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Hello long lost friend.  I sadly missed your re-entrance into the asylum yesterday.  Glad you're back.

My Friday would be off to a better start had I done the dishes last night instead of insanely reading to  see if the hero and heroine actually hooked up.

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Oh, they can be out in daylight now, you know.  With a special ring, of course.  And since he's in the antique business, he has probably acquired one.  :laugh:

Is that thunder I hear?  :-\ Perhaps some of that water stuff will fall from the sky.

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The sun is shining outside my window (literally, not metaphorically) but dark clouds are on the western horizon. Would love to see rain.

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I'm sure that's it.  They don't realize that I don't watch them half the time anyways.  :laugh:

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Just insulin at this house. They haven't figured out that when I'm reading, on the net, or watching tv that I'm zoned out to all around me.

Round 2 of thunder and big clouds.  Add wind.  Rain would be nice.  Fingers crossed.

What's distracting Drac?

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