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Mornin' folks.  Recorded Bonamassa at Beacon Theater from Public TV last night.  :hellyeah:

Hey........unreal wasn't it. Didn't like the Paul Rodgers from Bad Co. bit, but even he didn't do bad with Joe B. the rest of it is spectacular.

been waiting on you. Check these guys out, music mix is GREAT, vocal in this venue leaves a little to be desired. When you see this one, I've got one with them and who? Mumford and Sons :cool: hehehehehe

I'll check that video out in a bit.  Don't have time to open youtube at the moment.

I haven't had a chance to watch the concert yet, I set the DVR to record after I went to bed.

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Everyday is a trip my friend. Everyday. Be leaving a week from today sir and you know why, so be a keeping that to yourself there mister ;):cool:

How be the 62? :dunno: Did we decide between music lesson or karate?(posted hopefully) ;D

Not yet, depending on cost and/or contractual agreements, maybe both. I could do the Karate thing but kids never listen to their parents. The music thing, not so much. I would really love for her to learn the music and teach me and let me teach the other to her and the boys.

Oh, and don't worry, I won't say anything about the trip to NY for "that" surgery.  ;)

Do you know karate? My brother took for years and we went to quite a few tourney with him.

Many years ago but yes. What style was he?

Absolutely no clue. He took at a school in Decatur.

Squatty low stances with kicks and punches more to the waist down or a little more upright with more kicking from the waist up?

Upright with kicking from the waist.
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Crazy people? That explains why I'm here........ :hellyeah:( she is the Ewings now, ewwwwwww)

Dawes w/Mumford at the end of a 3 day stand at the Ryman. This is a surprise concert at the Basement, after the last night :cool:;D They would be doing ok....

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been waiting on you. Check these guys out, music mix is GREAT, vocal in this venue leaves a little to be desired. When you see this one, I've got one with them and who? Mumford and Sons :cool: hehehehehe

That was pretty darned cool. :cool:

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Check out the Mumford one, for two somewhat different bands and sounds they blend and meld VERY WELL.

Lot o' vids available from that 3 night stand at the Ryman from both, seperately and together.

Dawes is an LA, southern Cali band, very much in the mold of the Eagles and Jackson Browne. Browne has sung b/g on a couple of their songs. Gram Parsons, Browne, Eagles, Yoakum, and many other old school Cali influences. They are kind of the leading edge of a new crew of bands from the Laurel Canyon area and LC sound and yep, there is one. Good stuff.

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and for today's lesson in right wing, knee jerk dogma we turn to chaper 1 trillion. :laugh:

No kidding.  I'm pretty conservative and folks like that scare me. :dunno:

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They don't scare me, they can't do anything about it, no matter how big bad billy bob dumbarse they want to appear. It just makes me laugh. It's like listening to synopsis of the latest faux news broadcast by a sixth grader with no mental filter of their own to make an independent decision. Yet we all claim to be so religious and moral. Hypocritical is another word for it. APAP machines ALL AROUND!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh:

All they do is make their blood pressure go up and in the long run, I'm pretty good with that. Ya gotta love an angry white man. Poor baby.

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It’s times like this I wish we could discuss religion, politics and personal views, doubt it would change anyone’s way of thinking, but maybe.  :-\

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I wouldn't mind discussing it in The Asylum because of the regular participants.  The problem is we'd end up getting a bunch of kooks in here ranting & raving more than they already do.

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I used a zebra as an example with eff yesterday (the donkey was busy :-X) so I'll use the zebra again.

It is hard to convince a zebra it has stripes when they do not have the ability to view a mirror image and distinguish it from themselves.

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no eff................I'm going to have to zap myself. :laugh: Ohhhhh, bless their little hearts.

The self zapper is located in the back underneath the collar, FFR.  ;D

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