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Pssssst. . . does Pops know I'm a girl? hehehehe

To me, you're just one of the guys, but I'm sure the prettiest. I'm also smarter than Manti Teo.

Not far from where my sister lives. She called yesterday and told us about it around an hour or so before it hit the news here. Terrible story all around.

At first I figured there was a connection between the man and the boy but apparently not. It is a terrible story. Now I hear the kid is a little autistic and has to take medication. Poor kid. This guy needs to be put away for life or shot after the kid is safe.

I had heard he had a medical condition, but didn't know what it was. That poor baby must be so frightened. And his parents. Just a nightmare, horrible.
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Hey guys!!! Just finished a round of chemo. Doc says everything is headed in the right direction. Thanks for all your prayers. WDE!!! Pops

Great to hear Pops. Thoughts and prayers my friend. WDE to you.
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You kind folks please send up a prayer for our family. We lost our uncle, my mom's brother this morning. He had lung problems for the past several years, and had gone into surgery on Thursday to have a spot removed. They took his upper lobe on the right side, and by all accounts it was a routine surgery that went well. He just never recovered from it and got worse as the days passed.

It is a very tough time for our family. If you remember, my mom lost her other brother this time last her. Don was her last brother, and I don't know how her and my aunts will hold up, after losing two brothers and a mother in the span of a year.

Tough times, indeed. Just please keep us all in your thoughts and prayers, especially my mom. I worry about her.

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Sorry to hear that Drac. We will keep your family in our prayers. Be strong for your mom and aunts. They will need you to be a rock, buddy. Praying for your strength to be that rock.

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You kind folks please send up a prayer for our family. We lost our uncle, my mom's brother this morning. He had lung problems for the past several years, and had gone into surgery on Thursday to have a spot removed. They took his upper lobe on the right side, and by all accounts it was a routine surgery that went well. He just never recovered from it and got worse as the days passed.

It is a very tough time for our family. If you remember, my mom lost her other brother this time last her. Don was her last brother, and I don't know how her and my aunts will hold up, after losing two brothers and a mother in the span of a year.

Tough times, indeed. Just please keep us all in your thoughts and prayers, especially my mom. I worry about her.

Will do Drac, sorry to hear this for you guys,
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Too weird for me. I'm done following the actions of 17 and 18 year old kids. Just field a good football team. I don't care how you do it.

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