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Some people can't handle it unless it is in black and white. Grey is too overwhelming and requires actual thought instead of simplistic knee jerk response and forum posturing instead of real world works.

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Some people can’t handle a dissenting opinion.  ;)

Morning everyone.  ;D

Hello 62.

Let's face it, there are some, allbeit very few, people that you can discuss differing opinions with but most you can't.

I dunno...a large % of my friends (and nearly all my closest friends) disagree with me on most political issues.  My nearest & dearest friend (volsung here at AE) and I were polar opposites politically when we met.  Over the years, I've moved to the left some and he's moved to the right some.  While I'm sure those shifts can be linked to life experience, I like to think we've forced each other to rethink our opinions over the years.

IMO, the problem with most people in political discussions is their overwelming need to be "right".  Often, there's no single right answer in politics.  We live in a world of grey that people keep trying to seperate into black/white.

You don't live in Alabama, do you?  ;)
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Some people can't handle it unless it is in black and white. Grey is too overwhelming and requires actual thought instead of simplistic knee jerk response and forum posturing instead of real world works.

And that's why I try to surround myself with people who can think.  I don't care what your political views are as long as you're capable of independent & critical thought.  I know a few people who's political beliefs line up nearly exactly with mine but they make me cringe because they've put no thought behind those ideals.

This doesn't fall under the realm of discussing "politics" does it?  We're discussing the discussion of politics...I don't want to get this thread nuked again.  :laugh:

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You don't live in Alabama, do you?  ;)

Not since 2007.  :happydance:  :laugh:

That explains it then.  

FTR, I would like to point out it was eff who said that about Al. and not me :cool:

Oh Goody!  :trampoline: I love being in the record book!

I’m still holding out for King of the World.  :laugh:

Want me to loan you my crown?
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The jokes............ dangit the jokes........expect another pm jenks........

If you are writing inlaw jokes and not pming me, I'm gonna be  >:(

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You don't live in Alabama, do you?  ;)

Not since 2007.  :happydance:  :laugh:

That explains it then.  

FTR, I would like to point out it was eff who said that about Al. and not me :cool:

Oh Goody!  :trampoline: I love being in the record book!

I’m still holding out for King of the World.  :laugh:

Want me to loan you my crown?

No thanks, that would be a Queen’s Crown and things aren’t that bad yet.  :laugh:
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HUGE announcement coming later today (re: http://AUFAMILY.COM  site). Stay tuned...


This site has some of the most heavy-handed moderation I've seen on a public board.  Unless AUFAMILY is in the same vein (never been there) I don't see how a merge would work.

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Did you guys watch the women's gymnastics floor exercise finals last night?  That last girl set her routine to "Shine On You Crazy Diamond". :hellyeah:  I was heartbroken when she fell  :'(

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HUGE announcement coming later today (re: http://AUFAMILY.COM  site). Stay tuned...


New administrator here (AUFAMILY_RIR) with 6 posts that are unable to be viewed in his post history. Looks like it will be some sort of merge.

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