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Dye: Chizik to return in 2013 even if he doesn't win another game this year


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Just putting that baby to bed...

Mattingly asked if Chizik could survive this season if things don’t improve after the worst September in the program’s history.

“Listen,” Dye said. “He wouldn’t be in trouble if he didn’t win another game.”

So Chizik will return no matter what?

“Absolutely,” Dye said.

So there’s no need to talk about whether Auburn might fire Chizik and hire the currently unemployed Bobby Petrino?

“Bobby Petrino would never get hired at Auburn,” Dye said. “Ever. Ever.”

Would anyone in the SEC hire Petrino after his crash from grace at Arkansas?

“Maybe, you know, if somebody was desperate they might,” Dye said. “Who would you say is going to hire him? I know Auburn ain’t gonna hire him.”


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I think he is right about Petrino but wrong about Chizik. If he loses the rest of the games no way they keep him.

No way to prove your statement as Auburn will not lose all the remaining games!

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I think he is right about Petrino but wrong about Chizik. If he loses the rest of the games no way they keep him.

you don't know that. If its between what you say and what Dye says, I'll take Dye's word over yours every time. He knows way more about the situation than you do.

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I'd say if there's anyone with insight into what the Powers That Be at Auburn think, it's Dye. I don't get the impression he was offering an opinion.

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I think he is right about Petrino but wrong about Chizik. If he loses the rest of the games no way they keep him.

No way to prove your statement as Auburn will not lose all the remaining games!

Ok then, he should be fired if he loses every game not including New Mexico and Ala A&M

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Honeslty, Pat needs to start just being seen and not heard as much. I'm sure I'm about to get attacked, but by Chizik letting him be so close to the program again; Pat Dye is going to always say he loves him. It's getting a little annoying.

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Losing every game the rest of the way is so unlikely as to not even worry about.

I've told all my non-Auburn friends who have asked if I thought Chizik would get run after this year that I don't see it happening and don't think it should happen.

Granted, if we did lose every other game, which would include losses to New Mexico State and ALABAMA A&M, then it would be hard to defend him at that point.

I think we could still go 6-6, but wouldn't bet on it.

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I don't think JJ would fire CGC. CGC is JJ's man; to fire him would be to admit he made a bad hire. I'm still in the camp that CGC can turn things around this year. Seeing how Ole Miss and TA&M have progressed, it will take significant improvements to be bowl eligible this year. To me, NO Auburn team should fail to be bowl-eligible. That is unacceptable.

I do thing JJ should be shown the door as the state of AU athletics is in very poor shape. No excuse for that!

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I think Chizik deserves one more year no matter what happens on the field in 2012. However; what happens on the field for the remaining games of 2012 should make a huge difference on the temperature of Chizik's seat in 2013.


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I don't think JJ would fire CGC. CGC is JJ's man; to fire him would be to admit he made a bad hire. I'm still in the camp that CGC can turn things around this year. Seeing how Ole Miss and TA&M have progressed, it will take significant improvements to be bowl eligible this year. To me, NO Auburn team should fail to be bowl-eligible. That is unacceptable.

I do thing JJ should be shown the door as the state of AU athletics is in very poor shape. No excuse for that!

I tend to agree. We need someone to come in from the outside that can provide an honest and unbiased opinion on each sport.

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I think Chizik deserves one more year no matter what happens on the field in 2012. However; what happens on the field for the remaining games of 2012 should make a huge difference on the temperature of Chizik's seat in 2013.



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for S and G's....

What if???

Basketball (Men and women) show improvement with the men head to the NCAA's or at the least a 19-20 win season and the NIT?

Baseball gets into the NCAA's and makes a run in the SEC?

Football finishes 8-5 and a bowl win?

The other sports hold serve or improve a little?

Would JJ still be the one who needs to go? Let's wait and see what happens by the end of the school year before firing everyone. ;)

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I agree with what CPD said.

I have always said that an AU coach will not survive being embarassed on the field, and in recruiting. Although we are no getting the results we all want on the field, by most accounts the 'crutin is still strong.

No way Bobby P gets a head job at a major football school. He is now just like mike leach, the only places that will hire him are mid-major schools desperate for publicity and wins.

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The odds of this team going 1-11 is nearly impossible with 2 cupcakes left on the schedule. However if it did happen, it would be a huge mistake not to consider a change.

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The odds of this team going 1-11 is nearly impossible with 2 cupcakes left on the schedule. However if it did happen, it would be a huge mistake not to consider a change.

Exactly what I was trying to say. If we lose to AA&M and NM then Chizik has lost all control of the program and needs to be cut. We have way too much talent for that. BTW, I think there is very little chance this happens.

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I'd say if there's anyone with insight into what the Powers That Be at Auburn think, it's Dye. I don't get the impression he was offering an opinion.

Maybe at one time but not anymore. I love Coach Dye but for a long time the "power" he knows best is booze. He is following in the footsteps of his mentors Wally Butts and Bear Bryant. I just hope he doesn't eventually screw up and embarrass the school into removing the high honor bestowed on him.......Pat Dye Field.

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I do think that if we lose to the cupcakes, something needs to be done. I'll even go so far as to say if we win only 4 games, something needs be done, and if we finish 5-7 then the coaching seat is blazing hot starting in 2013.

However, I think all of the aforementioned scenarios are moot. I said before the season that 7-5 was worst case, and I stand behind that, but even at 6-6 I don't think there is enough evidence to fire him, not after his first three seasons (I know 8 win years are not good enough on the Plains, but considering the circumstances surrounding those seasons, I think 8 wins was pretty darned good). As has been mentioned, his recruiting acumen is enough to make me feel like he should absolutely have job security for this season.

As for Dye, I don't think he is part of any decision making process presently, I just think he's privy to the people who are. I also think it was an outstanding move to let him be part of the athletics department again, even though Tuberville's decision to remove him was probably the right one.

Now, regarding Jacobs, that's a different matter. If either basketball or baseball are not strongly improved in their upcoming seasons, he needs to be gone. I also feel like we need to do whatever it takes to get David Marsh back on as the swim coach, because his departure has left a significant gap in that program. I don't know what the best approach to hiring a new athletics director might be, but just because I believe in his hire for head football coach doesn't mean I believe in his ability to discern the best people for the jobs in other athletics programs.

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I'd say if there's anyone with insight into what the Powers That Be at Auburn think, it's Dye. I don't get the impression he was offering an opinion.

It didn't sound like an opinion, it sounded like a firm statement on both Chizik and Petrino. It sounded like a man that was firmly entrenched in the inner works at AU, a man that is part of the decision making process regarding Auburn athletics. A man that knows how to bend the ear of important Auburn men that run this program.

Lord, I wish Pat would spend more time in the woods and less time on the ariwaves. Things are difficult enough around this program without him pandering to every dang radio host south of the Mason-Dixon. >:(

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As for Dye, I don't think he is part of any decision making process presently, I just think he's privy to the people who are. I also think it was an outstanding move to let him be part of the athletics department again, even though Tuberville's decision to remove him was probably the right one.

Tuberville removed Dye from the inner workings of the program, and look what nearly happened to him in 2003.

Chizik brings Dye back into the fold and even though this football team has fielded the worst defenses in school history and has started off to a dismal 1-3, and could likely finish the season losing AGAIN to our biggest rivals, Dye is out in the radio at least once a week voicing his staunch support for CGC. WTH?

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Yeah, no way AU would ever hire Petrino...too much bad history there.

And autigeremt, if the scenarios you mention come true this year, I would be s&*^ing and grinning!! I would have been happy with 8-5 at the beginning of the season! I'd be ecstatic for that now!!!!

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As for Dye, I don't think he is part of any decision making process presently, I just think he's privy to the people who are. I also think it was an outstanding move to let him be part of the athletics department again, even though Tuberville's decision to remove him was probably the right one.

Tuberville removed Dye from the inner workings of the program, and look what nearly happened to him in 2003.

Chizik brings Dye back into the fold and even though this football team has fielded the worst defenses in school history and has started off to a dismal 1-3, and could likely finish the season losing AGAIN to our biggest rivals, Dye is out in the radio at least once a week voicing his staunch support for CGC. WTH?

xCTT did indeed remove Dye from the inner workings of the program, and that's because he was still in many ways running the program while Tater Tot was head coach. Chizik brought Dye back, IMO, more for publicity and fund raising efforts than for any kind of control over the football operations, and he's acting almost as a cheerleader by design...and not by Chizik's design, either. The defenses have been atrocious, no doubt, but with Van Gorder heading up that side of the ball things seem to be turning around in a hurry. I maintain that has as much to do with the fact that both he and Chizik favor a Tampa 2 scheme, whereas Roof (whom I defended throughout his tenure at AU) was more of a multiple defense guy who preferred blitzing linebackers and letting safeties pick up the slack underneath, which clashed with the Tampa 2 philosophy of leaving the safeties over the top and letting the DL be the biggest difference maker in getting penetration.

That philosophical clash undermined the defensive success and handicapped the team, but even in spite of it, Chizik led us to overachieve (at least according to preseason predictions by everyone outside of Auburn) in each of his first three seasons. Call me a homer all you like (I don't deny it), but i honestly believe the exact same thing I did before the season started: 2013 and beyond will be special for the Auburn Tigers.

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this is the problem with AU. We have a coach that put us on probation having a voice on what goes on at Auburn. If people don't see a problem with that, then AU will never be more than middle of the road program.

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