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can i make a suggestion to all the auburn fans?


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we often talk about class being the auburn way. so this year if we ever struggle lets not ever boo our kids in uniform. they bleed and sweat and endure a lot of sacrifice and pain for auburn. i can assureyou  every single kid on that field wants to play as great as we hope they can play. with that said .....war eagle!

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we often talk about class being the auburn way. so this year if we ever struggle lets not ever boo our kids in uniform. they bleed and sweat and endure a lot of sacrifice and pain for auburn. i can assureyou  every single kid on that field wants to play as great as we hope they can play. with that said .....war eagle!

This 10 times.

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Has this ever been a problem? I don't think I have ever heard booing at our own players at an Auburn game before. Those who do that need to take themselves to another stadium. That's garbage.

If you can be with them when they are at their finest moment and then you boo at low points you are just $h!t. That's as nice as I can put it.

I have heard it almost if not every time I have been to Neyland. But it's what I expect from that fanbase.

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I question  motive of this thread.  My seats are close to student section and I have a pretty good ear.

I doubt you have heard anything that I would not have heard.

I have sat through some great games and some stinkers @ AU for many decades.

I have heard vocal fans discussing and moaning,

but never and I say never, have I heard an Auburn stadium boo an Auburn team or player.

Since we don't do that I wonder why this thread was started ?

WDE and WTHAYTA,  Aubie(?)50?

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Has this ever been a problem? I don't think I have ever heard booing at our own players at an Auburn game before. Those who do that need to take themselves to another stadium. That's garbage.

If you can be with them when they are at their finest moment and then you boo at low points you are just $h!t. That's as nice as I can put it.

I have heard it almost if not every time I have been to Neyland. But it's what I expect from that fanbase.

There has most def been booing at JHS by our fanbase and not just at the opposing team/refs. Pretty recently actually. I do feel confident in saying its been directed at the coaching staff, play selection, etc and not at the players though. I don't agree with booing anyone associated with AU, but I simply would not be able to take anyone booing a player.
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I have heard it, a very long time ago. Daniel Cobb was the QB and you could tell the crowd wanted Campbell in/ was not pleased with Cobb.( I think this is when it was) They booed hard. That being said it is a very rare occurrence and I have not heard it for over ten years. I would agree that the OP is going out on a limb here....

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Well NOLA,  I have heard a lot of loud complaining and high volume collective "Oh Man what are they doing s?  But never booing of us by us.  Maybe your seats have better acoustics ?

Care to be specific as to game.

I remember(?) not remembering the Cobb specifics but unhappy folks for sure.

I wont' argue what I don't know  I remember .

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Well NOLA,  I have heard a lot of loud complaining and high volume collective "Oh Man what are they doing s?  But never booing of us by us.

I have complained some too but  usually sit thru the game.  Maybe your seats have better acoustics ?

Care to be specific as to game.

Alabama, Utah State, and Miss State. Left early at Clemson. Thats four bad showings last season alone.

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I did not go to Utah St. and @  Miss St. heard a lot of grumbling.

Now as to CLemson,  nope didn't happen and as to Alabama at the time this was said

and many posters came back and said NO, it was directed towards the actions of Alabama.

I was v. proud of an AU stadium that

chanted " it was great to be " during a Biblical beatdown of children by men.

Let me say, taking off my Orange and Blue glasses complaints are OK.

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we often talk about class being the auburn way. so this year if we ever struggle lets not ever boo our kids in uniform. they bleed and sweat and endure a lot of sacrifice and pain for auburn. i can assureyou  every single kid on that field wants to play as great as we hope they can play. with that said .....war eagle!


x infinity......They play the game...WE SUPPORT THEM NO MATTER WHAT!!!!

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I was at all 4 of those games, and that didn't happen at any of them. Was there grumbling? Yes.  We gave up over 400 yards. Was there booing? No.

Edit: I will say this though.  The original poster is correct. And God help you if me or one of my friends hear you booing our boys.

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I did not go to Utah St. and @  Miss St. heard a lot of grumbling.

Now as to CLemson,  nope didn't happen and as to Alabama at the time this was said

and many posters came back and said NO, it was directed towards the actions of Alabama.

I was v. proud of an AU stadium that

chanted " it was great to be " during a Biblical beatdown of children by men.

Let me say, taking off my Orange and Blue glasses complaints are OK.

You are right about Clemson. I looked it up and couldn't find anything. I don't know where I was pulling that from

           /       /

--> my (   (   ) I guess. But, I'll stand by Alabama. I remember some that we're cheering proudly till the end, but  

          |   |   |

there were plenty showing their ugly side to the home team. Thanks for catching me on Clemson TW.

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I am sorry you have that memory  regarding uaT.

I do not, and truthfully  was concerned, I heard booing @ Nick's decisions and their actions.

And AU was on the field when they were made............

All I can say, is I heard a lot that game, but no booing of AU.

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I am sorry you have that memory  regarding uaT.

I do not, and truthfully  was concerned, I heard booing @ Nick's decisions and their actions.

And AU was on the field when they were made............

All I can say, is I heard a lot that game, but no booing of AU.

Either way, I'm always proud of our teams, and have very, very few reasons to have ever been ashamed or let down in any way by our fan base. We've got a great bunch!

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This thread is getting pretty nit-picky.  I don't think there was any intended ill motive by the initial post.  War Eagle!  We know we are good fans, we always will be.


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why would anyone think i am starting crap? i love auburn and the auburn family. here is just one instant i googled from the plainsman

Players deserve support in rough times, too

Karlyn Bogie is Copy Chief for The Auburn Plainsman.

It's great to be an Auburn Tiger, right?

Until last Saturday I felt certain every true Auburn fan felt this way. Unfortunately, I was mistaken.

While sitting in the student section during the tumultuous Tennessee game, I was shocked to discover the "boos" I kept hearing were coming from Auburn fans.

At first I couldn't believe it - Auburn fans booing their own team? No way!

For a split second I thought I must have been transported to Bryant-Denny Stadium instead of Jordan-Hare because booing just seemed like an "Alabama thing to do."

However, it didn't take long for me to realize the nasty remarks directed at our quarterback, coach and the team in general were, indeed, coming from Auburn faithful, particularly the student section.

While I am disappointed in the fans as a whole, I was particularly upset with the students. I can't believe we could be so petty as to boo our peers, people we will have to face in class Monday morning.

It is important for us to remember football players are students too. They are playing football as a way of representing our school. I am positive none of them would intentionally go onto the field with the intention of playing badly, sometimes it just happens.

Our football team's not as good this year as it has been in years past, but that doesn't mean we should start booing them.

The team I saw Saturday played its heart out. None of the players quit just because they got behind to the No. 3-ranked team in the country. They played a great second half - injuries and all.

But, from where I was sitting, it didn't seem like anyone noticed.

All I heard from people around me were students screaming negative comments ranging from how certain members of the team should be taken off the field to the inadequacies of our coach.

As if this sort of attitude was actually going to help the team's morale. If I had been some of those players I would have felt like giving up and going home.

The students are supposed to be the voice of the University, the best Auburn has to offer. If we can't stand up and cheer for our football team, who will? Certainly not the Tennessee or Alabama fans.

One of the worst parts of this entire issue is that not only did the people in Jordan-Hare get to hear Auburn fans booing their team, but the entire country got to hear it too.

If you have to boo, please don't do it during nationally televised games! During the Virginia game, ESPN announcers kept dwelling on the boos they kept hearing from Auburn fans so I'm sure we were a topic of conversation around many households this week too.

I have always been told Auburn fans are the best in the nation (which I still think we must be) because of our blind devotion to the team. It seemed Auburn people used to be loyal to the end, willing to defend the team no matter how bad its record, because that's what being a good fan is.

Anyway, isn't it better to be an Auburn fan and lose than an Alabama (Georgia, Tennessee, etc.) fan and win? Of course.

So this week lets not boo our own team. If you do feel the need to boo someone, let it be the other team - after all don't they deserve it more?

Instead, maybe we could provide a little encouragement not too much, I wouldn't want anyone to break a sweat or anything. Who knows, the team might be so happy to hear something nice coming from the fans we might even win.

I know there are Tiger fans out there who wouldn't say a word against the team and I whole-heartedly commend you.

But to those of you (and you know who you are) who persist in making our school look bad and our players feel worse, I say, "Boo to you."

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Well NOLA,  I have heard a lot of loud complaining and high volume collective "Oh Man what are they doing s?  But never booing of us by us.  Maybe your seats have better acoustics ?

Care to be specific as to game.

I remember(?) not remembering the Cobb specifics but unhappy folks for sure.

I wont' argue what I don't know  I remember .

Well, in 30 years of watching games live at JHS (including at least 1 a year for 21 years), I think I've sat everywhere and it's def not the acoustics.  :laugh: I wasn't really expecting to have to defend myself but if your looking for hard evidence, aubiefifty has provided some. I also can remember Bowden getting booed for running that stupid shotgun formation with DC even on 3rd and short and getting stopped. Tubbs getting booed for not benching Ben then getting booed for not playing Ben.  :laugh: Heck, Gus got booed some last year for playcalling as well. It happens. There are almost 90K folks in that stadium, logistics alone will tell you some will boo. Again, I have never heard booing directed at players though. Overall, I'd take our fanbase anyday. WDE.
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Never heard booing, but I did hear a girl say,

"BRANDON COX YOU $@*#%, YOU ARE THE WORST %#*^$&@ QB I HAVE EVER &@$€^%#* SEEN YOU $&@?#%*^%#^*#%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Everybody looked like this:


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Will never, ever boo a player at a game based on his performance playing the game.  I will never boo at a game period because although I believe coaches are fair game, booing coaches' performance can be misunderstood as booing the players/team. 

Criticizing a player's unsportsman-like/criminal/lack of character actions on and off of the field should be fair game on a  message board.


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Well I will leave this thread alone. 

Somewhere in my DNA is a strain that wants everybody to get along;

as long as the $!XZZ&%#s agree with me.

I propose for the sake of civility we use a code, if anyone feels they have to BOO,

substitute, and say instead, GO TO HELL ALABAMA !

It will do you no harm.

Also, from experience circa, 1969, "here comes Bama down the field ,  pass the bourbon,

here comes Bama down, PTB."

"a dram is better than a Damn" .

Get by the best way you can bros and sisters.

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I was in the student section for 3 of those 4 games (didn't go to clemson). Aside from a few drunken fratsters and 1 or 2 grinches, I didn't hear much complaining or booing.

I'll also add that most of the people who cleared out of the stadium against utah state left because it was ridiculously hot. I had to go under the stands for a few minutes because I felt like I was going to pass out. Anyone who was at that game would know that the 90% of the fans were either in the seats, under the stadium, or in the student center at the end of the game.

Finally, 60-70 percent of the student body was still in the stadium chanting 15 minutes after the iron bowl and I think we had a record number of people singing the alma mater following that loss.

We have some of the most devoted fans in the world. We shouldn't have to worry about this.

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we often talk about class being the auburn way. so this year if we ever struggle lets not ever boo our kids in uniform. they bleed and sweat and endure a lot of sacrifice and pain for auburn. i can assureyou  every single kid on that field wants to play as great as we hope they can play. with that said .....war eagle!

The very few times that I've been in JHS and heard boos, it made me angry and sick. It is definitely not Auburn spirit or class. I believe that the offenders are mostly directing the boos at coaches or coaching decisions but the players can't distinguish. People who boo our team suck. Even Auburn fans.

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I have heard it, a very long time ago. Daniel Cobb was the QB and you could tell the crowd wanted Campbell in/ was not pleased with Cobb.( I think this is when it was) They booed hard. That being said it is a very rare occurrence and I have not heard it for over ten years. I would agree that the OP is going out on a limb here....

You don't have to go back to Daniel Cobb... Brandon Cox was booed by a very small but loud minority vs Miss State in 2007.  It was the most ashamed I'd ever been of my Auburn brethren.  I almost got into a fight telling a few a-holes around me who were booing to sit down and shut up.

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