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Notre Dame's uniforms tonight? I thought they were better than getting involved with that gimmicky uniform crap. Don't get me wrong: I can't stand them, just thought they were above that.

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Maybe we should try it. Couldn't make things worst. At this point I'll take whatever positive, that we give us a spark.

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Maybe we should try it. Couldn't make things worst. At this point I'll take whatever positive, that we give us a spark.

Try which: gimmicky uniforms or shamrocks?

I'll take a lucky charm and a little luck of the Irish over new threads right now!

(And while I hate to admit it, Bama's not doing bad with a leprechaun as a head coach... )

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I have nothing against Notre Dame, and I also don't get worked up about uniforms. Who cares?

Well great. Then this thread is not for you.

haha right? I suppose I care, but just a little, I would say on a scale of 1 to 10 I care about a 1 so who knows maybe I could make an argument that young recruits are superficial and are swayed by style and swagger but does it really matter? These are just the deep questions in life we may never know. I suppose in due time I will resign myself to the position of who cares as well but for now, I care, but just a little.

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I like the uniforms. How do they get away with calling the match up between them and Miami "The Shamrock Series" did Miami agree to that or is it a home field thing?

i think the shamrock series may refer to the games Notre Dame will be playing at neutral sites over the next few seasons. Just a guess since I have not looked it up.

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