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Buyer's remorse is a terrible disease...............

Serious question to follow.

Have you thought about doing your own consultancy?

Like the virus Ms. T got the other week, I have a reasonable amount of knowledge and I would've paid darn near what you asked to let me get back to work instead of playing with that. I thought about it then and gotta tell you, i think there is a market.

Hell you might sell your svcs to previous employers.

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Even if we have our own businesses we all work for someone, BUT unless you need a customer to eat, you can decide who you want to work with.

There is something to be said for that. lol. One of the better benefits actually.

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Howdy folks. I could have used an IT consultant last weekend. I ended up having to overnight mine to the corporate IT group in Indiana. They sent it back yesterday but sent it to my office and not my home office. That means I have to go to town tomorrow to get it. Oh well, at least I get it back.

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