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It's BS, but...a father is claiming that Reese D. and Patrick Miller called his son and daughter a B**** and the N word at McDonalds on Saturday. He says the Auburn PD favors the football players, because they let RD and PM go, and arrested his son.

My take, son pops off at the mouth, causes a huge scene...gets arrested, and pulls the race card.  :dunno:

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He is free to take his family and move to turdtown at any point, if he is needing to know what favortism from the police is really like. The drunken head coach gets to run his benz into a tree and gets a free ride, HOME. McDonalds? Other witnesses lurk somewhere. oy........................

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Pacifier makes for a really good metaphorical word. I will try to be nice for the next 5 minutes to make up for that one, no promises.

How's is the barnmeister and how is the a4e back today? We got everybody on injured reserve, we can't even field a team :dunno:

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Delusional, don't foget delusional.  My favorite is when the talk about how classy satan is and how he expects it from his players.


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Barn, you never told me how eerily prophetic Demille was.


As stated, I do hope our injured reserves are one the mend and doing well.

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Working and listening to it in the background. Dichotomy, it was SORELY needed , imo and still sad for the people who had nothing to do with it.

A lifetime of good work can be undone with a desperate or decided action or inaction.

About time that human concern over took sporting concern. All powerful programs, I assure you have taken notice.

I love football as much as anyone, most sports for that matter. Children were put at and left at risk in the name of sports reputation and achievement. Unacceptable.

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It takes a lifetime to build a reputation but only a second to destroy it.  It is very sad for the athletes at Penn State.  Wouldn't it be nice if the ones responsible were the only ones who had to suffer the consequences? Children are molested and abused everyday, yet it seems the focus of this story is on an athletic program.  Hard to destroy the "sports is king" mentality.

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later ;D

The people who are squealing about punishing people who had nothing to do with it from PSU are the one's who need to consider that the entity they supported is the entity that did this, their remedy is to make sure that entity NEVER does it again. If there wasn't an issue, there wouldn't be a penalty. My heart doth not bleed for those poor whiners. Grow a set that takes care of and protects children instread of your freaking football program. I do not care. Demand responsibilty,( refer to eff's statue joke yesterday)then I'll care.

The prepared statement of the PSU pres Erickson, released after the NCAA presser, is something that needs to be engraved on the back of the complainers eyelids. Well written, well read and the content was in TOTAL, an appropriate response.

Joe's legacy, blah,blah,blah. No one formed the end result of that but him. Cry me a river.

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It is unreal that so many people could have looked the other way. Makes my faith in humanity a little smaller.  But then I hear stories of all the precious gentlemen in Aurora who shielded women from rounds and rounds of ammunition, some giving up their own lives. And faith is restored.


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#toopidpeopletoopidepeopletoopidpeople :banghead::beatmullet: arghhhhhhhhhhhhh

oy, on to better subjects, eff, you remember the person that authored those daily quotes you sent me the other day?

I needed some "grounding" this morning so I hit a site that has a whole bunch of quotes from him. Exceptionally good idea........ :cool: Smart fella.

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