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62, yeah he has been around a while. Saw him in the Ham a little over a year ago and it was great, as it turns out it was earlier in this same tour and the show was very similar, but the night he was at the Beacon he was in such a groove, it was just something special.

Eff, it was pretty good to see that vid. You could tell the look on his face, if he could 've played jumping up and down he would have. Some people are grateful for their good fortunes. He was one of them.

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Which begs the question, if you could play with, sing with or perform with someone famous, who would it be?

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I got to meet my songwriting idol a long time ago at a very young age. By that time he was not in good shape and it was not an ideal situation. I did have a chance to play at an annual concert that commemorates his passing and to play one of his guitars when I did it. I've done that a couple of times since, but as his legend grows, the chance to do that lessens, I promise :laugh: That was a cool, cool, cool moment. There are a couple of other instances I've really enjoyed over the years.

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What about you 62?  :dunno:

First I would have to be able to play or sing.  :laugh:

Hey, we're using our imaginations.  You can do both.  :laugh:

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What about you 62?  :dunno:

First I would have to be able to play or sing.  :laugh:

Hey, we're using our imaginations.  You can do both.  :laugh:

Funny you should ask this, last week mama and the girl were playing a who are your heroes questionnaire with me. It would be more about the person for me, Cyndi Lauper.
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Please say a prayer for us. My MRI is Friday and yesterday the school called my wife to inform her that another teacher had taken her job. Rough times

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Please say a prayer for us. My MrI is Friday and yesterday the school called my wife to inform her that another teacher had taken her job. Rough times

Will do bro.
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Which begs the question, if you could play with, sing with or perform with someone famous, who would it be?

Assuming that I had a single iota of musical talent, I'd probably have to say David Gilmour or Eric Clapton.

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Please say a prayer for us. My MRI is Friday and yesterday the school called my wife to inform her that another teacher had taken her job. Rough times

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Please say a prayer for us. My MRI is Friday and yesterday the school called my wife to inform her that another teacher had taken her job. Rough times

Tough times for education man, I'm sorry. Let us know after the MRI results are reviewed, you'll be fine. ;)
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Please say a prayer for us. My MRI is Friday and yesterday the school called my wife to inform her that another teacher had taken her job. Rough times

Sorry man.  My brother-in-law is in education, things are tough.  I'm sure the MRI will come back with nothing serious.

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There are some real mental giants on the football board.  :-X

About 8000 of them  :-\

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Please say a prayer for us. My MRI is Friday and yesterday the school called my wife to inform her that another teacher had taken her job. Rough times

Tough times for education man, I'm sorry. Let us know after the MRI results are reviewed, you'll be fine. ;)

I'll know the results of that on Monday. Thinking a good night out in Nashville this weekend will take my mind off of it  ;D

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When did they add the commandment, "Thou shalt judge"? I missed that one........ :dunno: Damn I hate living in this state. If it wasn't for the backwoods, there would be no woods at all.

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When did they add the commandment, "Thous shalt judge"? I missed that one........ :dunno:

I'm just going to leave the commandment comment alone.  While most of us here probably agree, we're just asking for uninvited vistors to this thread.

Damn I hate living in this state. If it wasn't for the backwoods, there would be no woods at all.


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I know jenks, I probably shouldn't have posted it, but I did. :rolleyes:

Newsflash, it is the internet, you will meet all kinds of people who have all kinds of opinions on an open forum. Is it realistic to expect that they all live up to your standards of morality and be offended when they don't? :dunno:

I would not log on to an anti gun site and preach about the virtues of the NRA. There are places you can go where the vast majority will share your opinions. There are places you can go where they won't. :dunno:


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