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Where is Melvin Ray?


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I might be wrong but i dont see how ANYTHING posted is going to do any good as it specifically relates to fixing what is wrong with this team. Im pretty tired of coach speak and the same old useless sound bites...."at the end of the day".."no question about it"..."we've got to clean that up".. "again". I really would like to hear somnething...ANYTHING a little different from the mind numbing coach speak we hear everyday!

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Jerry Freakin Rice could be lined up, uniformed in the orange and blue, and it still wouldn't matter. Throwing 2 feet behind your receivers is the problem.

Just curious mcdover, is there anything about this Auburn team that you like?

Well, let's see. The qb can't hit the broad side of a barn. Our best tacklers are on offense, as evident by the multiple interceptions they have to defend. Our DT's are getting manhandled. Our LBs wouldn't start at Vanderbilt. Our coaches are calling QB draws on 3rd & 34. Our opponents have figured out our play calling before the 1st qtr is up, but our OC can't seem to see this. We can't keep players out of jail, AND OUR DC COMES OUT AS SAYS WE CAN'T PLAY MAN PRESS!

I do like the new sign on the stadium.

You have got to be one of the most negative individuals I have seen. We know what is wrong. We don't need it repeated 900 times a day to us. Does this forum have a blacklist option? If it doesn't, we should get one installed.

As negative as he is being I can't help but realize he's speaking the truth...I suppose if you don't like the truth you can just find an ignore button somewhere and tell yourself everything is great this year and Auburn is the best team in the country.

There is a difference between this and genuine critique or identification of problems. It's the incessant restatement and use of overly dramatic hyperbole that people are getting sick of. Perfect examples are statements like "the qb can't hit the broad side of a barn," and "our LBs wouldn't start at Vanderbilt." If these are the sort of statements that you are referring to when you talk about the "truth," I would have to challenge you on that one. There is a difference. Yes, the QB and LBs have struggled. Anyone who watched even one of he last 8 quarters of football knows that. And even if they didn't, it has been restated 1000 times here on AUF. There is no need keep bringing it up unless you have something new or insightful to add, especially in a thread on Melvin Ray. What mcdover and some other posters on this site suffer from is what my dad used to refer to as "psychorrhea," or "diarrhea of the mouth." It's characterized by an overly negative outlook accompanied by dramatic over exaggeration, uncontrollable running of the mouth, and an absolute unwillingness to be consoled or accept encouragement. Like children, sometimes it is best to just ignore them until they get it out of their system and show they are capable of having a rational and productive adult conversation.

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I might be wrong but i dont see how ANYTHING posted is going to do any good as it specifically relates to fixing what is wrong with this team. Im pretty tired of coach speak and the same old useless sound bites...."at the end of the day".."no question about it"..."we've got to clean that up".. "again". I really would like to hear somnething...ANYTHING a little different from the mind numbing coach speak we hear everyday!

Definitely don't want coach speak. That is as bad as the drivel. I'm talking about possible things coaches may or may not be doing to rectify the issues. Or things that we are doing differently from other schools / coaches that may be causing the issues. I don't need to hear "we suck, we can't tackle, our qb play is horrible" we already know that....ya know? I'm just tired of seeing all the negativity. It is very possible to talk about a team doing poorly in a constructive manner. Something along the lines of, "This is what we are doing, per insiders, for tackling practice...this is what UAT does.....what is different here?" Things like that. Seems like a better use of our time then dwelling on "coach sucks because he has had 4 years and we still lack fundamentals" type posts.

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Yeah I agree that posting negative things all the time is preaching to the choir and I think I'll try to think that before I post something negative again.

I do feel a need to say most of these posts are out of frustration because a lot of us don't feel like the coaches are making changes for the better. When Kyle came back on the field I was frustrated I didn't at least get a taste of how bad or possibly good our backup QB might be but instead we never saw him even when our starting QB showed he wasn't going to be any use out there.
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Jerry Freakin Rice could be lined up, uniformed in the orange and blue, and it still wouldn't matter. Throwing 2 feet behind your receivers is the problem.

Just curious mcdover, is there anything about this Auburn team that you like?

Well, let's see. The qb can't hit the broad side of a barn. Our best tacklers are on offense, as evident by the multiple interceptions they have to defend. Our DT's are getting manhandled. Our LBs wouldn't start at Vanderbilt. Our coaches are calling QB draws on 3rd & 34. Our opponents have figured out our play calling before the 1st qtr is up, but our OC can't seem to see this. We can't keep players out of jail, AND OUR DC COMES OUT AS SAYS WE CAN'T PLAY MAN PRESS!

I do like the new sign on the stadium.


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I have to question peoples need to say the same thing over and over. All this back and forth and the OP is lost in boohooville. How about we stay on topic.


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I'm pissed off. Why am I pissed off? Because something I care so very much about, is being run into the ground. If some of you want to sit around hoping things get better while everything is getting worse, so be it. But don't count me in as a member of your mediocrity club.

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I'm pissed off. Why am I pissed off? Because something I care so very much about, is being run into the ground. If some of you want to sit around hoping things get better while everything is getting worse, so be it. But don't count me in as a member of your mediocrity club.

Your mental state has nothing to do with, "Where is Melvin Ray?".
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I'm pissed off. Why am I pissed off? Because something I care so very much about, is being run into the ground. If some of you want to sit around hoping things get better while everything is getting worse, so be it. But don't count me in as a member of your mediocrity club.

Your mental state has nothing to do with, "Where is Melvin Ray?".

Not trying to hijack. Just responding the multiple posters who questioned my reason for posting what I do.

As far as Melvin Ray not playing, apparently our coaching staff is of the mind that there are several players that a better than him right now.

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I'm pissed off. Why am I pissed off? Because something I care so very much about, is being run into the ground. If some of you want to sit around hoping things get better while everything is getting worse, so be it. But don't count me in as a member of your mediocrity club.

Your mental state has nothing to do with, "Where is Melvin Ray?".

As far as Melvin Ray not playing, apparently our coaching staff is of the mind that there are several players that a better than him right now.

Bro we are all pissed but you are continually posting it over and over. Plus I'm sure if the coaching staff says he isn't ready then he isn't. It's not some conspiracy

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Let's call a spade a spade. McDover is only posting the same things over, and over and over and over again because he wants attention. That is the only true reason to consistently post the same negative stuff. Since the Mods are set as of now in letting him stay I think it is best if we all ignore him so he does not get the attention he is craving.

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My request: please stop using the quote feature in responding to mcdover (if you must respond at all)! I've gone through the trouble of adding him to my Ignore list, but if you guys quote him, I still scroll past his drivel in order to see your comments. Reply if you want, but don't subject the rest of us to his childish whining.

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Jerry Freakin Rice could be lined up, uniformed in the orange and blue, and it still wouldn't matter. Throwing 2 feet behind your receivers is the problem.

Just curious mcdover, is there anything about this Auburn team that you like?

Well, let's see. The qb can't hit the broad side of a barn. Our best tacklers are on offense, as evident by the multiple interceptions they have to defend. Our DT's are getting manhandled. Our LBs wouldn't start at Vanderbilt. Our coaches are calling QB draws on 3rd & 34. Our opponents have figured out our play calling before the 1st qtr is up, but our OC can't seem to see this. We can't keep players out of jail, AND OUR DC COMES OUT AS SAYS WE CAN'T PLAY MAN PRESS!

I do like the new sign on the stadium.

You have got to be one of the most negative individuals I have seen. We know what is wrong. We don't need it repeated 900 times a day to us. Does this forum have a blacklist option? If it doesn't, we should get one installed.

As negative as he is being I can't help but realize he's speaking the truth...I suppose if you don't like the truth you can just find an ignore button somewhere and tell yourself everything is great this year and Auburn is the best team in the country.

Everyone here knows our team is playing like trash, Constantly bashing the players, coaches and whoever else we want to blame doesn't help the situation. I prefer to think changes will be made to fix the issues we are seeing. Whether it be from CGC getting things in place...or our athletic director. I'm not going to sit here and bash bash bash (whether it is true or not, constantly harping on all of the negative aspects of our ability is bashing)....I would much rather read about what is being done to FIX the issues instead of reading the non stop broken records of people saying this sucks, that sucks yadda yadda....you know, the crap we ALREADY KNOW because we watch the games.

A lot of the trolls and negative nancies are just repeating themselves in EVERY thread...like that does any of us any good.

Summarized my feelings exactly. Could you post it in a few more threads?

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My request: please stop using the quote feature in responding to mcdover (if you must respond at all)! I've gone through the trouble of adding him to my Ignore list, but if you guys quote him, I still scroll past his drivel in order to see your comments. Reply if you want, but don't subject the rest of us to his childish whining.

Your actually right it's not even worth responding to him anymore. I apologize

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This upcoming game really worries me. I keep thinking back to how ULM went about beating Arkansas.

Let me remind you Arkansas' o-line is horrible as is their rushing between the tackles. They were up comfortably when their starting qb went down. We will be fine

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I think McDover is being harsh about it, but what they say isn't false.

At the end of the day we will get better. I will always feel a connection to our team since I played here. I will say most don't realize how hard we work...at the end of the day results are what we all want and expect, but hating on a 19 year old for not being good as we want them to be is a bit ridiculous. Kiehl probably works 10 times harder at his job than you do.

We all want Auburn to win. Truthfully, we have absolutely sucked and it starts with Frazier as he has played awful. At the end of the day though, true Auburn folks stick with the players and are there to pick them up instead of trash them, especially when they are a good kid. Kiehl is a good kid. He doesn't deserve to be treated like this.

When I played it was Chris Todd who took the heat and he never deserved it either...

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