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So i guess I can post to myself all the music stuff i want??? People never cease to amaze me. Guys/gals life is to damn short to take serious. Heidi has a new Auburn collar and loving it...............

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Still here golf!

Sad day in Auburn today. I didn't get to visit the trees much, but my favorite time was 2010 UGA game. Auburn clinched the west that night. Good times... Cheers

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Well me thinks the asylum is about to die????? Guess so...........who knows........................ all things must pass.......................

I'm still unpacking from the move. :dunno:

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Naaahhhh!! The Asylum will live forever like the Oaks. It survived a kidnapping (April Fools Day) and two attempted murders by idiots.

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Going through a busy time ralph. I punk a few loons on the political threads, got more than several in writing and rehearsals ,other businesses to take care of. Slipping in some moving prep and house prep. Talk to a few in pm. Only so many hours or interest in a day. Life quite simply has ebbs and flows. Right now it is doing both.

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Not yet, got more than one in the mix. Even if not, we're moving, stage it and keep it listed, looks like it won't come to that though. Been a pocket listing for a couple of months now. Show to interested folks in the hood without advertising, so it won't look like it is just sitting there on the market not selling.

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Good move with not advertising as long as the word is getting out and people are seeing the house. It will sell. Too good of a neighborhood for it not to sell.

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I got lucky with my house in Vestavia. It actually sold a lot quicker than I wanted. Two days after an agent asked me about it, she called and had somebody who wanted to see it. Three days later after a couple of back and forths we had an acceptable offer. We had to be out of a house we were in for 24 years in 30 days.

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Some places in here barely even hit the market, never have a sign and 30 days later new people. It is a random thing. All the sales science in the world can't pin it down. My favorite agent JK, likely pushes people away too, it is ok, I do the same thing to her, lol.

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Maybe she could have sold it, never clicked with her and ain't gonna fake it, when I don't need to. She has all the listings any agent needs and if anyone asks to see this she would be stupid not to show it. Pain she is, stupid she is not.

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