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One big reason Auburn is currently 1-3 is turnovers. We are #116 in the country in TO margin at -8.

Guess who is dead last at #120? You got it - Arkansas at -12.

This game, like many, will be decided by which team turns their fortunes around and quits giving the ball away and actually forces the other team to.

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One big reason Auburn is currently 1-3 is turnovers. We are #116 in the country in TO margin at -8.

Guess who is dead last at #120? You got it - Arkansas at -12.

This game, like many, will be decided by which team turns their fortunes around and quits giving the ball away and actually forces the other team to.

Solid, not record breaking, but solid QB play with no turnovers on offense and consistent QB pressure from DL will win us this game. The solid QB play will open up our running game, and no turnovers will help us in field position and keeping the D fresh all game.

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One big reason Auburn is currently 1-3 is turnovers. We are #116 in the country in TO margin at -8.

Guess who is dead last at #120? You got it - Arkansas at -12.

This game, like many, will be decided by which team turns their fortunes around and quits giving the ball away and actually forces the other team to.

Solid, not record breaking, but solid QB play with no turnovers on offense and consistent QB pressure from DL will win us this game. The solid QB play will open up our running game, and no turnovers will help us in field position and keeping the D fresh all game.

You make it sound so easy :big:

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I know Arky has not played well at all, but you have to figure they are looking at this game as maybe their only opporunity to win a SEC game this season. When you look at SEC team ranking for any offensive and defensive categories, we are near the near the bottom in so many categories (just like Arky). They have to be thinking this is their shot since we are not an offensive juggernaut. I am sure they are thinking just stop the run and make us beat them by passing (even though their pass defense is atrocious). We are last in passing and they are last in passing defense. I guess something will have to give.

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