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Zeke Pike


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I can't believe this thread is still going.

First off, lets move passed the stuff in high school. There were two minor incidents, one of which we have no information about. From what i have read, they sermed very mild. He threw a ball at a ref who was messing him over in a drill. He did one other thing that got him a shory suspension. It wasnt like he pulled a masoli and got arrested for breaking and entering. Either way, it was the past.

Fast forward to his first college semester. He kept his nose completely clean and didn't get into any publicized trouble.

Finally, Have any of you been at auburn during a summer semester? It's pretty freakin boring. The fact that this guy ( or any au syudent for that matter) was drunk shouldn't be surprising.

Let's call this what it is... It's fairly normal student behavior.  Its been stated more than once that PI's are generally bs charges that you get by ticking off the cops.I don't think it should be held against him. It definitely doesn't fit into a so called "pattern" and it doesn't make him a bad person. Chill out. If this guy does something serious while at au, feel free to freak. However this incident is nothing.

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You have to be acting like an idiot to get a public intox in auburn. However,  im sure it's easier to spot 6' 6 worth of poor judgment.

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True. But in all seriousness, we don't need any more bad P.R.

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I hate the way the Media tries to paint everything Auburn bad!

"Just two weeks after an apartment complex shooting in Auburn left three people dead and six injured, national attention will be back on Auburn University."

What does this have to do with the shooting and why would this be national attention! WTF


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I believe he should hold himself to a higher standard.

With that said, public intox is low on the totem pole.  Heck the majority of people out at night on the weekend in any college town could be arrested for the same charge. 

Here's to hoping this is his wake-up call.

Heck, at least he didn't pull a METTENBERGER.  ;)


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You have to be acting like an idiot to get a public intox in auburn. However,  im sure it's easier to spot 6' 6 worth of poor judgment.



I don't remember seeing anyone who was NOT acting like a belligerent fool getting a public intox in Auburn.  If you remained polite you were told to knock it off and call it a night.

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I hate the way the Media tries to paint everything Auburn bad!

"Just two weeks after an apartment complex shooting in Auburn left three people dead and six injured, national attention will be back on Auburn University."

What does this have to do with the shooting and why would this be national attention! WTF


One word is common amongst the bad PR ------>  AUBURN

The bad PR will stop when student-athletes from Auburn University transform themselves into choir boys. 

As long as they continue place themsleves in an enviroment or situation that could lead to mischief, resulting in police being called into action, then the bad PR will continue on as it has for the past 12-15 months.

I've become used to seeing it now, literally nothing surprises me anymore. :-[

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This Zeke Pike thing is getting to me. There are kids all over the country working hard and even taking on debt to get a college degree, while this kid, who should be held to a higher standard is acting like a dad' gum fool. I'm not going to compare him to Stephen Garcia, but he needs to grow up quickly. I've heard some stories of his immaturity but this is an incredibly immature display and it is also extremely selfish. The fact that some average joe kids are working hard to get a college education (paying their own way) and this dude is waltzing around like a 6'6 child.

I was looking forward to watching him develop and compete for the starting job (I for one did admire how much he hated Alabama) but my goodness this kid needs someone to take him under his wing. This situation should have been avoided because he was given a scholarship to Auburn University.

War Eagle!

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