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The barking is universal, lol.

Explains why that was the only part I understood.

Today it was pretty windy here and my knockout roses were rustling in the wind and Roxy proceeded to bark at them. That was after she got on the trampoline and ran in circles barking in all directions.

Those knockout roses are the easiest roses I've tried to grow. We got mom two last year, I've done nothing more than deadhead them and put a little compost around them since we set them out. Oh, I also had to spray them when the Japanese beetles were so bad during the summer.

During my garden research/plant purchasing the other day I ran across a type of parasitic bug that eats the Japanese beetle larvae. You can order the bugs (I dont know how they are packaged/shipped), but they are EXPENSIVE!

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bluegrass stuff I have tons of. My father-in-law played the 5 string banjo in a number of bluegrass groups. You actually heard him on one of my posts tonght. I have 8 track, reel to reel and so with him playing

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