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Something positive! (Mrs Chizik)


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Don't know if you guys saw it but Mrs Chizik posted this on her facebook page. Really great stuff if you ask me. This is what it's all about. WDE!!!


This is the response I gave to one of our fans, Brandi Efferson, on facebook today.

Maybe one of you will feel led to take this on....

"I have given quite a lot of prayerful consideration to your desire to help and make a difference this season and I do have a thought. As you know,

Social media can be a very powerful tool.

Recent examples of its power can be cited by googling how it played a primary role in the Occupy Wall Street protests, the uprising in Egypt, the Konya 2012 movement, and the various flash mobs that randomly occur all over the world to name just a few examples.

Therefore, my humble suggestion is to create a VERY POWERFUL "ALL IN" movement of your own.

We have fans all over the US and I think it is time that they RISE UP and snatch back what satan, himself, has stolen.

We serve a God who recovers ALL that "has been stolen" from us and there are times that He requires the efforts of His people to accomplish this truth.

Just think about the effect it will have first for the players and their families who sacrifice daily but how it will impact the fan base as a whole.

During the season of 2010 the fans came together each Friday afternoon to send our boys off with a reverse tiger walk and the effect of just that alone was palpable enough that it carried over onto the field each and every Saturday.

I encourage you to think outside the box and create something that will show the rest of the world WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO and why when we refer to ourselves as FAMILY that we mean it.

I look forward to see what you come up with.

Blessings, Jonna Chizik

P.S. feel free to share all of this as you feel led!


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What is she talking about when she says fans should rise and snatch back what satan has stolen?

I'm assuming all of our turnovers from this year.


obviously a typo, she meant Saban...

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I'm a religious person, a Christian. I'm a little fuzzy on this Satan stuff, but I understand the language.

That is one bizarre post, if I'm reading it in context. I really do want to stand behind these coaches and this team. It's an awkward thing when the performance suggests changes should be made, but they're our coaches until someone else makes a decision -- and I'm happy to stand with them regardless of my opinions.

But that is one strange post. This will not go well on Twitter.

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I am a Christian myself but I cannot really understand what she's trying to say. What satan stole from us? Winning a football game? I think if that's what she means, that's putting too much emphasis on winning a football game to me and my walk with Christ.

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I have zero idea what she's talking about. I think it's her reaction to people calling for her husband to be fired, if so, the Jesus route doesn't make any sense. I'm a Christian, but I'm about sick and tired of the "But but but.... Gene is a good Christian man! He shouldn't be fired!" excuse. Fine, there a plenty of good Christian men. And plenty of them are better football coaches.

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I have zero idea what she's talking about. I think it's her reaction to people calling for her husband to be fired, if so, the Jesus route doesn't make any sense. I'm a Christian, but I'm about sick and tired of the "But but but.... Gene is a good Christian man! He shouldn't be fired!" excuse. Fine, there a plenty of good Christian men. And plenty of them are better football coaches.

+1. Satan got bigger things to do than stalk Auburn football like we do. Look at our presi- I mean, he has other issues.

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I think what she is basically saying is that Satan has stolen the "Family" from Auburn. All of the the talk about being All In and Family is really just talk when faced with adversity like the team is facing right now. If you think about it you wouldn't turn on a member of your family if they started having a tough time at work and things turned bad for them. I believe you would stand behind them and support them in any way that you could. None of us including the Chiziks are happy right now with what is happening. The bottom line is that when things are tough that is when family needs each other the most. The only thing is that right now when this coaching staff and team needs their "family" the most some of them are bailing on them. Not meaning to sound too preachy here but Satan loves to take advantage of people when they are down. That's when people try to justify their actions the most. When you are doing the right thing, your actions need no justification. Cut Mrs. Chizik some slack for the phrasing or analogy she uses. Truth is she may be pretty close to the truth. Coach Chizik is a man of faith and faithful men are the ones who are tested. He and the Auburn family are being tested right now. Are you "All In"? Do you walk the walk or simply talk the talk?

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I think what she is basically saying is that Satan has stolen the "Family" from Auburn. All of the the talk about being All In and Family is really just talk when faced with adversity like the team is facing right now. If you think about it you wouldn't turn on a member of your family if they started having a tough time at work and things turned bad for them. I believe you would stand behind them and support them in any way that you could. None of us including the Chiziks are happy right now with what is happening. The bottom line is that when things are tough that is when family needs each other the most. The only thing is that right now when this coaching staff and team needs their "family" the most some of them are bailing on them. Not meaning to sound too preachy here but Satan loves to take advantage of people when they are down. That's when people try to justify their actions the most. When you are doing the right thing, your actions need no justification. Cut Mrs. Chizik some slack for the phrasing or analogy she uses. Truth is she may be pretty close to the truth. Coach Chizik is a man of faith and faithful men are the ones who are tested. He and the Auburn family are being tested right now. Are you "All In"? Do you walk the walk or simply talk the talk?

Well said, my friend.

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Thanks, I have read the OP a few times to see if I could figure out what I was missing that the other posters were seeing because it did not seem hard to understand.

My interpretation is a little more succinct but basically Auburn people were having a good time and enjoying themselves and showing love for the team, now Auburn people are griping and sniping and showing little to no love for the team. Many Auburn people are adding to the negativity instead of doing anything to help or show support for the team. The fans showed support for a winning team going through a tough time but now the love is not there when the team is losing.

I think what she is basically saying is that Satan has stolen the "Family" from Auburn. All of the the talk about being All In and Family is really just talk when faced with adversity like the team is facing right now. If you think about it you wouldn't turn on a member of your family if they started having a tough time at work and things turned bad for them. I believe you would stand behind them and support them in any way that you could. None of us including the Chiziks are happy right now with what is happening. The bottom line is that when things are tough that is when family needs each other the most. The only thing is that right now when this coaching staff and team needs their "family" the most some of them are bailing on them. Not meaning to sound too preachy here but Satan loves to take advantage of people when they are down. That's when people try to justify their actions the most. When you are doing the right thing, your actions need no justification. Cut Mrs. Chizik some slack for the phrasing or analogy she uses. Truth is she may be pretty close to the truth. Coach Chizik is a man of faith and faithful men are the ones who are tested. He and the Auburn family are being tested right now. Are you "All In"? Do you walk the walk or simply talk the talk?

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I think what she is basically saying is that Satan has stolen the "Family" from Auburn. All of the the talk about being All In and Family is really just talk when faced with adversity like the team is facing right now. If you think about it you wouldn't turn on a member of your family if they started having a tough time at work and things turned bad for them. I believe you would stand behind them and support them in any way that you could. None of us including the Chiziks are happy right now with what is happening. The bottom line is that when things are tough that is when family needs each other the most. The only thing is that right now when this coaching staff and team needs their "family" the most some of them are bailing on them. Not meaning to sound too preachy here but Satan loves to take advantage of people when they are down. That's when people try to justify their actions the most. When you are doing the right thing, your actions need no justification. Cut Mrs. Chizik some slack for the phrasing or analogy she uses. Truth is she may be pretty close to the truth. Coach Chizik is a man of faith and faithful men are the ones who are tested. He and the Auburn family are being tested right now. Are you "All In"? Do you walk the walk or simply talk the talk?

Thanks for your post! It is sad that Auburn people do not understand that the way that we are acting is making Satan very happy. Mrs. Chizik is NOT saying not to fire her husband, she is saying to love the players and coaches and Auburn family as you love yourself.
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Positively bizarre.

The more players, coaches and now coaches' wives talk, the more they sink in the quick sand.

They need to perform up to the level that is expected, pure and simple. All this talk is just that--talk.

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