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Made it home safe and sound. What a strange and emotional day. I remember when Ed was still a hs senior. I met his parents at Jordan Hare at the iron bowl that year. They were extremely nice and I talked to them for about 5 min or so. Can't even imagine how they with the other families feel. Just terrible

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How was your weekend? The obvious notwithstanding.

It was nice. Hard to focus on for some reasons. :-\ Had a few nice surprise visitors to show up, Mrs. T handled it for the most part except for the food, she pulled out a few nice tricks and people were very generous with time and things for a charity. Wish it had been different in a huge and obvious way. Afterwards I may have some friends over and do it on a smaller scale so at least part of it feels like a celebration instead of a wake. Hate to say that,but I'm not alone in feeling that way. :(

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I understand.  I'm sorry such tragedy overshadowed what should have been a happy occassion for you, Laura, and your friends.

My weekend was busy.  We finished up VBS Friday night and Saturday I had to take the Praxis ( teacher test  :rolleyes:), do a cheerleader fundraiser and go to a birthday party. Sunday we went to a restaurant for lunch and by the time we got home it was practically time to go back to church for choir practice.

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Not trying to whine, we are fine and will be so. Too busy thinking about those families and their kids, to worry about things or the perspective of a party. We're fine, I'm wishing it was different for them, not us. So damn sad..

SOOOOOOO, how did you do on your teacher test little girl? ;D

Heck with all the fundraising you guys do, you need a corporate sponsor :laugh:

Where did you eat?

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Those poor families.  20 years is too little.

I think I did ok on the test.  Results are available in roughly 4 weeks. It was odd though, because it's really not covering things that you would teach high school kids. And I'm of the opinion that passing a test doesn't necessarily mean you can teach.

Corporate sponsor? Know anyone who has a corporation?

It's a restaurant in Moulton, Mel's.  The food is great but the wait just wasn't worth it.  It was after 2 before we got our food.  My 8 year old was crying she was so hungry.  We won't go back on a Sunday afternoon.

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Test, imo, aren't always the best way to gauge knowledge or proficiency, for many reasons. If that isn't someone's learning style, it is completely ineffective. I have dogs, what do I know?

In order for a sponsorship to work, it would need to be someone from your area. Heck try anyone, drug stores, car dealerships, supermarkets, restaurants. All it takes is 1 or 2 PA announcements during games thanking them for their support of the squad and a banner even if it is handmade. I got three separate ones for the youth league cheerleaders, we had 24 cheerleaders and it is amazing home much cash it takes to buy uni's, megaphones, pom poms, shakers, they handed out little trinkets to the team after games, cookouts, yada,yada. That junk adds up FAST!!!!! :o

Yeah,I'd say that is way too long to get a kid to wait. In the early 20's that is too long to ask a kid to wait, you should see the food that disappears around here sometimes :o Piranhas.

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I graduated with a girl who was absolutely brilliant. We taught our first year at the same school and she was miserable.  She just couldn't relate to the kids because she was so smart.  She hated it and was miserable. Being able to pass a test doesn't mean you have the ability to teach.  You have to be able to relate.  You may have to come up with five different ways to teach one thing so that everyone gets it.  Relatability and flexibility.

Our bill is over $800 and that isn't including camp and camp wear.  My Daddy has been my corporate sponsor.  :laugh:  I'm blessed.

She wasn't throwing a fit or anything, just sitting there sobbing b/c she was sooooo hungry.  We had breakfast around 8:30 or 9 and she didn't eat much.

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Sweatshirts, cold weather wear, rain gear,  practice uni's, camps, competitions, the list went on and on and on....

In hindsight, wish I hadn't volunteered for that one, now I know why not many of the parents did. :laugh: I had it easy, I made calls and went to pick up the checks :hellyeah: That was enough.

Middle school now and NEVER AGAIN.......

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Now it's highschool.  Soon we'll be looking at buying cars.  :(

Yep, definitely a rough weekend.  Circle the wagons boys.

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Yep, definitely a rough weekend.  Circle the wagons boys.

Indeed.  To paraphrase Chris Berman, "Nobody circles the wagons like the Auburn Tigers"

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He got that right.  Not only do we have to support, comfort and pray for the friends and family of the victims, we also have to fight against the biased media coverage.  :beatmullet:

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While not trying to sound like a conspiracy wing nut, IMO, some media has already been thoughtless and heartless. Some of the customary fools and I'll leave it at that, if I can. :-\

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When reporting on an incident such as this, care and caution should be taken by the media.  To make a comment questioning how this could affect recruiting on tv is shameful.  Last time I checked the turds had one of the highest crime rates for a college town.  But we know that doesn't affect recruiting now, does it?

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I'll agree with that. It has far more self-interest than common concern.  

Some of the local coverage has made me very angry. I will say, the Bham News this morning has very good and fair coverage this morning. Sub header clearly says, " Victims were uninvolved in anything". I won't look at al.com for a few days for the obvious reasons. I REALLY hate this state.

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After reading articles and comments, I've decided this world has far more hate than love. Sad.

Just to avoid hypocrisy, I guess I'm in that group.

I hate crimson, houndstooth, elephants, big Al, Updyke, Saban, yellow hammers, RTR, mullet A's, etc. 


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