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Morning everyone.

TT, eff...Lab results came back ok.  ;D

Whew!  Now you must do your part to limit Dr. visits.  Understand?

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A roaring basket case and a complete lyrical genius. At his life, no excuse could be offered, at his work few come close. There are many elements that make him a sentimental character to me, I understand elements of that pain, BUT, I'm not one of the people who had to live with him either. His last wife, had quite the set of her own. Janene. She found a way to manage their life together but to say it was unusual is an understatement.

Not a women you wanna try to get over on. His catalog has made more since he passed than it ever did when alive. He wrote, "Pancho and Lefty".  No small moneymaker.

Say hey effie ;D

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I thought you would like that sir, I'm betting jenks would too. It is really good.

Jenks, check out Richard Buckner, "Our Blood" is the name of a really good record of his. I'm thinking it is about a year old. Supposedly working on some new stuff, too.

Good call.  I really like this album

Yeah good stuff. Almost an outlaw/very alt kinda thing to me. Also very melodic, reminds me greatly of EC, not the sound but the writing style and melodic content. To be such a rebel, they both make great use of the melody.
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Hey effie.

See your wish is my command.

How bout that ebola virus?  That really sux, huh?

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I thought you would like that sir, I'm betting jenks would too. It is really good.

Jenks, check out Richard Buckner, "Our Blood" is the name of a really good record of his. I'm thinking it is about a year old. Supposedly working on some new stuff, too.

Good call.  I really like this album

Yeah good stuff. Almost an outlaw/very alt kinda thing to me. Also very melodic, reminds me greatly of EC, not the sound but the writing style and melodic content. To be such a rebel, they both make great use of the melody.

Seems very alternative to me.  Almost something I'd expect to see on MTV's 120 Minutes when Matt Pinfield was hosting.

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It is in my top 5 of reasons that I'm not interested in going to the African continent. I do know someone that went on a photo safari this summer though and man the pictures, land, animals and people were breathtaking. Blew me away. They went to Kenya.

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It is in my top 5 of reasons that I'm not interested in going to the African continent. I do know someone that went on a photo safari this summer though and man the pictures, land, animals and people were breathtaking. Blew me away. They went to Kenya.

Australia & Africa, 2 continents I'll never visit.  They should be called "The Land of Death"

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Funny, I was just telling the Chief last night that we should go to Africa.

Jenks, why not Australlia?

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Funny, I was just telling the Chief last night that we should go to Africa.

Jenks, why not Australlia?

I've watched to much Discovery Channel.  Everytime they do a "World's Deadliest" Australia features prominently.

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Living through the time period that it take you to get to Australia is the only thing you need to fear about there. You can find trouble if you want it, but it is nothing like oh say ebola. :laugh:

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:laugh: I think you'll be safe as long as you don't go in the water or the bush.  The parents went a few years ago and loved it.
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In addition to the 2 artist you mentioned Pops, Springsteen, Tom Petty and John Mellencamp also use it a decent amount. Judging from the style you like, Mellencamp is probably closer to the sound you might be looking for.

Take heart, the instrument is making a comeback in a big way, it is being used more and more. ;)

Spot on, tt.  I love Mellencamp!!
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No ploy, it would've made you think I was terribly crude :tease: and I can be ;D

Alright folks, back later, girls are making a road trip and if I do not throw them out the door, they will never get there :rolleyes:

Longer to do less than anything I've ever seen......... :laugh:

He has some really good recent stuff, pops. Almost Woody Guthrie like stuff, very folksie. Perfect harmonica music and songs.

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Speaking of music, like we don’t always, The Fab Four were great. They did an outstanding job and the girl and I had a great time. If any of you guys are Beatles fans and get the chance I recommend seeing them.  :thumbsup:

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