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Was this part of Chizik's plan?


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Not the 0-2 start. I know that wasn't planned. I'm referring to the laying a strong foundation this staff has spoken of since they have arrived. There is alot of talent on campus now, so I believe that GC has laid a good foundation. If he can frame up the house and finish it or not remains to be seen. I, like many of you have serious doubts that he can, but I want to be wrong.

My doubts aren't from evil bammers putting them in my head; nor are they from me being a bad fan. They are from a loyal Auburn fan who went to school there and watched them very closely since I was old enough to know what a field goal was. I haven't played in an SEC football game but I have played an organized sport well beyond the high school level and know what good teams look like. I'm no expert authority but I'm no idiot either.

I have to question that if there is indeed a solid master plan, how did recruiting to a certain offense for three years and then going almost 180 degrees away from that system fit into it? If Chizik knew all along he wanted to go with a more pro style attack, why did he ever hire Malzahn and recruit players to fit his scheme for the better part of 4 classes? Everybody knew Gus wouldn't be at Auburn that long. If gene knew he didn't really want to run that offense he should have hired a pro guy from the beginning. it just doesn't make any sense.

Granted, a lot of the athletes are of the caliber to play in any offense and I think KF is definantly one of them. He's got a cannon no doubt. But he ran malzahns offense for years before he even got to auburn. I think he/the offense were put into some bad plays with no simple checks to get out of them and I believe he will get better be it because of the coaching or in spite of it. The running backs are good. The receivers are underdeveloped as of now. Jury's still out. The OL talent is off the charts.

I'm giving the defense the benefit of the doubt. Theres alot of bad habits bvg is having to deal with it appears. They have shown signs of improvement and have been on the field a lot. There are some glaring issues but anyone with a little football sense can see them so no need to hash it out again. I will say that there is a lot of elite talent riding the pine. If they aren't ready to play, there are men making hundreds of thousands of dollars that need to get their asses ready.

I'm not flaming the coach. I think my question is legit

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Unforeseables: recruting Cam for 2010 and 2011 but having him be a phenom that stays 1 year. Having known headcase but franchise RB Dyer go totally over the edge so he's not around for 2012. Fairly unusual and unpredictable events for this staff. fwiw, FSU, Bama, Okie, etc would still have Dyer on the team. Hope we've not sunk to their level.

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