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My plans for the day? ALAP, as little as possible :happydance:

Women rushing around the house, I'm staying the heck out of the way unless requested to do otherwise :laugh:

What chu doing? Gonna rain soon  :dunno: Hate that for the tourney.

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Yeah, I hate it for tourney.  Maybe the rain will hold off.  We discussed going out and walking around but I won't do it now.  Too bad it's not on the tube (can you still call it a tube?).  No lake today either.  I guess I'll watch College Baseball Super Regionals if it rains. 

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LSU vs. Stonybrook -NY rained out in the 11th last night, they may be on now :dunno:

Yeah, LSU pulled it out this morning.  Playing game 2 now. 

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Passing Riverchase Pkwy in the 'Ham. Am I close to anyone  ;D

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3 posts in here all day? Wth? We left around 8 this morning but it was slow going with the rain in LA. Got here around 3. Had a few at the hotel and waiting on a cab now. No idea where we are going yet though

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Yeah.  Tragic.  Senseless.  Unbelievable.  I could go on.  This is hard to understand.  Today's youth have no morals, no direction, no sense of how precious life is.  God be with the injured; the families and friends of the victims; the person who did this and with the Auburn Family.  There is no family I would rather be a part of at a time like this than the Auburn Family.  ALL IN!!    :'(

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The two young men who are reported as deceased are former players?  Why former? And Ed Mack is current?

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Ed Christian dropped football for health reasons and LaDarius Phillips dropped football for personal reasons.  They both remained in school.  Eric Mack is slated for a possile starting job on the OL. 

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Do you know if their families are in state or out of state?  One thing that concerns me is their deaths being tweeted and posted.  My girls' friends whose dad died were getting texts saying "sorry about your dad" before their mom had gotten home from hospital to tell them.  She had to leave hospital before the funeral home picked up her husband to get to her girls and tell them. It was posted on facebook and the news before she even left the hospital.

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Phillips' family is right up the road from Auburn in Roanoke.  He had a baby girl.  So sad.

Social media is a very powerful tool, both good and bad.  It is a large part of today's society.  Unfortunately, "people" are in control of it.  Some restraint should be used in using social medias but it is a "me first" mentality.  

With the recent death of my Brother in Law, after I, and other members of the family posted it on our facebook pages, we were bombarded with hundreds of sympathy messages and well wishes from friends and some of his old classmates whom he hadn't spoken to in years except for on facebook.  These messages helped us all through a hard time.   It can be a very useful and powerful tool.    

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Yep.  It is a sad statement of society when a young man feels the need to carry a handgun to a college apartment complex pool party.  Senseless. 

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Guns are not cool. Guns and testosterone are even less cool. Guns, testosterone and alcohol(maybe) even less cool. I'm just mind clustered. I'm to the point that we lock them them up from the time they sign until they graduate, not for selfish football reasons, but for their own damn protection. I've never seen so much happen to so few.

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There is just such a lack of respect for human life in this society.  Look at all the sensless murders, child abuse, and drug related crimes in our world today. It's sad and senseless.  But out of this we will see the flipside of that coin.  We'll see our family rising up once again out of the ashes of tragedy and supporting and loving one another.

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What the hell does it take for people to recognize a destructive aspect of life and move away from it? :banghead:

My God, they are 18-22, if one girl leaves, there will be another girl in 5 minutes show up at the party.

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