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I read they will eventually be removed.

No surprise to me barnbarn........When do you go on your trip?

Leaving this evening after work, driving half way tonight.

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Father-in-law and his wife... :banghead:  Though I guess it's going better than I should expect, considering I called him a racist the first Thanksgiving I had with him.  :laugh:

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Ah, if you can't say something nice about your inlaws, come sit next to me.  ;D

To be fair, my mother-in-law is a lovely woman.  I get along with her great.  It's my father-in-law and his wife that drive me up a wall.

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Well, my MIL has remarried and I do like her husband...we just don't see him as much.  My MIL is a live & let live type of person and would probably join me on the deck for a bourbon (well, she'd have a daquari or something).

My FIL...well, he tried to start a political discussion with me last night.  I don't talk politics with my own father because we can't be civil.  There's no way I'm discussing politics with a man I once called a racist.  :laugh:

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I do my best to avoid having political discussions with people who have different views than I do, just simply because it usually leads to an argument, especially when it's a family member. I have an in-law that does that same thing and the intent is to start an argument.  No thanks, I'll not play that game with you.

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I don't mind having political discussions with people who disagree with me. I'm sure tt and I could have quite the spirited political discussion without it getting uncivil.  Having my beliefs challenged and forcing me to defend them requires me to think.  The problem I have with both my dad & FIL is what they consider "sources" in a political discussion.

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That's funny, I'm not surprised by the intolerant people at all.

A favorite quote of mine from recent shares you have made in PM's ;D, eff.

Americans always want to hear the truth, unless they disagree with it.

In extended links from what you've shared, that could be found.

Yep jenks, I find great humor here in the people who think we share the exact same beliefs who do not have the first clue what those are. I should be more complex and not so easily entertained, but some places in this world that is difficult since the entertainment is so readily available.

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Let's face it, there are some, allbeit very few, people that you can discuss differing opinions with but most you can't.

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Let's face it, there are some, allbeit very few, people that you can discuss differing opinions with but most you can't.

I dunno...a large % of my friends (and nearly all my closest friends) disagree with me on most political issues.  My nearest & dearest friend (volsung here at AE) and I were polar opposites politically when we met.  Over the years, I've moved to the left some and he's moved to the right some.  While I'm sure those shifts can be linked to life experience, I like to think we've forced each other to rethink our opinions over the years.

IMO, the problem with most people in political discussions is their overwelming need to be "right".  Often, there's no single right answer in politics.  We live in a world of grey that people keep trying to seperate into black/white.

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