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Graceland^^^^^^ That is a wonderful album. IMO, Simon's modern best.

Oh Barney................Mumford and Sons documentary, "The Road to Redrocks" airs on Showtime Feb 1st, 8pm central. Promos are great.

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Good morning beautiful people!

Mumford and Sons got a mention on Matthew Perry's new comedy show Go On. His character was updating his FB profile to attract women and asked his assistant if putting Mumford and Sons would limit him to only smart chicks. LOL!

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I've watched that show a time or two, the comedy writing is really smartly funny. M. Perry had a few false starts after Friends, but with a character like that who wouldn't? Something that successful makes you so that character it's hard to get away from. This one is the answer, series are hard pressed to live long thses days , I hope it makes it for a while. Last couple of seasons on Friends, they all earned enough from the show to never work again if they do not want to. The syndication on that show is re-money-diculous. Wealthy beyond means.

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He's a funny guy and you are right, following up Friends was hard to do. Jennifer Anniston and Courtney Cox had established silver screen careers, but the tv was hard to do. I usually don't watch comedies, but this one is on my dvr just because it is Matthew Perry.

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There is the "Friends" element in that the group has developed friendships with one another. Yet they deviated his character just enough to keep it from seeming like a remake. Heartwarming and funny and as you said, nice mix. But the cynic in me thinks that because I like it, it will be short lived.

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Graceland^^^^^^ That is a wonderful album. IMO, Simon's modern best.

Oh Barney................Mumford and Sons documentary, "The Road to Redrocks" airs on Showtime Feb 1st, 8pm central. Promos are great.

Yep, I've read good things about it. Saw an interview a while back with them where it was mentioned.

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Some folks are so beloved, anytime they post it is considered bloviating, at a certain point they give up battling the bloviating and embrace it. This time it was just a reminder of jokes and jokers from the past, lol.

Edited by telling tiger
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