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How are you sir? People astound me. After all I've seen in the world I don't know why I have higher expectations but they sometimes astound me.

Theys a coming to get our guns!!!!!!

REALLY?!?!?!? SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO from a practical application point of view, with a population of over 300 million , how is it you think that is really possible? dur

Spike and Watson have a higher IQ and a better personality. end/

Edited by telling tiger
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I'm good. Still in shock over the sadness in CT. I agree, no way the feds go to each home and search for guns. Federal agents would be shot every day until nobody would want to be a federal agent. Both sides of that argument are in fantasyland.

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No matter how bad you think your own problems are, something like this comes along to put things in perceptive. I have a son in Boston, with kids 9,7,5,3; he couldn't leave their sight yesterday.

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Pops, I don't blame him a bit. Heck, mine are 25 and 23 and I called them both yesterday just to tell them I loved them. These things to put our problems in perspective.

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Responsible for 3 young men, early 20's they stayed home last night because they knew I was worried. Truth be told, I think they were worried too, atfer watching the families in Newtown. Few things worse.

Sometimes these events trigger copycat events. Senseless. About the saddest thing I've ever seen.

It astounds me that people cannot display common human decency without having to make it about the politics of gun control.


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Some people are crazy. They have no respect for other people or other people's property. A human life means nothing to these people. I blame it on the lack of parental discipline and direction.

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It's a tragedy that a human being could be in such a dark place that he thinks murdering children and teachers is an ok thing to do. What makes people that way? I cannot even fathom. . . .

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Details coming out today make it even worse. Sick, sick boy. Him killing himself was way too easy of a way for him to die. He needed to suffer immensely for what he has done.

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That poor community, those parents, kids, teachers. We really need to spend time teaching our kids that individual actions can hurt hundreds of people.

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I wonder how many combined years of ref experience led to 42 straight quarters of no holding calls while turd opposing D lines are tackled instead of blocked? If we ride the helicopter we have company, Penn State boards talked about it for months. JUST SAYING.........

BTW, Mr Elston from Ol sis said hello..........

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I know about the pups. Mine was whining at 5:50 wanting to eat and pee. I ignored her until she tried to lay on my face. When a 70 pound Weimaraner wants to lay on your face it is time to get up. Now I'm wide awake and she is back in the bed sound asleep. This should be a lazy day if the rain hangs around all day.

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