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I pose this question for anyone that is willing to respond. How much longer do you think America has as the "most powerful nation in the world"? Like all other previous "powerful" nations in history, we could be approaching the end of America as the most powerful. History always repeats itself. All other great powers throughout history lasted about 200-250 years. We are about 220-230 years in. The time is getting close if we were going to fall. I know this question is WAY in left field, but my US History course got me thinking about the near future. Thanks for reading this whole post. Feel free to comment.

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I think the US as it exists today will cease to exist at some point in my lifetime. It will likely be divided into 4 or 5 different nations, each one taking the general political direction of the distinct regions of the US as we know it. I have heard several very intelligent people make the claim that a nation as large as the US could not ever function as it was designed to forever and was destined for an eventaul failure. That makes more and more sense with each passing day.

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Elected officials and a rising number of constituents are buying into the belief that they can simply vote themselves more and more goodies, all coming from the public coffers.

This is how a great nation dies. Not from the outside, but by redistributing its wealth, " fairly " , from the producers to the takers. As there are more taking than contributing, it's only a matter of time before it all collapses.

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I think the US as it exists today will cease to exist at some point in my lifetime. It will likely be divided into 4 or 5 different nations, each one taking the general political direction of the distinct regions of the US as we know it. I have heard several very intelligent people make the claim that a nation as large as the US could not ever function as it was designed to forever and was destined for an eventaul failure. That makes more and more sense with each passing day.

I tend to fall into this category. I have stated as much in the past. Regional governments will replace the centralized government. The non-union states will find themselves in better economic footing, but their overall standing may be dictated by their ability to protect themselves. The inner city will fall into chaos, and it will spread out into suburban America. How each region responds will determine their future existence. You could also see outside sources try to take advantage like China or Russia. If you think the Russian government is our ally you are smoking crack.

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My Uncle was the CEO/president of Lockhead Martin.

Lets just make some comparisons.

The United States Navy is greater than THE ENTIRE REST OF THE WORLD'S NAVY x5 There is no force in the oceans that can even compare to one of our fleets, let alone all of them. Our Aircraft carriers are said to be able to fight an entire countries military power coming right at it/them and not let a single missile or projectile hit the ship. The Movie battleship was pretty accurate. It would take an alien ship to take one down because nothing on earth can.

The Air Force is highly classified, But Lockhead Martin and Boeing have created things that are pretty crazy. But if you add in our drones + laser defense systems + our aircraft carriers, The United States could take on China, Russia, and Great Britian combined.

The rest of the world is no where near our strength. When China's general was asked to compare the strength of their military to ours, he laughed and said it doesnt even compare.

The sky is not falling. The US is still 50 yrs or more ahead of China and 35 or more years ahead of Europe.

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My Uncle was the CEO/president of Lockhead Martin.

Lets just make some comparisons.

The United States Navy is greater than THE ENTIRE REST OF THE WORLD'S NAVY x5 There is no force in the oceans that can even compare to one of our fleets, let alone all of them. Our Aircraft carriers are said to be able to fight an entire countries military power coming right at it/them and not let a single missile or projectile hit the ship. The Movie battleship was pretty accurate. It would take an alien ship to take one down because nothing on earth can.

The Air Force is highly classified, But Lockhead Martin and Boeing have created things that are pretty crazy. But if you add in our drones + laser defense systems + our aircraft carriers, The United States could take on China, Russia, and Great Britian combined.

The rest of the world is no where near our strength. When China's general was asked to compare the strength of their military to ours, he laughed and said it doesnt even compare.

The sky is not falling. The US is still 50 yrs or more ahead of China and 35 or more years ahead of Europe.

Agreed, militarily there is no one close to the US. But the military strength doesn't necessarily dictate power.

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My Uncle was the CEO/president of Lockhead Martin.

Might be that's what we have here. A pampered, clueless, limousine liberal ?

I knew a guy whose daddy was a top exec for a major self hauling company. Plenty of book smarts, having a couple of degrees, but a complete degenerate and a loser. Thought that, because his FAMILY had lots of money, he didn't have to be or do anything. And had the worst , foulest case of halitosis of any non homeless person I've met.

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My Uncle was the CEO/president of Lockhead Martin.

Might be that's what we have here. A pampered, clueless, limousine liberal ?

I knew a guy whose daddy was a top exec for a major self hauling company. Plenty of book smarts, having a couple of degrees, but a complete degenerate and a loser. Thought that, because his FAMILY had lots of money, he didn't have to be or do anything. And had the worst , foulest case of halitosis of any non homeless person I've met.

Why is it that every time, you say stuff like this? My Dad is a civil engineer, My mom is a RN, and my 2 best friends are engineers. 1 is civil, the other computer programming. I am a civil engineer. My friend scored the highest score on his Gradate exam of any person in Auburn University history. I did not do that well, but hey, its engineering. I am also a dive master and working on being an instructor. I do underwater photography. So yeah.......

Agreed, militarily there is no one close to the US. But the military strength doesn't necessarily dictate power.

It does, when our Navy can take on the entire world by themselves and the second most powerful navy is also our closest ally. The point is, we are so much more powerful than China, their head general laughed at the idea of even comparing the 2. That says allot coming from a communist country.

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Why is it that every time, you say stuff like this? My Dad is a civil engineer, My mom is a RN, and my 2 best friends are engineers. 1 is civil, the other computer programming. I am a civil engineer. My friend scored the highest score on his Gradate exam of any person in Auburn University history. I did not do that well, but hey, its engineering. I am also a dive master and working on being an instructor. I do underwater photography. So yeah......

Of what significance is it to the discussion of who YOU are do your friends come into any of this ? :gofig:

I see a pattern here.

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My Uncle was the CEO/president of Lockhead Martin.

Might be that's what we have here. A pampered, clueless, limousine liberal ?

I knew a guy whose daddy was a top exec for a major self hauling company. Plenty of book smarts, having a couple of degrees, but a complete degenerate and a loser. Thought that, because his FAMILY had lots of money, he didn't have to be or do anything. And had the worst , foulest case of halitosis of any non homeless person I've met.

Why is it that every time, you say stuff like this? My Dad is a civil engineer, My mom is a RN, and my 2 best friends are engineers. 1 is civil, the other computer programming. I am a civil engineer. My friend scored the highest score on his Gradate exam of any person in Auburn University history. I did not do that well, but hey, its engineering. I am also a dive master and working on being an instructor. I do underwater photography. So yeah......

Of what significance is it to the discussion of who YOU are do your friends come into any of this ? :gofig:

I see a pattern here.

You called me a pampered limousine liberal. You also called me lazy and said I am a loser. I have seen and done things you could only wish to do. You want proof of that also? I may be pampered, but I am far from being a loser. I am lazy at times, but far from what you just said in your post.


Just a small part of the thousands of pictures I have taken.

How about my Youtube channel?

My ex scuba buddy was a spoiled Limousine Republican. He is the adopted son of one of the 2 CFO's of Aflac in Columbus, GA. I am not going to call him out by name.

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Elected officials and a rising number of constituents are buying into the belief that they can simply vote themselves more and more goodies, all coming from the public coffers.

This is how a great nation dies. Not from the outside, but by redistributing its wealth, " fairly " , from the producers to the takers. As there are more taking than contributing, it's only a matter of time before it all collapses.

I think I may actually agree with you, Frank, but I have some questions. Who are the producers? Who are the takers? Do believe the welfare class is draining the ownership class? Do you believe the welfare class and the ownership class are draining the worker/consumer class? Do you recognize the new paridigm of the global economy? Do you really believe the Republicans are any less socialistic than the Democrats? Do you recognize that the very nature of government is somewhat socialistic and that the size of government has a great deal to do with how socialistic a society is?

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My Uncle was the CEO/president of Lockhead Martin.

Lets just make some comparisons.

The United States Navy is greater than THE ENTIRE REST OF THE WORLD'S NAVY x5 There is no force in the oceans that can even compare to one of our fleets, let alone all of them. Our Aircraft carriers are said to be able to fight an entire countries military power coming right at it/them and not let a single missile or projectile hit the ship. The Movie battleship was pretty accurate. It would take an alien ship to take one down because nothing on earth can.

The Air Force is highly classified, But Lockhead Martin and Boeing have created things that are pretty crazy. But if you add in our drones + laser defense systems + our aircraft carriers, The United States could take on China, Russia, and Great Britian combined.

The rest of the world is no where near our strength. When China's general was asked to compare the strength of their military to ours, he laughed and said it doesnt even compare.

The sky is not falling. The US is still 50 yrs or more ahead of China and 35 or more years ahead of Europe.

50 years? Do we have the industrial capacity to fight a long conventional war?

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My Uncle was the CEO/president of Lockhead Martin.

Might be that's what we have here. A pampered, clueless, limousine liberal ?

I knew a guy whose daddy was a top exec for a major self hauling company. Plenty of book smarts, having a couple of degrees, but a complete degenerate and a loser. Thought that, because his FAMILY had lots of money, he didn't have to be or do anything. And had the worst , foulest case of halitosis of any non homeless person I've met.

Why is it that every time, you say stuff like this? My Dad is a civil engineer, My mom is a RN, and my 2 best friends are engineers. 1 is civil, the other computer programming. I am a civil engineer. My friend scored the highest score on his Gradate exam of any person in Auburn University history. I did not do that well, but hey, its engineering. I am also a dive master and working on being an instructor. I do underwater photography. So yeah......

Of what significance is it to the discussion of who YOU are do your friends come into any of this ? :gofig:

I see a pattern here.

You called me a pampered limousine liberal. You also called me lazy and said I am a loser. I have seen and done things you could only wish to do. You want proof of that also? I may be pampered, but I am far from being a loser. I am lazy at times, but far from what you just said in your post.


Just a small part of the thousands of pictures I have taken.

How about my Youtube channel?

My ex scuba buddy was a spoiled Limousine Republican. He is the adopted son of one of the 2 CFO's of Aflac in Columbus, GA. I am not going to call him out by name.

Raptor calls everyone names that he disagrees with because his argument is weak. Don't be offended but accept it as badge of honor.

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You called me a pampered limousine liberal. You also called me lazy and said I am a loser. I have seen and done things you could only wish to do. You want proof of that also? I may be pampered, but I am far from being a loser. I am lazy at times, but far from what you just said in your post.


I did no such thing. I DID notice some similar patterns, and based on my own experiences, commented on what I'd seen. But thanks for letting us know you're pampered. And there's nothing wrong with that, in and of itself. And as YOU seem to think you're a decent guy, pampered life and all, does the same not apply to Mitt Romney ?

Your life is a non issue, to be honest. But the point is, so much what you believe simply is not so. I try to point that out to you , and then you accuse ME of calling YOU names, after you run and dodge from backing up your claims.

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You called me a pampered limousine liberal. You also called me lazy and said I am a loser. I have seen and done things you could only wish to do. You want proof of that also? I may be pampered, but I am far from being a loser. I am lazy at times, but far from what you just said in your post.


I did no such thing. I DID notice some similar patters, and based on my own experiences, commented on what I'd seen. But thanks for letting us know you're pampered. And there's nothing wrong with that, in and of itself. And as YOU seem to think you're a decent guy, pampered life and all, does the same not apply to Mitt Romney ?

Your life is a non issue, to be honest. But the point is, so much what you believe simply is not so. I try to point that out to you , and then you accuse ME of calling YOU names, after you run and dodge from backing up your claims.

But you did call him names. You ddn't flat out say it, but you damn sure insinuated it.

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Which was it ? Did I call him names, or did I insinuate it ? Pick one.

This is pretty clear

My Uncle was the CEO/president of Lockhead Martin.

Might be that's what we have here. A pampered, clueless, limousine liberal ?

Rather than just stating that he was "clueless," you made sure to include the phrase "might be." You insinutaed that he is clueless.

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'Clueless' is supported by his own posts. Pointing that out isn't exactly name calling,imo.

Insinuating that he is pampered and clueless is insulting. He made his case, and rather than refute it with a well reasoned argument, you made a snarky reply implying he doesn't know what he is talking about because of his upbringing. That's petty. A low blow that only derails the topic at hand. And it's not just you, this whole politics subsection needs an attitude adjustment. Just like anywhere else on the web, every discussion devolves into a left v. right flamewar. In this thread, you kicked it off. Congratulations on being that guy.

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Rav, you know nothing of our current capabilities to conduct a protracted war. We do not have the logistics or supply chain to sustain a war past a few months. China can send 100 aircraft a day at us and we will shoot a lot of them down but many will get through. They will gladly sacrifice thousands to win a battle. And it won't stop ever because they have that many people. Except for the threat of nukes, they could kick our butts.

I tried to have an open mind but I'm afraid it's true, as stated by Raptor, you are clueless. And an engineer...congrats.

The fact that you interjected the movie Battleship into a serious conversation is typical of your mental capability. Its a movie...make believe. The Navy girls don't look as good as Rihanna. You think you are the only one who knows somebody important? Your contacts are feeding you the party line if you think we are the only superpower and untouchable by any other nation.

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He didn't make his case. Save for the Bush defended a gay guy comment, he's run away from EVERY claim he's made.

It seems, like Ravaha-ha, you think that merely posting a link is claiming to make a case, but even a cursory review of the substance shows that the facts don't support his position.

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He didn't make his case. Save for the Bush defended a gay guy comment, he's run away from EVERY claim he's made.

It seems, like Ravaha-ha, you think that merely posting a link is claiming to make a case, but even a cursory review of the substance shows that the facts don't support his position.

Then just say his argument is wrong without prefacing your statement with "might be a clueless, pampered, limousine liberal." I'm not defending his argument, but it was eloquenly put. So what if his assertions are false? Your tone is what I have a problem with.

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My 'tone' is dictated greatly by my past exchanges w/ Ravaha-ha. I debunk his claims w/ facts, I get no reply. I ask him to back up his claims. Again, nothing.

I grow weary of fools. Sorry.

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