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Drac and Barney.....................boys wait until you see this one. Damn.


I remember reading an interview where he said he had some different ideas and different stuff in the works.

He alluded to doing some things from different perspectives, I believe.

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Hey guys; just checking in with good news. Hope you don't mind me sharing. Just got pet-scan and c-scan results after my 4th chemo, and everything looks great!!! Tumor counts are way down and lesions on my liver are much smaller. Still a long journey but appears you may be stuck with me awhile.

Pops, with news like that.....you can share all day long, buddy!

We need good news around here lately.

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That really is a powerful video. The man in it bears an eery resemblance to an old friend whom I haven't seen in years now. He is about the same age, and the same walk of life. They could pass for brothers.

Is it just me, or does this song/video have a Blazeish feel to it?

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Drac, there is a similar POV. Some observe it,write about it, some live it and write about it. I can't wait until that record drops. Very interested in hearing the rest of it.

and good morning folks :cool:

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Anyone who wishes out of the goodness of their heart to help me clean out a house I just bought out can meet up in about an hour and a half.

Well, crap. I would but I have to work today. Bummer.

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Purchased contents of an estate. It isn't a huge house, but there are 2 outbuildings and a workshop. This isn't the first time we've had to do this, but it is always a chore. Didn't buy the house, but for the right price we might would consider it. It needs a lot of work, and the likelyhood of reaching a deal is slim to none.

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Wrong kind of parrot....find an African Grey....they are real a**holes. Sorry. Can I say that here?

It doesn't matter because this is a "mute" point. I don't have a bird nor do I date women who have birds

it strict rule number 1, 2, and 3.

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The barking is universal, lol.

Explains why that was the only part I understood.

Today it was pretty windy here and my knockout roses were rustling in the wind and Roxy proceeded to bark at them. That was after she got on the trampoline and ran in circles barking in all directions.

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