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Zeke Pike


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Well, Zeke is not creating a good first impression or helping himself out any.

However, I'm not gonna be too critical of a public intox. I was not a big drinker my first year at AU, but I do remember getting pretty tore down and puking, etc a few times my freshman year. Even remember an apartment party my freshman or sophmore year where the aupd showed up due to noise complaints and started issuing citations for underage drinking.

All part of growing up, but when you are a high profile athlete, you just have to be smarter than the average Joe in college and not put yourself in bad situations.

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Well, one good thing to think about this situation.  Once the coaches all find out, Mr. Pike will be on EXCELLENT condition.  I figure he will be able to carry half of our o-line on his back after all the bleachers he will be running.

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While I don't like this, I also don't think it should be made into something worse than it is. OK, he made a mistake but it was a mistake 1000s of college kids make at Spring break every year when they drink in public. With everything that the team and Coach has had to deal with the last month it just comes at a bad time.

He deserves a second chance, which he will get, but he also needs to learn from this and learn it fast. He must learn that a scholarship player, especially a high profile QB, is going to be held to a higher standard than the average student and that he also represents AU when he is out in public. Running the stadium steps for a couple weeks, a butt chewing from team leaders and a good stern lecture by Coach C, who will let him know what the consequences will be if he ever does it again, will hopefully do that. Also, as a future leader (hopefully) he needs to apologize to the team.

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I'm sure Coach Chiz will remedy this in his own way. He has handled much larger issues than this one.

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Well, in fairness, he's 18 and is just getting away from home. He's a great talent, just has to get his head screwed on straight...let's hope he does it.

I'm 18, just moved to Auburn in an apartment on my own, will start school this fall, and I'm working 40 hours a week during the summer, and won't touch alcohol. 18 never should be an excuse.

Good for you. Sincerely, I have a lot of respect for you for that. But you are the exception, not the rule. Most kids leave high school, taste freedom, and go a little wild. It's not an excuse, it's a reason. It's not right, but it happens. It should be monitored, but ultimately it's his choice. If he doesn't turn it around, he'll find himself without a scholarship and without an education.

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I can understand wanting to drink when you go off to college, because I did the same thing. If you do something like that, you just  have to be careful not to get caught. I guarantee you he is not the only college football player drinking, even on our team

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I don't know guys. In my day,you sowed your oats in college. Did you guys EVER screw up? EVER? Do you really believe people didn't drink in the old days? Just asking. I'm not excusing it,just wondering. I remember listening to Dye and Stallings on fbaum (when I tuned in) years ago,and they didn't understand the outrage about students drinking. Stallings said something like ' I thought all college kids drank' .

I was a perfect angel


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Dang - How much bad press have we got to take.? It has gotten that I really hate to open up an Auburn football link, afraid of what I may find.

I can't be to critical of Zeke, I was wild and crazy my first two years of college. Lucidly, I got through those years without too much damage.

He will be ok - Coach Chiz will nail him to the wall and there will be some consequences he will have to pay. it just looks bad when the coaches go see a recruits mamma and they say, don't worry, we will keep your boy on a straight path...

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Glad he got it out of the way early. After some additional Yoxercise I'm sure he'll never drink in public again.

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Folks, let's not make this mole hill into a mountain.  Are any of you shocked that a college student got caught drinking while under the legal age?  The cops could go to any tailgate party behind Parker Hall on a football Saturday and catch their quota!  I think we need to keep this in perspective and not be too sanctimonious.

The fact is if ZP is destined for greatness at AU, he will get it done...if not, he won't.  To help calm everyone down, follow me...breathe in...hold it...count to 20...now tell me you don't feel a little dizzy.  Let's do it again...breathe in...hold it...count to 20...

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People who follow my posting on here will know about my disdain for Zeke Pike, I never liked him as a player nor as a person (met him). With that said, I have tried toning it down lately but I'll let out some stuff I know

In regard to the original post about a public intoxication, as a college student who has friends on the team, to get a public intox as an Auburn football team takes hard work. To begin with, a minor in possession citation is typically given for those who are "caught" while a public intox is for those that were being publicly drunk. So that says a lot about what got him noticed by the police. Next, the police are well aware of who is on the football team and with the exception of a few on the force, I have seen them be lenient on football players. I have a hard time believing that he was simply "caught" as opposed to provoking something or being inappropriate.

Second, in response to the upperclassmen keeping him in check, trust me they are trying. I heard that he skipped a summer workout and he got a nastygram text message from one of the older "leaders" on the team telling him he needs to get his _______ together and calling him out. Clearly he doesn't seem to get it.

I want to like him, I really do, considering he is part of the Auburn family.  He just needs to go through a humbling process and a throwing mechanics seminar. Good old Scot needs to do some good ol' fashino football hazing with him. I think the police will look the other way considering it will build him as a man

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Psshhh... Moving on. I am not a big drinker and have never gotten in trouble from it. However, even I know that public intox is what they charge you with when you've ticked the cops off and they have nothing else to hold you on. If this was a DUI or a bar fight, it would be a different story.  Besides, most of the lower ranking AUPD are bammer fans any way. ( one was actually fired last year for harassing students with hateful comments.) I hope he avoids getting into trouble in the future, but this is not worth getting bent out of shape.

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Everyone, this is not a one time deal, i saw him all semester out and about downtown. He's enjoying the limelight, and unfortunately we live in a town that enables our football team for better and sometimes worse. Do we have another Stephen Garcia? Only time will tell, but I've heard from several people that he's put off his teammates with his ethic and that he's valuing being in college a lot more than being on the team.

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First place I got a Public Intox my SopH year but it was legal to drink at 19 then, the fact that he appears to be immature kid is all I get out of this. How he reacts to the punishment he gets will tell us whether he ever has a career at Auburn. Personally, I think Kiehl will be the Auburn QB for the next 2 to 3 years and expect Zeke to have a nice career at ARKY ST. I hope I'M wrong but as much as being a QB is about physical talent, it's more about leadership.   :wareagle::believe:

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Who hasn't been drunk when they were 19? Come on now......

Me, Im 21 and never had a sip. Dont plan on it either, never really felt like I needed to, Im crazy enough as it is  :P

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Who hasn't been drunk when they were 19? Come on now......

Me, Im 21 and never had a sip. Dont plan on it either, never really felt like I needed to, Im crazy enough as it is  :P

I have no idea how the coaches will handle this. I'm sure thet CGC will do whatever he can to get Pike's head straight whether that means kicking him off the team or making him realize he has created a problem for the program and giving him an option to work through a punishment.

What I do know is there are many talented kids that would LOVE to get a spot on the team and if Pike can't keep his head out of his rectum, he will be his own worst enemy.

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Me, Im 21 and never had a sip. Dont plan on it either, never really felt like I needed to, Im crazy enough as it is  :P

You're missing out my man.

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Everyone, this is not a one time deal, i saw him all semester out and about downtown. He's enjoying the limelight, and unfortunately we live in a town that enables our football team for better and sometimes worse. Do we have another Stephen Garcia? Only time will tell, but I've heard from several people that he's put off his teammates with his ethic and that he's valuing being in college a lot more than being on the team.

I haven't heard anything about him off-putting his teammates, but I know full well this isn't an isolated event. Zeke has a lot of growing up to do; I hope he figures that out before he gets himself kicked off the team.

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I'd wager that the number of people who choose not to drink are higher than a lot of people think. I also don't really see the point in trying to convince people they should drink. Yes, a lot people drink alcohol without abusing it, but the fact is that alcohol causes a ton more problems in this world than it fixes or solves.

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Who hasn't been drunk when they were 19? Come on now......

Me, Im 21 and never had a sip. Dont plan on it either, never really felt like I needed to, Im crazy enough as it is  :P

I have no idea how the coaches will handle this. I'm sure thet CGC will do whatever he can to get Pike's head straight whether that means kicking him off the team or making him realize he has created a problem for the program and giving him an option to work through a punishment.

What I do know is there are many talented kids that would LOVE to get a spot on the team and if Pike can't keep his head out of his rectum, he will be his own worst enemy.

This was a gamble Chizik took when he signed Pike, plain and simple. I don't have a problem with our coaches signing the kid because everybody deserves second and maybe third chances, but by being suspended twice in high school and kicked out of camps, Pike has clearly shown that he doesn't think he has to abide by the rules and that he's above the law. Chizik shouldn't be shocked by this.

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