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:lmao::rollin::roflol: You should not answer this person's tweet, just saying.........I'm not sure they would understand it anyway. oy.

You can pretend to be Janet Jackson and scream out gimme a beat to a drum and unless you know how to play it, it will give you noise, not a beat.

You can request anything from marching band to a salsa beat on a drum machine or loops and even if you have never played a drum, it will do what you ask.

One of those takes musical talent and knowledge and one doesn't.

In a pre Grammy interview last night from Chris Brown of all studio enhanced people, he stated music needed to get back to talent instead of tech. He then said, "Yes, even including mine".

Oh for the day.............

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I wish the Shakes had won something first of all, but surely wish they'd had a performance slot. They aren't doing too bad, nominated in a category for best rock album and the co-nominees are Springsteen, Black Keys and Mumford. lol. We should all have it so bad.

Not to mention they couldn't purchase the public relations and name recognition for any amount of money they got last night.

That is on the debut album too? Give me a break,lol.

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She did alright, she sang on the tribute to Levon Helm(The Band) far too many vocalist to really break out, but man she has some blues sounding chops. The other female singer was Mavis Staples. Brittany held her own and when it comes to Mavis, that is saying something.

Neither one of us like the song but LBT won for "Pontoon" my buddy Jimi can say he has a Grammy now and will forever be introduced as a Grammy winner. Extremely happy for him, Karen(wife) and the band. In that business, there is no feeling like that on the planet.

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All the great songs that LBT has had in the past, and that is the one that gets them a Grammy. I'm glad they got one, they're good.

Mumford! Yes please!!!!! :praise:

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LBT has had some great songs AND far be from me to defend this one that won the Grammy, but the follow up to that, "Tornado" is great. Also, when someone has a hit like that it gets the label to put full force behind it. They write some of their stuff and get co-write credits on everything else, they didn't start out that way, but it is now. Kind of a perk of position so to speak. BUT, it will draw the top songwriters to them like flies to honey and I'm sure it already has. Now keep in mind, this is Jimi's hometown, but 2 weeks ago sunday night, they were at the Alabama Theatre in downtown Ham. A beautiful old art deco place seats about 2000. He said they could have played a week they had so many tix request that couldn't be filled.

Their lives are changing, big time spring and summer tour and they are in the studio on and off.

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Another thing I took away from the Grammys. Taylor Swift, it's great she know most of the words to every song played, but it's annoying seeing her sing and dance the whole time. Her act is getting old....she should thank god for Tweens.

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Yep, she needs to age and evolve quick. When she wins it is the same, "oh gee golly wow, wowsers", horsecrap everytime. you can only write so many breakup songs about 18 year old non dating relationships and stay relevent. She needs a year off, bad.

that act is really thin. Next...........

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Watched Grammys. I thought most of the performers did a good job. Frank Ocean being one exception. WTH was that? :dunno: I had never heard of him before last night. Agree about TSwift. I'd like to see Country kick her out. She hasn't been country since her first album. Carrie is drifting that direction too. But not anywhere near where TSwift is. I can put up with Carrie though. :cool: Jack White rocked as usual. Others I never heard of: Fun, Janel Monae, Miguel, Gotye, Kimbra, The Lumineers, Avicii, Shrillex, and others.

Visual highlights: Katy Perry, Carrie Underwood, Alicia Keys, Rhianna, Kelly Clarkson, Miranda Lambert, Christie Tiegen, Beyonce.

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Jack White did rock unmercifully :hellyeah: Serious talent. Bruno Mars, Sting, Rhianna and crew did a fine job on the Marley tribute too.

Lumineers have been a little bit of thing around Americana for a few years, a couple of the players have changed, the female singer is a recent addition, kind of an American Mumford lite. Unless you did the dance party circuit you aren't gonna know who Skrillex is, lol. He has a place, but just not that big of a deal to me, lol. Meh........

The scenery was kinda nice and does Jennifer Lopez have a leg or WHAT?!?!?!?!?!

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Katy was good walking toward you and walking away. Other than that, I have no idea what you are talking about, care to explain? lol

Her music has made me never even give her a second thought. If she dressed like that all the time, instead of her stupid stage costumes, I might reconsider, lol.

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