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I am so glad you guys have heard of something called PM's or Messages. Yall have totally derailed the OP's question to serve you own purpose. Go fight this thing out on your own damn time. Some would like to talk about things the OP ASKED!!!!!

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I am so glad you guys have heard of something called PM's or Messages. Yall have totally derailed the OP's question to serve you own purpose. Go fight this thing out on your own damn time. Some would like to talk about things the OP ASKED!!!!!

I think I pretty much answered the question.

There is no way that in the near future that the United States will be anywhere close to not being the strongest country. The naval power of the US is unmovable and unbeatable. The US navy is 5x stronger than the rest of the world's navy combined. That is insane. Not to mention, our aircraft carriers are many times more advanced that any other out on the ocean. China and Russia only have 1 a piece and they had to struggle to even get those.

In case you guys didn't know. Rich people from China are migrating to the US in large #s. The Chinese economy is not doing well at all and allot of corruption is being uncovered. Europe is also not doing well.

SOOOOOOOOOOO who exactly is supposed to surpass us? Australia?

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Lied by saying it wasn't directed at him, when any person with a shred of sense knows it was. Yet the best you can do is harp on about how it wasn't you're first post, when it's obvious that you were the instigator no matter which post it was.

I guess 4 th time is the charm with you. Unfrakingbelievable.

I never denied my remarks toward Rava, at all. ALL I said was that, in my very first post in 'this' thread, I attacked NO ONE. You are the liar here, not I.

Bout time you grow the hell up & learn how to read.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am so glad you guys have heard of something called PM's or Messages. Yall have totally derailed the OP's question to serve you own purpose. Go fight this thing out on your own damn time. Some would like to talk about things the OP ASKED!!!!!

I think I pretty much answered the question.

There is no way that in the near future that the United States will be anywhere close to not being the strongest country. The naval power of the US is unmovable and unbeatable. The US navy is 5x stronger than the rest of the world's navy combined. That is insane. Not to mention, our aircraft carriers are many times more advanced that any other out on the ocean. China and Russia only have 1 a piece and they had to struggle to even get those.

In case you guys didn't know. Rich people from China are migrating to the US in large #s. The Chinese economy is not doing well at all and allot of corruption is being uncovered. Europe is also not doing well.

SOOOOOOOOOOO who exactly is supposed to surpass us? Australia?

Hmmmmm. You have a good point about the navy. But I would also like to bring up the Spanish Armada. No one in the world thought they could ever cross the Atlantic Ocean with Spain in the way, but the English did. The Armada was the biggest and baddest navy of the time period.

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I pose this question for anyone that is willing to respond. How much longer do you think America has as the "most powerful nation in the world"? Like all other previous "powerful" nations in history, we could be approaching the end of America as the most powerful. History always repeats itself. All other great powers throughout history lasted about 200-250 years. We are about 220-230 years in. The time is getting close if we were going to fall. I know this question is WAY in left field, but my US History course got me thinking about the near future. Thanks for reading this whole post. Feel free to comment.

If the US fails to get it's fiscal house in order, then I'd say less than 10 years. Used to be, the main stream media would be kicking up a storm of protest when an administration ran a $200B deficit. The current administration can't seem to operate with less than a $1T decifit, and hardly anyone bats an eye at it. Either the tax-and-spend Santa Clause mentality has to stop, or the US will be in economic ruin like some of the euro countries.

In 2011, then Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Michael Mullen said, “Debt is the single biggest threat to our national security.” In order to continue to spend over half-a-trillion dollars on the nation’s military and provide security for the global commons, as it has for over fifty years, the U.S. needs to get its fiscal house in order. Beyond its implications on the America’s defense posture, the deficit affects the country’s image as a responsible global leader – particularly in economics – that can frustrate the next administration’s foreign policy objectives. And of course there are the obvious domestic repercussions. The bottom line: the U.S. must lead by example."

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I am so glad you guys have heard of something called PM's or Messages. Yall have totally derailed the OP's question to serve you own purpose. Go fight this thing out on your own damn time. Some would like to talk about things the OP ASKED!!!!!

I think I pretty much answered the question.

There is no way that in the near future that the United States will be anywhere close to not being the strongest country. The naval power of the US is unmovable and unbeatable. The US navy is 5x stronger than the rest of the world's navy combined. That is insane. Not to mention, our aircraft carriers are many times more advanced that any other out on the ocean. China and Russia only have 1 a piece and they had to struggle to even get those.

In case you guys didn't know. Rich people from China are migrating to the US in large #s. The Chinese economy is not doing well at all and allot of corruption is being uncovered. Europe is also not doing well.

SOOOOOOOOOOO who exactly is supposed to surpass us? Australia?

Hmmmmm. You have a good point about the navy. But I would also like to bring up the Spanish Armada. No one in the world thought they could ever cross the Atlantic Ocean with Spain in the way, but the English did. The Armada was the biggest and baddest navy of the time period.

That is irrelivant to modern Naval batttles.

Look up the Bismark. It is probably the most famous ship in modern history. That ship was feared.

An American aircraft carrier could a country on its own. Its defenses are classified, but a Fleet Admiral or Commander did say that its defenses were automated and that an aircraft carrier in the US Navy could shoot down 1000 projectiles incoming at the same time. I think it was the Atlantic Fleet Commander. He also stated an aircraft carrier could handle an entire country firing on it with everything it had.

Im not sure if he was including the mandatory defenses that stay with an aircraft carrier at all times. I think 2 destroyers must always accompany an aircraft carrier anywhere it goes. Im not sure about the other requirements and it is most likely classified.

When I said the United States Navy is stronger than the entire worlds Navy X5, I was not exaggerating. It is literally is 5x stronger than the rest of the worlds Navy combined.

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I am so glad you guys have heard of something called PM's or Messages. Yall have totally derailed the OP's question to serve you own purpose. Go fight this thing out on your own damn time. Some would like to talk about things the OP ASKED!!!!!

I think I pretty much answered the question.

There is no way that in the near future that the United States will be anywhere close to not being the strongest country. The naval power of the US is unmovable and unbeatable. The US navy is 5x stronger than the rest of the world's navy combined. That is insane. Not to mention, our aircraft carriers are many times more advanced that any other out on the ocean. China and Russia only have 1 a piece and they had to struggle to even get those.

In case you guys didn't know. Rich people from China are migrating to the US in large #s. The Chinese economy is not doing well at all and allot of corruption is being uncovered. Europe is also not doing well.

SOOOOOOOOOOO who exactly is supposed to surpass us? Australia?

Hmmmmm. You have a good point about the navy. But I would also like to bring up the Spanish Armada. No one in the world thought they could ever cross the Atlantic Ocean with Spain in the way, but the English did. The Armada was the biggest and baddest navy of the time period.

That is irrelivant to modern Naval batttles.

Look up the Bismark. It is probably the most famous ship in modern history. That ship was feared.

An American aircraft carrier could a country on its own. Its defenses are classified, but a Fleet Admiral or Commander did say that its defenses were automated and that an aircraft carrier in the US Navy could shoot down 1000 projectiles incoming at the same time. I think it was the Atlantic Fleet Commander. He also stated an aircraft carrier could handle an entire country firing on it with everything it had.

Im not sure if he was including the mandatory defenses that stay with an aircraft carrier at all times. I think 2 destroyers must always accompany an aircraft carrier anywhere it goes. Im not sure about the other requirements and it is most likely classified.

When I said the United States Navy is stronger than the entire worlds Navy X5, I was not exaggerating. It is literally is 5x stronger than the rest of the worlds Navy combined.

Speaking of irrelevent ... I must address your ignorant post. The WWII Bismark ship took 4 years to build/commission and then was sent to the bottom of the Atlantic 8 months later -- embarrassingly enough, her demise was initiated by an antiquated biplane torpedo bomber. The lesson here is that Nazi Germany built the super battleship all the while while ignoring the then modern threat of the airplane. (Coincidently, the Japanese made the same mistake building the super battleships Musashi & Yamato.) Fast forward to today -- US carriers are currently supreme weapons, and no other country has anything close to the decades of experience with carrier flight operations which the US has. All well and good but that doesn't stop others from trying to develop countermeasures. China is in the process of fielding a ballistic missile specifically to target US carriers: http://www.nti.org/gsn/article/new-chinese-antiship-ballistic-missiles-seen-aimed-undercutting-us-naval-supremacy/.

I don't doubt that the US is also working on countermeasures to neutralize the missile threat. However, the new Ford-class carriers are esimated to cost around $9B a copy. Actual costs will probably be higher. Even the loss of just one carrier would be devastating.

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I am so glad you guys have heard of something called PM's or Messages. Yall have totally derailed the OP's question to serve you own purpose. Go fight this thing out on your own damn time. Some would like to talk about things the OP ASKED!!!!!

I think I pretty much answered the question.

There is no way that in the near future that the United States will be anywhere close to not being the strongest country. The naval power of the US is unmovable and unbeatable. The US navy is 5x stronger than the rest of the world's navy combined. That is insane. Not to mention, our aircraft carriers are many times more advanced that any other out on the ocean. China and Russia only have 1 a piece and they had to struggle to even get those.

In case you guys didn't know. Rich people from China are migrating to the US in large #s. The Chinese economy is not doing well at all and allot of corruption is being uncovered. Europe is also not doing well.

SOOOOOOOOOOO who exactly is supposed to surpass us? Australia?

Hmmmmm. You have a good point about the navy. But I would also like to bring up the Spanish Armada. No one in the world thought they could ever cross the Atlantic Ocean with Spain in the way, but the English did. The Armada was the biggest and baddest navy of the time period.

That is irrelivant to modern Naval batttles.

Look up the Bismark. It is probably the most famous ship in modern history. That ship was feared.

An American aircraft carrier could a country on its own. Its defenses are classified, but a Fleet Admiral or Commander did say that its defenses were automated and that an aircraft carrier in the US Navy could shoot down 1000 projectiles incoming at the same time. I think it was the Atlantic Fleet Commander. He also stated an aircraft carrier could handle an entire country firing on it with everything it had.

Im not sure if he was including the mandatory defenses that stay with an aircraft carrier at all times. I think 2 destroyers must always accompany an aircraft carrier anywhere it goes. Im not sure about the other requirements and it is most likely classified.

When I said the United States Navy is stronger than the entire worlds Navy X5, I was not exaggerating. It is literally is 5x stronger than the rest of the worlds Navy combined.

Speaking of irrelevent ... I must address your ignorant post. The WWII Bismark ship took 4 years to build/commission and then was sent to the bottom of the Atlantic 8 months later -- embarrassingly enough, her demise was initiated by an antiquated biplane torpedo bomber. The lesson here is that Nazi Germany built the super battleship all the while while ignoring the then modern threat of the airplane. (Coincidently, the Japanese made the same mistake building the super battleships Musashi & Yamato.) Fast forward to today -- US carriers are currently supreme weapons, and no other country has anything close to the decades of experience with carrier flight operations which the US has. All well and good but that doesn't stop others from trying to develop countermeasures. China is in the process of fielding a ballistic missile specifically to target US carriers: http://www.nti.org/g...aval-supremacy/.

I don't doubt that the US is also working on countermeasures to neutralize the missile threat. However, the new Ford-class carriers are esimated to cost around $9B a copy. Actual costs will probably be higher. Even the loss of just one carrier would be devastating.

You do know it survived that long while being the most targeted vessel and had the entire world gunning to sink it. It was also involved in almost every major battle. It was by far the most bad ass ship in the world at the time.

And Carriers have automated anti air and anti missile defenses. The Admiral said it would be impossible to hit a carrier with a missile or medium to large projectile.

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You do know it survived that long while being the most targeted vessel and had the entire world gunning to sink it. It was also involved in almost every major battle. It was by far the most bad ass ship in the world at the time.

And Carriers have automated anti air and anti missile defenses. The Admiral said it would be impossible to hit a carrier with a missile or medium to large projectile.

Missed the point entirely ... ...

All the same, history is not your strongpoint: the Bismark was involved in one battle, the battle of Denmark Strait, where she sank the HMS Hood. After that she was on the run from the Royal Navy (not the entire world) until she was destroyed & sunk.

Admirals once claimed that capital ships couldn't be destroyed from the air too.

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You do know it survived that long while being the most targeted vessel and had the entire world gunning to sink it. It was also involved in almost every major battle. It was by far the most bad ass ship in the world at the time.

And Carriers have automated anti air and anti missile defenses. The Admiral said it would be impossible to hit a carrier with a missile or medium to large projectile.

Missed the point entirely ... ...

All the same, history is not your strongpoint: the Bismark was involved in one battle, the battle of Denmark Strait, where she sank the HMS Hood. After that she was on the run from the Royal Navy (not the entire world) until she was destroyed & sunk.

Admirals once claimed that capital ships couldn't be destroyed from the air too.

Damn history channel made the Bismarck seem way more badass. Sensationalized BS.

The automated anti missile and anti projectile defense systems of the Unites States are near perfect for medium to large sized objects. They have been tested in Iraq to defend bases. They are badass. My dad has seen them in action. I know some soldiers that have also seen them in action.

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