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can i make a suggestion to all the auburn fans?


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I just think that most fans are very fickle. We have a "what have you done for me lately" attitude. As long as we are winning, everybody loves everybody and when we lose, it just sucks. Heck, last year after winning the national title we sell out of our season tickets in record pace. This year we haven't even sold out yet. We can't even sell 6 game mini season tickets. I heard that the ticket office is going to put 3 game packages together to try to sell. My point is, when you are losing, football isn't fun and it brings out the worse in people and their support for the program..

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I have heard it, a very long time ago. Daniel Cobb was the QB and you could tell the crowd wanted Campbell in/ was not pleased with Cobb.( I think this is when it was) They booed hard. That being said it is a very rare occurrence and I have not heard it for over ten years. I would agree that the OP is going out on a limb here....

You don't have to go back to Daniel Cobb... Brandon Cox was booed by a very small but loud minority vs Miss State in 2007.  It was the most ashamed I'd ever been of my Auburn brethren.  I almost got into a fight telling a few a-holes around me who were booing to sit down and shut up.

Me too. I absolutely couldn't stand it. If it hadn't been for my friend, and the five or six rows between me and the douche, I would have been escorted out by police for fighting, because he and I were getting into it pretty danged hardcore for the crap he was spewing.

And guys, this isn't just about booing. There were a LOT of people headed for the exit when we played Utah State. The players didn't give up that game, but they did give up later in the season when they got down. Does no one else see the correlation?

Quite the reach there Red. Players gave up in games later in the season because fans left early from the Utah State game?? I guess you can make that correlation.... I'd personally rather believe thtat our guys were just no longer able to physically compete with those teams that blew us out than that they actually gave up.

I support the no booing message, but at the same time I would like to see the rule book on what an Auburn man/women is allowed to do. Are we allowed to drink, smoke, stay up late, and watch R rated movies? What about cursing those that disqualify people? When I was twelve I stole a little bottle of ginsing before a basketball game so I would have super energy (don't think it worked btw) am I still allowed in??

I'm fine with people stating their opinions but to try and take away anothers fanhood because they do something you don't like just rubs me the wrong way.

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I question  motive of this thread.  My seats are close to student section and I have a pretty good ear.

I doubt you have heard anything that I would not have heard.

I have sat through some great games and some stinkers @ AU for many decades.

I have heard vocal fans discussing and moaning,

but never and I say never, have I heard an Auburn stadium boo an Auburn team or player.

Since we don't do that I wonder why this thread was started ?

WDE and WTHAYTA,  Aubie(?)50?

I seem to remember a seeming symphony of booing every time Andre Bruce made a big hit?

I will admit, however, that I find recent early exits from the stadium a bit unseemly.

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My memory may be off (there's good reason for that) but in the early 80's I don't recall us booing opposing teams as they took the field. I'm I way off here?

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I have heard it, a very long time ago. Daniel Cobb was the QB and you could tell the crowd wanted Campbell in/ was not pleased with Cobb.( I think this is when it was) They booed hard. That being said it is a very rare occurrence and I have not heard it for over ten years. I would agree that the OP is going out on a limb here....

You don't have to go back to Daniel Cobb... Brandon Cox was booed by a very small but loud minority vs Miss State in 2007.  It was the most ashamed I'd ever been of my Auburn brethren.  I almost got into a fight telling a few a-holes around me who were booing to sit down and shut up.

Me too. I absolutely couldn't stand it. If it hadn't been for my friend, and the five or six rows between me and the douche, I would have been escorted out by police for fighting, because he and I were getting into it pretty danged hardcore for the crap he was spewing.

And guys, this isn't just about booing. There were a LOT of people headed for the exit when we played Utah State. The players didn't give up that game, but they did give up later in the season when they got down. Does no one else see the correlation?

Why some people refuse to acknowledge this is beyond me btw. It was obvious what was happening.
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My memory may be off (there's good reason for that) but in the early 80's I don't recall us booing opposing teams as they took the field. I'm I way off here?


Guess I should have painted my post yellow

Crowd would yell "Bruce" in unison

TV/radio commentators often wondered why we were booing our own for good plays

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Quite the reach there Red. Players gave up in games later in the season because fans left early from the Utah State game?? I guess you can make that correlation.... I'd personally rather believe thtat our guys were just no longer able to physically compete with those teams that blew us out than that they actually gave up.

Being able to physically compete is not the same thing as making the attempt. It has been rehashed several times that UGA players were talking about how AU players were laying down: that means they had given up, whether they were able to match up with the UGA players or not.

I support the no booing message, but at the same time I would like to see the rule book on what an Auburn man/women is allowed to do. Are we allowed to drink, smoke, stay up late, and watch R rated movies? What about cursing those that disqualify people? When I was twelve I stole a little bottle of ginsing before a basketball game so I would have super energy (don't think it worked btw) am I still allowed in??

I'm fine with people stating their opinions but to try and take away anothers fanhood because they do something you don't like just rubs me the wrong way.

What you do on your own time is your business. What you do at Jordan-Hare Stadium reflects upon Auburn as a whole. You support the no booing message, but you don't think there's anything wrong with abandoning the team before the clock expires? My point with that it's far easier to keep fighting when you know you have support from the fans, but it's kinda hard to think they had support from the fans with the number of those fans who gave up that support too early against USU.

I'm not challenging anyone's fanhood individually, I'm challenging the fan base to collectively support the team all the way. "All In" isn't just a catch phrase for me, it's a mentality, one that many abandoned that day. If you really think it's a stretch to draw the parallel that I did, then I don't what else to tell you...

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I am definitely not going to tell other Auburn fans what to do.  We are all individuals with a common love for Auburn and I don't always agree with everyone in my family.

We never leave a game early no matter what.  I am sad for those that do but everyone has their reasons.....age, work, babysitters.....not for me to judge.  But look what they missed out on!!  The heat is brutal in the early season and as I get older, I sometimes have to go under to the cool zone to get a break.  Maybe that's where a lot were....

Even with all that, fans have changed as the world has changed.  Some of our fans haven't even been through hard times.  Remember one of the players even said that some of the younger players had not lost when the Clemson debacle happened.  I survived the Doug Barfield era and still love Auburn football as well as the University!

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I agree with Red - It was down right shameful to see masses head for the exits in our first game last year.  What does that show our coaches & players? 

They had just gone undefeated and brought home the first NC in over 50 freaking years  + a Heisman winner.  And our own fanbase doesn't show enough respect and appreciation to stay in our home stadium seats when our team needed us most?

I was half drunk by the 4th quarter of that game, so I was speaking pretty freely to my AU brethren when I verbally called them out for exiting the game like they did.  I got some of the worst looks from AU men & women, and one guy told me to STHU and mind my own buisness.  I couldn't help myself, I just had to ask him if he enjoyed the fantastic season Coach Chizik gave us the year before?  And, if he really thought leaving early because our team was down was a way to show his appreciation?

It sounds so self-righteous to say that AU has more "class" than other fanbases, and AU fans are better than others....  People can beat their chests and boast superiority til they are blue in the face, but actions speak louder than words.

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I am definitely not going to tell other Auburn fans what to do.  We are all individuals with a common love for Auburn and I don't always agree with everyone in my family.

We never leave a game early no matter what.  I am sad for those that do but everyone has their reasons.....age, work, babysitters.....not for me to judge.  But look what they missed out on!!  The heat is brutal in the early season and as I get older, I sometimes have to go under to the cool zone to get a break.  Maybe that's where a lot were....

Even with all that, fans have changed as the world has changed.  Some of our fans haven't even been through hard times.  Remember one of the players even said that some of the younger players had not lost when the Clemson debacle happened.  I survived the Doug Barfield era and still love Auburn football as well as the University!

The mass exodus happened when we went down by more than a touchdown with minutes left in the game. They weren't going home because of age, work, babysitters, or any other reason than they gave up on the team and decided to abandon ship. Justify that if you like, and it is everyone's right to leave whenever they please, but I think we should be more supportive than they were on that day.

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Oh I agree and not trying to justify and I'm just not going to be the one to leave but I also am not going to tell others what to do either.  I had someone in front of me one time tell me that I wasn't a real fan because I was complaining about some of the play calling.  I thought we were going to get in a fist fight and my husband was ready to defend me.  I didn't know an Auburn fan could treat another fan that way.  So no one else is going to tell me what kind of fan to be.  I have been a season ticket holder through thick and thin and even overseas deployment so I have paid my dues on what kind of fan I want to be.  We stayed in our seats another year but have now moved because it was such an uncomfortable situation because they seemed to think that only their opinion was right. 

But you can be the kind of fan you want to be and we'll all still be family.  :)

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Oh I agree and not trying to justify and I'm just not going to be the one to leave but I also am not going to tell others what to do either.  I had someone in front of me one time tell me that I wasn't a real fan because I was complaining about some of the play calling.  I thought we were going to get in a fist fight and my husband was ready to defend me.  I didn't know an Auburn fan could treat another fan that way.  So no one else is going to tell me what kind of fan to be.  I have been a season ticket holder through thick and thin and even overseas deployment so I have paid my dues on what kind of fan I want to be.  We stayed in our seats another year but have now moved because it was such an uncomfortable situation because they seemed to think that only their opinion was right. 

But you can be the kind of fan you want to be and we'll all still be family.  :)

I'm not telling anyone what to do. I think I made that pretty clear. I am reflecting upon the way that made us look and offering it as at least a possibility as to why the players gave up later in the year. That's the point of this thread: it's not about telling others what they must do, it's a shout out to people who seem not to believe their actions have an impact upon the team.

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Oh I agree and not trying to justify and I'm just not going to be the one to leave but I also am not going to tell others what to do either.  I had someone in front of me one time tell me that I wasn't a real fan because I was complaining about some of the play calling.  I thought we were going to get in a fist fight and my husband was ready to defend me.  I didn't know an Auburn fan could treat another fan that way.  So no one else is going to tell me what kind of fan to be.  I have been a season ticket holder through thick and thin and even overseas deployment so I have paid my dues on what kind of fan I want to be.  We stayed in our seats another year but have now moved because it was such an uncomfortable situation because they seemed to think that only their opinion was right. 

But you can be the kind of fan you want to be and we'll all still be family.  :)

I'm not telling anyone what to do. I think I made that pretty clear. I am reflecting upon the way that made us look and offering it as at least a possibility as to why the players gave up later in the year. That's the point of this thread: it's not about telling others what they must do, it's a shout out to people who seem not to believe their actions have an impact upon the team.

Thanks for your opinion again!

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I have been to almost all of the SEC venues that Auburn has played in over the many decades that I have been an Auburn fan, and I can say with complete honesty, that JHS is one of the very few stadiums that I have rarely seen the home team fans boo their team to the degree that I have seen other fans at other stadiums do to their home team. Are we perfect? no way.  However, Auburn fans have to be in the top 5 of overall fans that treat their team with the respect that the players deserve. These young men pay a price that very few of us will ever pay in order to make their family, friends, and fans proud of them on these special Saturdays that they lay it all on the line. It has always been a good feeling to be able to interact with good fans from other teams and have them to comment that Auburn fans treat the opposition fans with respect that they see very little of in their home stadium.  There is a fine line sometimes that exists where each of us as a proud Auburn fan, has to draw the line in the sand as to when we have to stand up to the fans of the opposition in order to maintain a level of respect that we all deserve. I guess what I am saying is that there comes a time when we will not take any more crap from morons from the opposition!

WDE  Doc

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I know not what others do, but for me and mine we do not leave before the game is over (the final horn has sounded).

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Quite the reach there Red. Players gave up in games later in the season because fans left early from the Utah State game?? I guess you can make that correlation.... I'd personally rather believe thtat our guys were just no longer able to physically compete with those teams that blew us out than that they actually gave up.

Being able to physically compete is not the same thing as making the attempt. It has been rehashed several times that UGA players were talking about how AU players were laying down: that means they had given up, whether they were able to match up with the UGA players or not.

I support the no booing message, but at the same time I would like to see the rule book on what an Auburn man/women is allowed to do. Are we allowed to drink, smoke, stay up late, and watch R rated movies? What about cursing those that disqualify people? When I was twelve I stole a little bottle of ginsing before a basketball game so I would have super energy (don't think it worked btw) am I still allowed in??

I'm fine with people stating their opinions but to try and take away anothers fanhood because they do something you don't like just rubs me the wrong way.

What you do on your own time is your business. What you do at Jordan-Hare Stadium reflects upon Auburn as a whole. You support the no booing message, but you don't think there's anything wrong with abandoning the team before the clock expires? My point with that it's far easier to keep fighting when you know you have support from the fans, but it's kinda hard to think they had support from the fans with the number of those fans who gave up that support too early against USU.

I'm not challenging anyone's fanhood individually, I'm challenging the fan base to collectively support the team all the way. "All In" isn't just a catch phrase for me, it's a mentality, one that many abandoned that day. If you really think it's a stretch to draw the parallel that I did, then I don't what else to tell you...

Never said I supported people that left early. I can certainly understand why someone would not want to sit through the worst loss in AU history. And had we lost to Utah State i think that would have had to of been the worst loss in AU history. But hey if your able to sit through something like that then more power to you. I wasn't at the game so can't say how i would have handled it.

If the team did quit at georgia then I hope they lost the diapers this off season and have actually become football players and men. People say the fans owe the football players, but i think it is the other way around. They are given a world class education and an oppurtunity to achieve what ever they want. Be that NFL or in the business world. It is only because we as fans support the University that they have those opportunities available to them. Sure they have to put in hard work but good luck finding any one with a full scholarship that isn't putting in lots of work. Whether it be academic or Athletic. So if our team quit at georgia because fans left early at Utah state then i seriously question what our team this year will be able to achieve (becasue we have basically the same guys).

If we were in a fight against lsu or bama and our fans left then they would be embarrasing Auburn. The fact that we were in a fight with Utah State in the first place means that the team (players and coaches) were embarrasing Auburn

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Can I just also say, as a suggestion to the AU Family, it would be really nice for me to see us remember this year and every year that even though we know that we are the best team and fan base.. humility and kindness to anyone inside and outside the family is priority #1.

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Never said I supported people that left early. I can certainly understand why someone would not want to sit through the worst loss in AU history. And had we lost to Utah State i think that would have had to of been the worst loss in AU history. But hey if your able to sit through something like that then more power to you. I wasn't at the game so can't say how i would have handled it.

If the team did quit at georgia then I hope they lost the diapers this off season and have actually become football players and men. People say the fans owe the football players, but i think it is the other way around. They are given a world class education and an oppurtunity to achieve what ever they want. Be that NFL or in the business world. It is only because we as fans support the University that they have those opportunities available to them. Sure they have to put in hard work but good luck finding any one with a full scholarship that isn't putting in lots of work. Whether it be academic or Athletic. So if our team quit at georgia because fans left early at Utah state then i seriously question what our team this year will be able to achieve (becasue we have basically the same guys).

If we were in a fight against lsu or bama and our fans left then they would be embarrasing Auburn. The fact that we were in a fight with Utah State in the first place means that the team (players and coaches) were embarrasing Auburn

The fans don't owe it to the players, not exclusively. They owe it to themselves and they owe it to Auburn University, as well. The fact that you see players, most of whom were starting their first collegiate game, struggling against a veteran Utah State team who had been gunning for the defending national champions the entire offseason, and call that an embarrassment to Auburn speaks to your disdain for how much time those players put in busting their tails to be as good as they can. They were playing as hard as they could, just not clicking.

Yeah, maybe it is embarrassing, to the outside world at least. But if your kid did something embarrassing on the little league field, would you walk out on him? To suggest that the team somehow deserved less support because they were struggling is something that honestly makes me question YOUR fanhood. I don't mean that as a challenge, because I hope that in getting caught up with arguing a point you went farther than you actually believe, but come on man, really? The players owe it to Auburn to what? Win against all supposedly inferior competition? Rise to every occasion? When I was chanting "It's great to be an Auburn Tiger" on the exit ramps leaving Jordan-Hare after the 09 Iron Bowl, I didn't mean only then, I meant ALWAYS. Even if we had lost to Utah State, it still would have been great to be an Auburn Tiger. We're in this together, win, lose, or draw, and if you're ashamed to associate yourself with the team should they lose in such embarrassing fashion, then perhaps you should examine your own loyalties. (*NOTE* That last sentence was directed out to everyone in general, not to gravejd in particular.)

Wow. To hear such a defense of an act of abandonment...I don't know what else to say. I, too, can understand the desire to leave and not see the team be so demoralized, but if we want to hold ourselves up as the "Auburn Family" and boast about how we support the team through thick and thin, then we have to live that proclamation, not just say it. That is the point of this entire thread.

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I was an invited walk-on in the 70's so I paid my own way, worked at Sewell Hall as a chow boy, held dummies but still never felt like Auburn owed me anything.  I was excited for just having the opportunity to try and make the team, to be around the team and the coaches.  I fell in love with Auburn and after reading thru this thread started wondering what I fell in love with.

It's the people!  United we are this warm, supporting, mostly happy group of individuals that we affectionately call "Family". 

Our coaches go out and pitch our school and family to young men who in their minds could go to any number of institutions.  So do they owe us because they are given an education after we begged them to come to Auburn?  Or do they do their best because they fell in love with Auburn like so many of us have and just want to lift up the greatest University in the country? 

The key to our long term success is keeping that "Family" feeling which means loving each other like brothers and sisters........(and yes we disagree and scrap sometimes, but we forgive and forget).  So War Eagle to all on this thread and man I cannot wait till we kick off this season!

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Seems like BT got booed some last year, I think any one that is booing auburn players should stay at home and sell thier tickets to someone that loves the Auburn Family :aufb:

...along with airfare and hotel accommodations.

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Quite the reach there Red. Players gave up in games later in the season because fans left early from the Utah State game?? I guess you can make that correlation.... I'd personally rather believe thtat our guys were just no longer able to physically compete with those teams that blew us out than that they actually gave up.

Being able to physically compete is not the same thing as making the attempt. It has been rehashed several times that UGA players were talking about how AU players were laying down: that means they had given up, whether they were able to match up with the UGA players or not.

I support the no booing message, but at the same time I would like to see the rule book on what an Auburn man/women is allowed to do. Are we allowed to drink, smoke, stay up late, and watch R rated movies? What about cursing those that disqualify people? When I was twelve I stole a little bottle of ginsing before a basketball game so I would have super energy (don't think it worked btw) am I still allowed in??

I'm fine with people stating their opinions but to try and take away anothers fanhood because they do something you don't like just rubs me the wrong way.

What you do on your own time is your business. What you do at Jordan-Hare Stadium reflects upon Auburn as a whole. You support the no booing message, but you don't think there's anything wrong with abandoning the team before the clock expires? My point with that it's far easier to keep fighting when you know you have support from the fans, but it's kinda hard to think they had support from the fans with the number of those fans who gave up that support too early against USU.

I'm not challenging anyone's fanhood individually, I'm challenging the fan base to collectively support the team all the way. "All In" isn't just a catch phrase for me, it's a mentality, one that many abandoned that day. If you really think it's a stretch to draw the parallel that I did, then I don't what else to tell you...

Never said I supported people that left early. I can certainly understand why someone would not want to sit through the worst loss in AU history. And had we lost to Utah State i think that would have had to of been the worst loss in AU history. But hey if your able to sit through something like that then more power to you. I wasn't at the game so can't say how i would have handled it.

If the team did quit at georgia then I hope they lost the diapers this off season and have actually become football players and men. People say the fans owe the football players, but i think it is the other way around. They are given a world class education and an oppurtunity to achieve what ever they want. Be that NFL or in the business world. It is only because we as fans support the University that they have those opportunities available to them. Sure they have to put in hard work but good luck finding any one with a full scholarship that isn't putting in lots of work. Whether it be academic or Athletic. So if our team quit at georgia because fans left early at Utah state then i seriously question what our team this year will be able to achieve (becasue we have basically the same guys).

If we were in a fight against lsu or bama and our fans left then they would be embarrasing Auburn. The fact that we were in a fight with Utah State in the first place means that the team (players and coaches) were embarrasing Auburn

I was going to leave this thread alone until I read "The fact that we were in a fight with Utah State in the first place means that the team (players and coaches) were embarrasing Auburn" I was at this game and yes it was hot but most of the fans that left did so because they were frustrated. You can label it anyway that you want but at the end of the day alot of fans in attendance gave up. To say that the effort the high school kids that we put on the field against an experienced seasoned Utah st team was embarrasing is a comical statement at best. I am not sorry if I offend anyone but if you can't take pride that Chiz has recruited kids that can come in and win 8 division 1 football games as freshman and sophmores than you my friend are a sad excuse of an Auburn fan. Has anyone bothered to see that while not playing an SEC schedule, Utah St. proved to be a pretty scrappy team last year not to mention how most of the returning starters for Utah St only lost to Oklahama by a touchdown in 2010. One last time, with the young team that we had last year we were going to be in for a fight in all the games except 2. Florida Atlantic and Ole Miss were the only teams that we could outmatch in every category. Everyone else matched up very well against us because of our youth and inexperience. Hell we were supposed to lose to Miss St. and South Carolina but we didn't.

Sorry but I needed to vent after that statement.

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Ouch...got killed in this thread over the weekend lol.

I'm not really sure how I got positioned into the guy that is defending people that left early. I was simply stating why I wasn't persecuting them for doing so.

IMO there was no excuse for Auburn to struggle with that team last year. Were they good for Utah State standards yeah....should they have been able to hang with Auburn....heck no. I only see two ways that Utah State was able to play with Auburn. 1) The players were not playing hard. 2) The coaches put together a bad game plan. I have not seen the Utah State game since the day it was played so to say I know why we struggled would be a lie. I can say the defensive game plan left a little to be desired but I'm also not going to say it was all on Ted Roof.

The players and coaches owe it to themselves and the University to put forth their best effort. One, two, or both of those did not put forth their best effort which is why things went down the way they did.

Should fans support the team no matter what happens? Yes!!!

Should fans be able to express their dissaproval? Yes!!! If we never complained then were does the motivation for those in charge to keep improving the team come from?

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A question for the posters here.  Just looking for opinions, not labeling of people who have different opinions.  Here's the question: if it is acceptable, even expected, for fans to voice their jubilation (cheer) when their team, coaches, etc do well, why is it so highly frowned upon for fans to voice their disappointment/frustration (boo or groan) when the opposite happens?  Just wondering.

Because the players cannot distinguish the difference. I cannot think of a realistic situation in which we should boo our own team and the coaches are on the team. If we don't like a decision, take it up on a call in show, msg boards or with the athletic dept when it comes time to send financial support. Not boos.

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