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And what did you do with those veggies last night?  Fry? Sautee? Grill? Bake?

It's time for Veggie Tales.

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We are way ahead sooooooooo, from what I understand certain ladies are going to shop for what has been termed "a few last minute things". :-X:laugh: Any port in a storm baby :laugh: Don't shoot, just kidding.

We are really good. Looking forward to my aunt and uncle from Iowa getting here on Sunday :happydance:

Now about this hurt thing, let me find my cigs first, ok? :cool::laugh:;)

and I love you BUT, Dallas really can't go any further than it's already gone for me. Yep, we fight over Southfork :rolleyes: Yep one of us wants to drill, the other one doesn't. :rolleyes: Gee, one of us has morals and the other one doesn't. I love you and you enjoy what you enjoy, but man they have so been there and done that

:( They need a new schtick.

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We fried the squash and okra. ;D My fav, but now I do love me a good squish casserole, and i may hit you up for your recipe cause I like all kinds of those, yuuuuum....

Steamed some new potatoes, had sliced tom's and vidalia, pan creamed some corn and Laura made a couple of pans of corn muffins. No one could move afterwards and it was great.

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Not going to shoot you.  Trips always require picking up "a few last minute things." You're lucky to have Laura and Mrs. T.  Otherwise that storm at the port would leave you wet and wounded.

It's nice when we can be excited about some family members, isn't it?  I'm that way about my mom's brother and sister.  Love em.

Get the cigs, cause someone claimed to be Susan James.  :laugh:

And I love you too, but for someone so open-minded, you sure can be closed-minded.  Think of all the new things that exist, technologically speaking, that didn't exist when Dallas ended the first run. It will be like watching a battle before guns existed and then watching one where wmd exist.  Lots more casualities.  Besides, all tv shows have a moral battle, no? All good tv shows have a conflict/resolution theme. It works.

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We fried the squash and okra. ;D My fav, but now I do love me a good squish casserole, and i may hit you up for your recipe cause I like all kinds of those, yuuuuum....

Steamed some new potatoes, had sliced tom's and vidalia, pan creamed some corn and Laura made a couple of pans of corn muffins. No one could move afterwards and it was great.

Honey, I'm a Southern girl thru and thru.  You can't go wrong when there is fried food on the dinner plate. Did you fry it together or separately?

I'll have to remember which cookbook that recipe was in.  It was easy though and pretty tasty and I'm not a huge casserole fan.

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We fried the squash and okra. ;D My fav, but now I do love me a good squish casserole, and i may hit you up for your recipe cause I like all kinds of those, yuuuuum....

Steamed some new potatoes, had sliced tom's and vidalia, pan creamed some corn and Laura made a couple of pans of corn muffins. No one could move afterwards and it was great.

Honey, I'm a Southern girl thru and thru.  You can't go wrong when there is fried food on the dinner plate. Did you fry it together or separately?

I'll have to remember which cookbook that recipe was in.  It was easy tough and pretty tasty and I'm not a huge casserole fan.

Squokra. Ah yes. Awesome dish.  :thumbsup:
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Leave it to Beaver had it's time in the TV sun too and some folks would think that its' time had past. Strawberry, vanilla and choc. It isn't a matter of being closed minded, it is a matter of a writer in search of something new. That isn't new. A "reunion" movie makes some sense. Still wouldn't watch it. Sort of a close up the character loop holes/loose ends, kind of thing, another series is redundant :laugh:;) Hey my opinion will not keep people from watching it anymore than my opinion stops Bieber from selling records. It doesn't.

Almost afraid to ask, but in this particular instance, who is Susan James? Wait a minute, I need my lighter too. :laugh: I may need to rethink this control knob thing :laugh:

Really the only casseroles, I'll seriously munch out on are squash and various hash brown casseroles. Just like those for some reason. I did the squash and okra separately, don't mind zucchini and squash done together, but okra and squash? Blaspheme. :laugh:

We like to fry green tomatos and squash with fried potatos.  Very yummy!  ;D

That's some good food there

see now that sounds goooooooooood :o
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Everyday is a trip my friend. Everyday. Be leaving a week from today sir and you know why, so be a keeping that to yourself there mister ;):cool:

How be the 62? :dunno: Did we decide between music lesson or karate?(posted hopefully) ;D

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Daymn I'm hungry.  :laugh: Eff, why do you need Dallas when you have AE?   :dunno:

How are you guys this morning? TT, what's this about a trip?  ;D

Good question 62.  Come to think of it, TT is alot like JR, he pisses people off all the time around here. Maybe I don't need Dallas after all.  I have my own little Ewing clan right here.  :laugh:

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Everyday is a trip my friend. Everyday. Be leaving a week from today sir and you know why, so be a keeping that to yourself there mister ;):cool:

How be the 62? :dunno: Did we decide between music lesson or karate?(posted hopefully) ;D

You're going on a trip?  :dunno: Well, at least you're telling us this time.  :laugh:


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We like to fry green tomatos and squash with fried potatos.  Very yummy!  ;D

That's some good food there

Morning Golf!  ;D

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Daymn I'm hungry.  :laugh: Eff, why do you need Dallas when you have AE?   :dunno:

How are you guys this morning? TT, what's this about a trip?  ;D

Good question 62.  Come to think of it, TT is alot like JR, he pisses people off all the time around here. Maybe I don't need Dallas after all.  I have my own little Ewing clan right here.  :laugh:

:-\Bout to put a shock collar on you. Stuck in the on position. :tease:

I read the Susan James exchange. Like I said earlier, some peoples next clue will be their first one.  When it comes to people like that, they need to be pissed off and/or...................

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Daymn I'm hungry.  :laugh: Eff, why do you need Dallas when you have AE?   :dunno:

How are you guys this morning? TT, what's this about a trip?  ;D

Good question 62.  Come to think of it, TT is alot like JR, he pisses people off all the time around here. Maybe I don't need Dallas after all.  I have my own little Ewing clan right here.  :laugh:

:-\Bout to put a shock collar on you. Stuck in the on position. :tease:

I read the Susan James exchange. Like I said earlier, some peoples next clue will be their first one.  When it comes to people like that, they need to be pissed off and/or...................


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Everyday is a trip my friend. Everyday. Be leaving a week from today sir and you know why, so be a keeping that to yourself there mister ;):cool:

How be the 62? :dunno: Did we decide between music lesson or karate?(posted hopefully) ;D

Not yet, depending on cost and/or contractual agreements, maybe both. I could do the Karate thing but kids never listen to their parents. The music thing, not so much. I would really love for her to learn the music and teach me and let me teach the other to her and the boys.

Oh, and don't worry, I won't say anything about the trip to NY for "that" surgery.  ;)

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Everyday is a trip my friend. Everyday. Be leaving a week from today sir and you know why, so be a keeping that to yourself there mister ;):cool:

How be the 62? :dunno: Did we decide between music lesson or karate?(posted hopefully) ;D

Not yet, depending on cost and/or contractual agreements, maybe both. I could do the Karate thing but kids never listen to their parents. The music thing, not so much. I would really love for her to learn the music and teach me and let me teach the other to her and the boys.

Oh, and don't worry, I won't say anything about the trip to NY for "that" surgery.  ;)

Do you know karate? My brother took for years and we went to quite a few tourney with him.

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Everyday is a trip my friend. Everyday. Be leaving a week from today sir and you know why, so be a keeping that to yourself there mister ;):cool:

How be the 62? :dunno: Did we decide between music lesson or karate?(posted hopefully) ;D

Not yet, depending on cost and/or contractual agreements, maybe both. I could do the Karate thing but kids never listen to their parents. The music thing, not so much. I would really love for her to learn the music and teach me and let me teach the other to her and the boys.

Oh, and don't worry, I won't say anything about the trip to NY for "that" surgery.  ;)

Do you know karate? My brother took for years and we went to quite a few tourney with him.

Many years ago but yes. What style was he?
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Everyday is a trip my friend. Everyday. Be leaving a week from today sir and you know why, so be a keeping that to yourself there mister ;):cool:

How be the 62? :dunno: Did we decide between music lesson or karate?(posted hopefully) ;D

Not yet, depending on cost and/or contractual agreements, maybe both. I could do the Karate thing but kids never listen to their parents. The music thing, not so much. I would really love for her to learn the music and teach me and let me teach the other to her and the boys.

Oh, and don't worry, I won't say anything about the trip to NY for "that" surgery.  ;)

Do you know karate? My brother took for years and we went to quite a few tourney with him.

Many years ago but yes. What style was he?

Absolutely no clue. He took at a school in Decatur.
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Everyday is a trip my friend. Everyday. Be leaving a week from today sir and you know why, so be a keeping that to yourself there mister ;):cool:

How be the 62? :dunno: Did we decide between music lesson or karate?(posted hopefully) ;D

Not yet, depending on cost and/or contractual agreements, maybe both. I could do the Karate thing but kids never listen to their parents. The music thing, not so much. I would really love for her to learn the music and teach me and let me teach the other to her and the boys.

Oh, and don't worry, I won't say anything about the trip to NY for "that" surgery.  ;)

Do you know karate? My brother took for years and we went to quite a few tourney with him.

Many years ago but yes. What style was he?

Absolutely no clue. He took at a school in Decatur.

Squatty low stances with kicks and punches more to the waist down or a little more upright with more kicking from the waist up?
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Mornin' folks.  Recorded Bonamassa at Beacon Theater from Public TV last night.  :hellyeah:

Hey........unreal wasn't it. Didn't like the Paul Rodgers from Bad Co. bit, but even he didn't do bad with Joe B. the rest of it is spectacular.

been waiting on you. Check these guys out, music mix is GREAT, vocal in this venue leaves a little to be desired. When you see this one, I've got one with them and who? Mumford and Sons :cool: hehehehehe

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