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She is doing better than expected. She still has my other sister and some family staying at her house though. The problems will come when everybody leaves and she realizes she is alone. Thanks for asking.

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It was at Sundance, so it should be available online somewhere, maybe even on the Sundance channel. I loved the quote,

"I wanna get those same black guys who played that section for my album. Well, we can do that, but they are a little pale." lol

Of all the towns, in all the world......that one? Unreal, lol.

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Hey guys; just checking in with good news. Hope you don't mind me sharing. Just got pet-scan and c-scan results after my 4th chemo, and everything looks great!!! Tumor counts are way down and lesions on my liver are much smaller. Still a long journey but appears you may be stuck with me awhile.

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Hey guys; just checking in with good news. Hope you don't mind me sharing. Just got pet-scan and c-scan results after my 4th chemo, and everything looks great!!! Tumor counts are way down and lesions on my liver are much smaller. Still a long journey but appears you may be stuck with me awhile.

Rather be with you than without you!

Wonderful news!

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Awesome news!

Hey little Mr.......... read back a little bit, a vid released to cmtedge today from Earle's upcoming record. You need to see. So damn good man, cannot wait to get my hands on that record.
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Awesome news!

Hey little Mr.......... read back a little bit, a vid released to cmtedge today from Earle's upcoming record. You need to see. So damn good man, cannot wait to get my hands on that record.

yep, I saw it. Planning on checking it out after work today. Thanks for the link.
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Looks like a good one......


Met Rick Hall a few times in the early 70's. He build this party house on the Franklin and Colbert County line just outside of Littleville, Al. off of Hwy 41. He kept armed guards at the entrance gate.

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Hey guys; just checking in with good news. Hope you don't mind me sharing. Just got pet-scan and c-scan results after my 4th chemo, and everything looks great!!! Tumor counts are way down and lesions on my liver are much smaller. Still a long journey but appears you may be stuck with me awhile.

Wonderful news pops.

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Hey guys; just checking in with good news. Hope you don't mind me sharing. Just got pet-scan and c-scan results after my 4th chemo, and everything looks great!!! Tumor counts are way down and lesions on my liver are much smaller. Still a long journey but appears you may be stuck with me awhile.

GREAT NEWS POPS!!! "Stuck with you" sounds like "fortunate to have you" to me. Still Praying for you and yours.

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Hey guys; just checking in with good news. Hope you don't mind me sharing. Just got pet-scan and c-scan results after my 4th chemo, and everything looks great!!! Tumor counts are way down and lesions on my liver are much smaller. Still a long journey but appears you may be stuck with me awhile.

Wonderful news pops, staying in my prayers.
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