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anyone gotany funny or oddball stories of auburn they want to share?


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when my mother was small child she had a beloved kitten and it got sick and died. well my mother and my aunt went to the old area back then and buried the kittne right below and in front of the cage that housed the war eagle. kinda sappy i know but i think she wanted the war eagle to watch over her beloved kitten.

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:laugh:My Dad attended Auburn from 1948 to 1953. He and a bunch of Kappa Sig. Frat brothers decided they wanted fried chicken. They knew where some were being kept on campus.  After a sucessful night raid they were enjoying a fine Fried chicken dinner when the local police show up. The lead cop ask the group are you guys enjoying that chicken. They responded yes sir, would you care for some? No the cop responded, I don't think I could afford it. Those chickens you boys are eating are experimental chickens valued at $1000 a bird.  To this day Dad doesn't care much for fried chicken. :laugh:

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Would actually enjoying a home loss qualify as oddball?

As a student, I was able to score guest tickets to the '87 FSU game and invite my parents. My Dad (blind from a war wound) had long ago taught me to visualize a game in my head (useful skill back when most games were only available on radio). I pumped sunshine until the bitter end, but he knew we were going absolutely nowhere by early 3rd qtr.

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