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Who will be the most Vital part of the 2012 Auburn offense?

guerra aguila

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I am not worried about the running game, so offensive line run blocking and running backs get ruled out.

Any 2nd receiver is the most important.  Since Blake and Lutz should each put up good numbers, another receiver is vital to keep the pressure off of them and keep the defense honest.  If a 2nd receiver puts up good numbers, Frazier will have a great year statistically and that will mean that the pass blocking was adequate.

I am concerned about the run game more than anything else. I feel like that's where our offensive challeges started last year. We have to prove we're balanced and I don't think we should take it for granted that our new o line and rb's will put us where we need to be. At the same time, I feel like we def have the potential.

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I agree that QB is the vital spot but JP will have the most impact and likely best player on the field hands down.  

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