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I prefer to be addressed as "Your Majesty."  ;) It is in the Football forum "Watching some 2010 games."

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and what makes you think I don't have one already? :laugh:

I feel somewhat forlorn about a previously mentioned thread. Elements of that strike me as true and others don't. If true, the mental censor will not be in place for some as it is for others. That much was evident. I do not like the way some people responded to that person(ye without,throw the first) DO NOT LIKE THE DOG aspect of that thread.

Altogether strange which means it should fit in perfectly on this board :dunno:

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I know. Kudos to anyone who serves time then tries to better themselves in life.  But blaming someone else for landing you in jail is a good indicator that maybe that attempt at betterment won't fly far.  That dog don't hunt, if you will. Odd, to say the least.

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All I can say is that not everyone has had the advantages in life that some of us have enjoyed. To not have those advantages and I'm not talking about money, as a child makes the adult path even more difficult than it might have been already. As you people say, but for the grace, there goes anyone one of us. Aren't we fortunate?

Repeating mistakes until we learn them, it goes on and on.

I didn't get to or didn't grasp bobber, I was engaged elsewhere in that thread. Sadly so. I'm hoping it is a hoax.

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Bobber and tweeks confused me.  I try to keep up with language, but those stumped me.

I tell my girls often that not every kid that they sit in school with have a life like they do.  They have both parents at home, who although very, very, far from perfect do try to live a good life and provide and love their children.  Not everyone is blessed with that.  I worked a kindergarden registration and was shocked by the number of grandparents who were raising their grandchildren, and not because of illness or death.

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:-X  Well, that's as sad as the dog on the log chain.  :'(

In happier news, JR Ewing returns to tv tomorrow night.  :bow:

:happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

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Oh my I hate that crap :-X:laugh: Life imitated art, Larry Hagman thought he became JR Ewing instead of the other way around. WEIRD!!!!!! :laugh:

and hell yeah it is dangerous to leave the asylum. Someone just posted , they understand they can get the reward in the hood from snitching cause he'll be gone........

What they understand is that if they snitch,they die.

Most people here must have sleep apnea machines. I'm not sure they could breathe on their own at night without it. :banghead:

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I have to disagree with you on Larry Hagman.  But it's just because I love that man.

I almost posted under your post- "SHOCK"  :laugh:

Why do you do it?

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Bobber is a type of custom motorcycle. Tweeks, as TT said, probably means tweakers. He seems to be into a place I have no business diving into, and it seems that he's not very far from my hometown.

Again, I say with the most seriousness I can muster, some people talk too much.    :rolleyes:

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I have to disagree with you on Larry Hagman.  But it's just because I love that man.

I almost posted under your post- "SHOCK"  :laugh:

Why do you do it?

PLEASE HAVE THAT CONTROL BUTTON SET ON MAX TODAY, OK? :laugh: Zap the bejeezus outta me, if I even look like I'm thinking about it. :laugh: Goooooooood grief. Some peoples next clue will be the first clue.

What drac said about bobbers makes even more sense, segments of that riding world are prone to tweek and squeak.

Morning sunshine ;D How's eff and eff's crew? ;)

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Same as yesterday, I'm awake, girls asleep, Chief at work.  Life's good.

I've got the setting on as high as it will go. Now this will hurt.  ;D

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