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I'm not seeing it


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Everybody seems to be saying BVG is going a great job and I don't see it at all. I mean I don't hardly see any improvement anywhere so I'm not trying to single out or nothing like that but when I reading the board it's like a majority of the people are pleased with our defense. Now I don't know what I'm missing but yesterday the defense was horrible. Some of their drives we didn't even put up a resistance whatsoever. Arky messed up in the endzone that first drive it wasn't anything that we did. We can't cover, We missed tackles. Arky doesn't even have that many weapons. We couldn't cover one wr. Davis didn't even play the 2nd half and they still ran on us. We didn't get any pressure on the qb. That's against an o line who had prior to us been getting their qb killed.

Coach BVG seemed to make an adjustment at half and he played one good quarter then they made adjustments and that was that. I mean we just played one good quarter on D and people are pleased with that?

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Everybody seems to be saying BVG is going a great job and I don't see it at all. I mean I don't hardly see any improvement anywhere so I'm not trying to single out or nothing like that but when I reading the board it's like a majority of the people are pleased with our defense. Now I don't know what I'm missing but yesterday the defense was horrible. Some of their drives we didn't even put up a resistance whatsoever. Arky messed up in the endzone that first drive it wasn't anything that we did. We can't cover, We missed tackles. Arky doesn't even have that many weapons. We couldn't cover one wr. Davis didn't even play the 2nd half and they still ran on us. We didn't get any pressure on the qb. That's against an o line who had prior to us been getting their qb killed.

Coach BVG seemed to make an adjustment at half and he played one good quarter then they made adjustments and that was that. I mean we just played one good quarter on D and people are pleased with that?

One thing I will say is that it is waay more than that. You could hear on the TV the coaches screaming and at one point, CVG was screaming at Holland "Did you not see the sign!!!!" Then it cut to commercial, guys are missing signals as to what they should be doing on defense.

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Yeah I'm sure they do and you can look and see there is limited talent in certain areas of our D but I'm just confused by how everybody is happy or content with the results on defense. Our D is horrible. That wasn't good. Is surely wasn't making strides. We regressed actually. If you watched any of the other SEC games on TV yesterday I don't know how you couldn't get depressed about how much better everybody's else's D is to ours. O as well come to think about it

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Everybody seems to be saying BVG is going a great job and I don't see it at all. I mean I don't hardly see any improvement anywhere so I'm not trying to single out or nothing like that but when I reading the board it's like a majority of the people are pleased with our defense. Now I don't know what I'm missing but yesterday the defense was horrible. Some of their drives we didn't even put up a resistance whatsoever. Arky messed up in the endzone that first drive it wasn't anything that we did. We can't cover, We missed tackles. Arky doesn't even have that many weapons. We couldn't cover one wr. Davis didn't even play the 2nd half and they still ran on us. We didn't get any pressure on the qb. That's against an o line who had prior to us been getting their qb killed.

Coach BVG seemed to make an adjustment at half and he played one good quarter then they made adjustments and that was that. I mean we just played one good quarter on D and people are pleased with that?

We held, at the time, one of the SEC's leading passers to 10-7 going into the 4th. Not sure what else you are asking out of our defense other than being on the field more so than the offense.

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LMAO. We really have fallen so far from what we used to be. If this defense isn't terrible then what does it take to be terrible? And what freaking youth? The juniors on the d line? The seniors and junior at linebacker? the senior and juniors and sophomores in the secondary? Did you see LSU play last year? They must have forgotten they were young and just played anyway

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Everybody seems to be saying BVG is going a great job and I don't see it at all. I mean I don't hardly see any improvement anywhere so I'm not trying to single out or nothing like that but when I reading the board it's like a majority of the people are pleased with our defense. Now I don't know what I'm missing but yesterday the defense was horrible. Some of their drives we didn't even put up a resistance whatsoever. Arky messed up in the endzone that first drive it wasn't anything that we did. We can't cover, We missed tackles. Arky doesn't even have that many weapons. We couldn't cover one wr. Davis didn't even play the 2nd half and they still ran on us. We didn't get any pressure on the qb. That's against an o line who had prior to us been getting their qb killed.

Coach BVG seemed to make an adjustment at half and he played one good quarter then they made adjustments and that was that. I mean we just played one good quarter on D and people are pleased with that?

We held, at the time, one of the SEC's leading passers to 10-7 going into the 4th. Not sure what else you are asking out of our defense other than being on the field more so than the offense.

The same passer everybody else held to 50% this year? The passer who was 75% against us? I'm asking to sack him. If not sack him get pressure on him. I'm asking for int's like he's been throwing to everybody else. I'm asking not to move down the field end to end in 5 or 6 plays. I'm asking to stop the run and I'm asking to see a D tackle make a play besides trying to block a fg.

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Holland will look awsome? I will wait on that day, u can't tell me Frost and Mckinzy dont have more talent than Holland. I know a lot of people r going to question this but i think Holsey should start at corner. yeah I know he got beat on that touchdown but i'm not gonna put that on him. His secondary coach should have told him or any other db to not worry about whats going on in the backfield, that is the d-line and lb's job, u worry about the wr. Oh, one more thing Therezie needs more playing time as well.

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LMAO. We really have fallen so far from what we used to be. If this defense isn't terrible then what does it take to be terrible? And what freaking youth? The juniors on the d line? The seniors and junior at linebacker? the senior and juniors and sophomores in the secondary? Did you see LSU play last year? They must have forgotten they were young and just played anyway

I've read several of your posts, and it seems that all you want to do to vent and write negative posts. Why?? What will that accomplish other than bringing the true Auburn people down more than they already are? I hope the players aren't on this site, or the coaches for that matter.

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My bad let me lie my butt off here this Sunday morning and say Holland played well. And you wroted that dumb stuff last night and you didn't even understand the post. Nothing about the post you quoted was negative. And LMAO at you hope the players and coaches aren't on this site. You have to be female and if you're not just lie and say you are.

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LMAO. We really have fallen so far from what we used to be. If this defense isn't terrible then what does it take to be terrible? And what freaking youth? The juniors on the d line? The seniors and junior at linebacker? the senior and juniors and sophomores in the secondary? Did you see LSU play last year? They must have forgotten they were young and just played anyway

^^^^THIS^^^^ I am so tired of hearing about youth. If you look at LSU and Bama's significant players, most are Juniors just like ours. Youth is not an excuse anymore. The little runt in the west will take Freshman and plug in and keep rolling. No excuse. Just poor player development

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My bad let me lie my butt off here this Sunday morning and say Holland played well. And you wroted that dumb stuff last night and you didn't even understand the post. Nothing about the post you quoted was negative. And LMAO at you hope the players and coaches aren't on this site. You have to be female and if you're not just lie and say you are.

Wroted? For your information, my "dumb stuff" was not posted last night, so who is the dumb one. I have read your mess without even having an account. My account was just created this morning.

Are females not allowed to be Auburn alums or fans and post about football? If so, no one sent me the memo.

The vast majority of your posts are negative and it's not doing me, other posters, players, or coaches any good.

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My bad let me lie my butt off here this Sunday morning and say Holland played well. And you wroted that dumb stuff last night and you didn't even understand the post. Nothing about the post you quoted was negative. And LMAO at you hope the players and coaches aren't on this site. You have to be female and if you're not just lie and say you are.

Wroted? Are females not allowed to be Auburn alums or fans and post about football? If so, no one sent me the memo.

The vast majority of your posts are negative and it's not doing me, other posters, players, or coaches any good.

typo wrote. And what good are your post doing?

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Still trying to use the youth defense really? Maybe on offense no way on earth that can be said about defense. Heck our best corner is the freshman IMO

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Question? If you are consistently not doing your job.. how long will you keep your job? As long as your boss will allow you. If our guys can't read the signs from the sideline why are they on the field? I blame the coaching staff. You are consistently putting someone on the field who can't read the signals? The guy who is suppose to give that signal to all others on defense? At some point, stop blaming the player and blame the people who consistently let him mess up.

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My bad let me lie my butt off here this Sunday morning and say Holland played well. And you wroted that dumb stuff last night and you didn't even understand the post. Nothing about the post you quoted was negative. And LMAO at you hope the players and coaches aren't on this site. You have to be female and if you're not just lie and say you are.

Wroted? Are females not allowed to be Auburn alums or fans and post about football? If so, no one sent me the memo.

The vast majority of your posts are negative and it's not doing me, other posters, players, or coaches any good.

typo wrote. And what good are your post doing?

I am not lowering myself to lowering others. You?

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who am I lowering. Quote it. Thanks. And also please answer my question. What good are your posts doing for the other posters, but especially for the coaches and players

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Question? If you are consistently not doing your job.. how long will you keep your job? As long as your boss will allow you. If our guys can't read the signs from the sideline why are they on the field? I blame the coaching staff. You are consistently putting someone on the field who can't read the signals? The guy who is suppose to give that signal to all others on defense? At some point, stop blaming the player and blame the people who consistently let him mess up.

Just like our country, this didn't get like this overnight, and it's not going to get fixed overnight. Our leaders (coaches) need time to turn this around.

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Everybody seems to be saying BVG is going a great job and I don't see it at all. I mean I don't hardly see any improvement anywhere so I'm not trying to single out or nothing like that but when I reading the board it's like a majority of the people are pleased with our defense. Now I don't know what I'm missing but yesterday the defense was horrible. Some of their drives we didn't even put up a resistance whatsoever. Arky messed up in the endzone that first drive it wasn't anything that we did. We can't cover, We missed tackles. Arky doesn't even have that many weapons. We couldn't cover one wr. Davis didn't even play the 2nd half and they still ran on us. We didn't get any pressure on the qb. That's against an o line who had prior to us been getting their qb killed.

Coach BVG seemed to make an adjustment at half and he played one good quarter then they made adjustments and that was that. I mean we just played one good quarter on D and people are pleased with that?

We are 49th in points against us

much improved from last year already

We haven't allowed 30 points yet, MUCH improved from last year

We are playing some press coverage, and learning how to tackle

yeah i like CBVG

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Question? If you are consistently not doing your job.. how long will you keep your job? As long as your boss will allow you. If our guys can't read the signs from the sideline why are they on the field? I blame the coaching staff. You are consistently putting someone on the field who can't read the signals? The guy who is suppose to give that signal to all others on defense? At some point, stop blaming the player and blame the people who consistently let him mess up.

Just like our country, this didn't get like this overnight, and it's not going to get fixed overnight. Our leaders (coaches) need time to turn this around.

How much time should we allow? 4 more years?

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Everybody seems to be saying BVG is going a great job and I don't see it at all. I mean I don't hardly see any improvement anywhere so I'm not trying to single out or nothing like that but when I reading the board it's like a majority of the people are pleased with our defense. Now I don't know what I'm missing but yesterday the defense was horrible. Some of their drives we didn't even put up a resistance whatsoever. Arky messed up in the endzone that first drive it wasn't anything that we did. We can't cover, We missed tackles. Arky doesn't even have that many weapons. We couldn't cover one wr. Davis didn't even play the 2nd half and they still ran on us. We didn't get any pressure on the qb. That's against an o line who had prior to us been getting their qb killed.

Coach BVG seemed to make an adjustment at half and he played one good quarter then they made adjustments and that was that. I mean we just played one good quarter on D and people are pleased with that?

We are 49th in points against us

much improved from last year already

We haven't allowed 30 points yet, MUCH improved from last year

We are playing some press coverage, and learning how to tackle

yeah i like CBVG

I'd say we don't get beat on explosive plays as much as last year. And comparing stats from last year really is moot because we're playing different teams from last year (even the same teams have some different players) I have yet to see a team struggle to move that ball against us besides LSU. And LSU seems to suck on offense this year. But I'm not saying I don't livke BVG or replace him or nothing like that. I'm more asking why are people so happy with the defense. Like I read another post how the defense was a bright spot yesterday. How?

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Question? If you are consistently not doing your job.. how long will you keep your job? As long as your boss will allow you. If our guys can't read the signs from the sideline why are they on the field? I blame the coaching staff. You are consistently putting someone on the field who can't read the signals? The guy who is suppose to give that signal to all others on defense? At some point, stop blaming the player and blame the people who consistently let him mess up.

Just like our country, this didn't get like this overnight, and it's not going to get fixed overnight. Our leaders (coaches) need time to turn this around.

How much time should we allow? 4 more years?

We are getting there. Two steps forward most of the time, with an occasional one step back. We should be at the top of the heap in four years, easily.

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Question? If you are consistently not doing your job.. how long will you keep your job? As long as your boss will allow you. If our guys can't read the signs from the sideline why are they on the field? I blame the coaching staff. You are consistently putting someone on the field who can't read the signals? The guy who is suppose to give that signal to all others on defense? At some point, stop blaming the player and blame the people who consistently let him mess up.

Just like our country, this didn't get like this overnight, and it's not going to get fixed overnight. Our leaders (coaches) need time to turn this around.

How much time should we allow? 4 more years?

We are getting there. Two steps forward most of the time, with an occasional one step back. We should be at the top of the heap in four years, easily.

Wow. I have no words.

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Everybody seems to be saying BVG is going a great job and I don't see it at all. I mean I don't hardly see any improvement anywhere so I'm not trying to single out or nothing like that but when I reading the board it's like a majority of the people are pleased with our defense. Now I don't know what I'm missing but yesterday the defense was horrible. Some of their drives we didn't even put up a resistance whatsoever. Arky messed up in the endzone that first drive it wasn't anything that we did. We can't cover, We missed tackles. Arky doesn't even have that many weapons. We couldn't cover one wr. Davis didn't even play the 2nd half and they still ran on us. We didn't get any pressure on the qb. That's against an o line who had prior to us been getting their qb killed.

Coach BVG seemed to make an adjustment at half and he played one good quarter then they made adjustments and that was that. I mean we just played one good quarter on D and people are pleased with that?

We are 49th in points against us

much improved from last year already

We haven't allowed 30 points yet, MUCH improved from last year

We are playing some press coverage, and learning how to tackle

yeah i like CBVG

I'd say we don't get beat on explosive plays as much as last year. And comparing stats from last year really is moot because we're playing different teams from last year (even the same teams have some different players) I have yet to see a team struggle to move that ball against us besides LSU. And LSU seems to suck on offense this year. But I'm not saying I don't livke BVG or replace him or nothing like that. I'm more asking why are people so happy with the defense. Like I read another post how the defense was a bright spot yesterday. How?

I think it's like having two sons

if one son just got a girl pregnant and the other failed a test, who is getting the bulk of your anger?

While the other looks not so bad in comparison

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