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can i make a suggestion to all the auburn fans?


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There have been times that the boo birds came out.  My opinion is that more often than not it was a voicing of dissatisfaction about play calling, running out the clock, etc.  I don't know that I've ever heard fans boo specific players, but I guess it's impossible to know the exact motive or target of a boo.

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For some reason I remember hearing boos from the crowd last season.  I believe the boos had to do with Gus' play calling or the defense giving up a big play on 3rd down again.  I for one was not at the game, but was watching the game on the DVR.  I did feel shame by this, but I also think that people on this board are not those type of people and that alcohol was a factor in the boos.  A couple of boos drowned out the majority for some reason in all stadiums.

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A question for the posters here.  Just looking for opinions, not labeling of people who have different opinions.  Here's the question: if it is acceptable, even expected, for fans to voice their jubilation (cheer) when their team, coaches, etc do well, why is it so highly frowned upon for fans to voice their disappointment/frustration (boo or groan) when the opposite happens?  Just wondering.

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A question for the posters here.  Just looking for opinions, not labeling of people who have different opinions.  Here's the question: if it is acceptable, even expected, for fans to voice their jubilation (cheer) when their team, coaches, etc do well, why is it so highly frowned upon for fans to voice their disappointment/frustration (boo or groan) when the opposite happens?  Just wondering.

In my opinion it is ok to boo the coaches for decisions they make, but not the players if they fumble, drop a pass, etc.

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because cheering for our boys when they are tired and hurting and maybe behind might just lift them up.because we stand behind our boys win lose or draw. if a kid hears cheering after he has played his heart out it lifts his spirit up. its called class.

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I've been to many games in the last 10 years and the only time I've heard boos were were after Brandon Cox threw multiple INTs against USF and Miss St in consecutive weeks, losing both games at home. People wanted to see Kodi unleashed.

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A question for the posters here.  Just looking for opinions, not labeling of people who have different opinions.  Here's the question: if it is acceptable, even expected, for fans to voice their jubilation (cheer) when their team, coaches, etc do well, why is it so highly frowned upon for fans to voice their disappointment/frustration (boo or groan) when the opposite happens?  Just wondering.

The coaches get paid. The player's don't. Yes, I know their scholarship is worth money, but they can't put that scholly in their pocket and take a date out on the town on it.

I have heard boo's towards our team in our stadium, both while in attendance and watching our game's on t.v.. I don't like when it happens, but it has and does. Every fanbase gets disgruntled at times and shows their displeasure. Sadly, I am sure this will happen until the end of time, as far as sports goes. I don't expect a certain win/loss record this year. We are young at some very key positions. (most actually) I just want to see our guys go out and play hard, for four quarters, and improve from week to week. That is all we can ask of them IMO.

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I've never booed an Auburn player or player... I've felt like booing more than once but my love of Auburn and respect for the players and their parents restrained me.  I have only booed the Auburn coaches once... in '07... Tuberville when he shut down our offense vs South Florida with about a minute left in the 4th Q and the game was tied.  We know how that one turned out. 

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I think coaching decisions are worth a little more fan scrutiny than player performances, but I'm generally against booing during a sporting event, with the rare exception of a completely and obviously blown call by an official. It is hard to boo a coaching decision during a game and for it not to still hurt our players.

I won't even boo another team or player unless there is something like a flagrant personal foul or something to that effect. I might boo at an opposing team running up the score, like scoring in the final minutes to go up by 3 touchdowns, or something like that.

I just have a hard time booing at sporting events, though. Especially a school event with student athletes.

All that said, I think our family is awesome at games, and definitely show our class compared to many other fan bases around the conference and nation. War Eagle!  :thumbsup:

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I booed Doug Barfield when i was a student.  Im proud of that and reserve the right to do that again should he return to Auburn in any capacity.  Any coach who cant get the play in THREE STRAIGHT TIMES deserves to be booed. We only had 4 plays.  I get mad now just thinking about it

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I booed Doug Barfield when i was a student.  Im proud of that and reserve the right to do that again should he return to Auburn in any capacity.  Any coach who cant get the play in THREE STRAIGHT TIMES deserves to be booed. We only had 4 plays.  I get mad now just thinking about it

Have you ever met Doug Barfield? He's really a nice guy, even though he wasn't a very good coach. He did have some internal problems though. I have attended many Auburn games since 1956 and I have always made it my policy to never ever boo an Auburn player or coach or leave any game until the last tick of the clock. I know that some think that buying a ticket gives them the right to boo and maybe it does, I just think it shows a lack of class not befitting an Auburn man or woman.
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I booed Doug Barfield when i was a student.  Im proud of that and reserve the right to do that again should he return to Auburn in any capacity.  Any coach who cant get the play in THREE STRAIGHT TIMES deserves to be booed. We only had 4 plays.  I get mad now just thinking about it

Have you ever met Doug Barfield? He's really a nice guy, even though he wasn't a very good coach. He did have some internal problems though. I have attended many Auburn games since 1956 and I have always made it my policy to never ever boo an Auburn player or coach or leave any game until the last tick of the clock. I know that some think that buying a ticket gives them the right to boo and maybe it does, I just think it shows a lack of class not befitting an Auburn man or woman.

I know Doug Barfields son and have met his grandson. Great people and have heard great things about Doug Barfield.

Yea, make sure and show your butt if he ever comes back to Auburn. It's what an "Auburn man" and that "Auburn Family" are all about. I guess him starting Tiger Walk was/is worth a boo too?

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Tiger walk has been going on  since the 1960s according to the official Auburn web page.  Im not criticing anyones integrity.  I dont boo our players.  Everyone else is fair game.  As far as booing being classless, anyone who did not boo the La Tech goon for jumping on our kicker Jarrett Holmes and punching him repeatedly has far more self  control than i can imagine.

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I knew a bunch of people that booed Cobb during the Auburn games.  I was there during his best game(Florida) and his worst games.

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I'll echo everyone who says they heard boos directed at Brandon Cox. It wasn't quiet either. I was personally very annoyed at them. I've been to games post Cox and heard boos directed at our team at varied moments from our fans. Personally I hate it.

My take: I don't boo college athletes from any team even from Bama. These are unpaid kids (at least the majority of them) who are trying their hardest. If one kid taunts a crowd then I think it's ok to boo, but just because he is taking a free education from a rival school or trying to get into the NFL at another school doesn't mean he's a bad person or should have people booing him.

I'm all for booing terrible ref decisions and I have no problem with reasonable complaints said or yelled during a game against our own team or coaches.

I think that when you boo the other teams' kids then it's a short slide to booing our own players. I especially hate it when cupcake teams are booed when they come out of the tunnel.

I think Auburn fans have been slowly getting less courteous over the years, though it's hard to notice because we are still largely in a class above every other SEC fanbase, but I wouldn't mind a grass roots movement to get away from booing, especially our kids. We can be the loudest most intimidating stadium without acting like jerks to 20 year old kids.

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I have heard it, a very long time ago. Daniel Cobb was the QB and you could tell the crowd wanted Campbell in/ was not pleased with Cobb.( I think this is when it was) They booed hard. That being said it is a very rare occurrence and I have not heard it for over ten years. I would agree that the OP is going out on a limb here....

You don't have to go back to Daniel Cobb... Brandon Cox was booed by a very small but loud minority vs Miss State in 2007.  It was the most ashamed I'd ever been of my Auburn brethren.  I almost got into a fight telling a few a-holes around me who were booing to sit down and shut up.

Me too. I absolutely couldn't stand it. If it hadn't been for my friend, and the five or six rows between me and the douche, I would have been escorted out by police for fighting, because he and I were getting into it pretty danged hardcore for the crap he was spewing.

And guys, this isn't just about booing. There were a LOT of people headed for the exit when we played Utah State. The players didn't give up that game, but they did give up later in the season when they got down. Does no one else see the correlation?

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I booed Doug Barfield when i was a student.  Im proud of that and reserve the right to do that again should he return to Auburn in any capacity.  Any coach who cant get the play in THREE STRAIGHT TIMES deserves to be booed. We only had 4 plays.  I get mad now just thinking about it

Have you ever met Doug Barfield? He's really a nice guy, even though he wasn't a very good coach. He did have some internal problems though. I have attended many Auburn games since 1956 and I have always made it my policy to never ever boo an Auburn player or coach or leave any game until the last tick of the clock. I know that some think that buying a ticket gives them the right to boo and maybe it does, I just think it shows a lack of class not befitting an Auburn man or woman.

I agree AU60 about Barfield, he was a nice guy but he sure tested my mettle. The needless time outs because he couldn't get the play in, the numerous fumbles in the red zone etc. A friend and I had season tickets during the Barfield years and we would bitch and moan to each other when things went wrong but never booed. It was tough to be an Auburn fan during those years. I jumped for joy when Auburn hired Pat Dye. I had been following his career and knew we had a winner. Turned out I was right.
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I have heard it, a very long time ago. Daniel Cobb was the QB and you could tell the crowd wanted Campbell in/ was not pleased with Cobb.( I think this is when it was) They booed hard. That being said it is a very rare occurrence and I have not heard it for over ten years. I would agree that the OP is going out on a limb here....

You don't have to go back to Daniel Cobb... Brandon Cox was booed by a very small but loud minority vs Miss State in 2007.  It was the most ashamed I'd ever been of my Auburn brethren.  I almost got into a fight telling a few a-holes around me who were booing to sit down and shut up.

Me too. I absolutely couldn't stand it. If it hadn't been for my friend, and the five or six rows between me and the douche, I would have been escorted out by police for fighting, because he and I were getting into it pretty danged hardcore for the crap he was spewing.

And guys, this isn't just about booing. There were a LOT of people headed for the exit when we played Utah State. The players didn't give up that game, but they did give up later in the season when they got down. Does no one else see the correlation?

Well put, Red.

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I actually cant recall ever booing a college player from any team. I may say some not so good words from the stands ;D but I save my boos for the refs. :wareagle:

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I have heard it, a very long time ago. Daniel Cobb was the QB and you could tell the crowd wanted Campbell in/ was not pleased with Cobb.( I think this is when it was) They booed hard. That being said it is a very rare occurrence and I have not heard it for over ten years. I would agree that the OP is going out on a limb here....

You don't have to go back to Daniel Cobb... Brandon Cox was booed by a very small but loud minority vs Miss State in 2007.  It was the most ashamed I'd ever been of my Auburn brethren.  I almost got into a fight telling a few a-holes around me who were booing to sit down and shut up.

That's the last time I witnessed an AU player actually boo'ed by our own fanbase.  Heck, even the TV announcers mentioned it when I went back and watched the game again. 

It's been a while since I've witnessed it.  I guess I just don't understand the purpose of this thread, it's not like it's a regular occurance with the AU fanbase.  :dunno:

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I have heard it, a very long time ago. Daniel Cobb was the QB and you could tell the crowd wanted Campbell in/ was not pleased with Cobb.( I think this is when it was) They booed hard. That being said it is a very rare occurrence and I have not heard it for over ten years. I would agree that the OP is going out on a limb here....

You don't have to go back to Daniel Cobb... Brandon Cox was booed by a very small but loud minority vs Miss State in 2007.  It was the most ashamed I'd ever been of my Auburn brethren.  I almost got into a fight telling a few a-holes around me who were booing to sit down and shut up.

That's the last time I witnessed an AU player actually boo'ed by our own fanbase.  Heck, even the TV announcers mentioned it when I went back and watched the game again. 

It's been a while since I've witnessed it.  I guess I just don't understand the purpose of this thread, it's not like it's a regular occurance with the AU fanbase.   :dunno:

I was at that game. After a "fan" stood up and blasted obscenities towards Brandon, another fan jumped up in his face and told him "We have class at Auburn. This isn't Tuscaloosa sir."

Terrible. It's the only instance I've seen though, but I'm not able to make many games..

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I have heard it, a very long time ago. Daniel Cobb was the QB and you could tell the crowd wanted Campbell in/ was not pleased with Cobb.( I think this is when it was) They booed hard. That being said it is a very rare occurrence and I have not heard it for over ten years. I would agree that the OP is going out on a limb here....

You don't have to go back to Daniel Cobb... Brandon Cox was booed by a very small but loud minority vs Miss State in 2007.  It was the most ashamed I'd ever been of my Auburn brethren.  I almost got into a fight telling a few a-holes around me who were booing to sit down and shut up.

That's the last time I witnessed an AU player actually boo'ed by our own fanbase.  Heck, even the TV announcers mentioned it when I went back and watched the game again. 

It's been a while since I've witnessed it.  I guess I just don't understand the purpose of this thread, it's not like it's a regular occurance with the AU fanbase.   :dunno:

I was at that game. After a "fan" stood up and blasted obscenities towards Brandon, another fan jumped up in his face and told him "We have class at Auburn. This isn't Tuscaloosa sir."

Terrible. It's the only instance I've seen though, but I'm not able to make many games..

I think the point here is that booing is not the norm at Auburn. 

And quite honestly, I doubt it's the norm in tuscaloosa these days.  When your team is able to go 48-6 in four seasons, there just aren't many opportunities to boo your players. :-X

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I've been attending Auburn games since Pat Sullivan was the quarterback, and I've never heard Auburn people boo Auburn players.

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