angelo may not be executing as he should. Troop's been successful everywhere else and has put about 8 receivers in the league, including Meachem and Dez Bryant. Don't think Troop is the problem. He can even coach running backs cause I remember when he was at Tennessee, he coached up two 1000 yard rushers in their backfield. You are being completely biased. QB play has been dreadful over the last 2 years so its obvious that the WR corp will not reach their full potential.

You think Cam didn't have any effect on Smooth and T-Zach having great years in 2010?

CGC on the other hand was 5-19. Who rewards someone for failure...?

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