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We is are good.

Homer vote of media days, someone gave Ol' sis a first place vote in the West. :o

That must be some really good stuff Freeze is selling. He will be a big upgrade, but that is not a one day project, he's got a lot o work to do.

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Dang.  You folks are worrying me with these health issues.  I may have to start moving my hair color appts. closer together.

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We is are good.

Homer vote of media days, someone gave Ol' sis a first place vote in the West. :o

That must be some really good stuff Freeze is selling. He will be a big upgrade, but that is not a one day project, he's got a lot o work to do.

:-X  :laugh:

Side note- a young lady who taught my daughter in dance class is now a Rebelette.  We are going to attempt to go to the game there and see her perform.

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Well here y’all are.  ;D

Afer, sorry about the back, suffered with it for years myself, just not fun.  :( Sounds like a great concert other than the location. Speaking of, got tickets to The Fab Four  :partey: almost the same seats I had for BB King.


Eff, seems like I haven’t seen from you in forever, how ya been doin?

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We is are good.

Homer vote of media days, someone gave Ol' sis a first place vote in the West. :o

That must be some really good stuff Freeze is selling. He will be a big upgrade, but that is not a one day project, he's got a lot o work to do.

:-X  :laugh:

Side note- a young lady who taught my daughter in dance class is now a Rebelette.  We are going to attempt to go to the game there and see her perform.

Rest assured, they will be better than the football team the first year ;D
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The Chief's been off this week, so we've been up to no good. Movies, couch potatoes, late sleepers, fast food lunches and late suppers.  He heads back to the salt mines tonight.

How's 62 and the fam?

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We is are good.

Homer vote of media days, someone gave Ol' sis a first place vote in the West. :o

That must be some really good stuff Freeze is selling. He will be a big upgrade, but that is not a one day project, he's got a lot o work to do.

:-X  :laugh:

Side note- a young lady who taught my daughter in dance class is now a Rebelette.  We are going to attempt to go to the game there and see her perform.

Rest assured, they will be better than the football team the first year ;D

She's a cutie and a great dancer as well.  This was the only way I could get the baby girl to go to an AU football game.  Not her cup of tea. She asked us once "Why on earth do you want to watch a bunch of guys run around after a ball and hit each other?  It's nothing but violence if you ask me. " There are moments, believe it or not, when I am speechless.  :-\
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The Chief's been off this week, so we've been up to no good. Movies, couch potatoes, late sleepers, fast food lunches and late suppers.  He heads back to the salt mines tonight.

How's 62 and the fam?

As always, could be better but as always, could be a whole lot worse.  ;) Glad you guys are getting some time together, hard to find these days. 
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One can only hope.  ;D

One more kid funny, and I'll be done. We were eating supper the other night and the oldest girl says, "You know what confuses me. . . "  To which the baby girl replies, "Global warming?"

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And BTW, cynical jaded bloviating wasn't enough?  Now we had to add irrational reptition?  :laugh:

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One can only hope.  ;D

One more kid funny, and I'll be done. We were eating supper the other night and the oldest girl says, "You know what confuses me. . . "  To which the baby girl replies, "Global warming?"

Tell this girl, I really, really, really like her :laugh: Look at it this way, at least with me you will be getting experience with jaded bloviating, looks like you'll need it :happydance::trampoline::laugh: I spit coffee. :cool: I love her.

Sometimes my dear, there is a message in the madness. Always, the person it is meant for is too stupid to understand it. It only satisfies me.

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One can only hope.  ;D

One more kid funny, and I'll be done. We were eating supper the other night and the oldest girl says, "You know what confuses me. . . "  To which the baby girl replies, "Global warming?"

Tell this girl, I really, really, really like her :laugh: Look at it this way, at least with me you will be getting expereince with jaded bloviating, looks like you'll need it :happydance::trampoline::laugh: I spit coffee. :cool: I love her.

Sometimes my dear, there is a message in the madness. Always, the person it is meant for is too stupid to understand it. It only satisfies me.

The house across the street still hasn't sold.  Interested in relocating TT's babysitting service? I'm really going to need some help getting one to basketball games and the other to dance.  ;)

You're coming through loud and clear, thankfully.  :laugh:

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That one is a kid after my own heart, you go munchkin, hehehehe. :-X:laugh:

I don't care who you are, coming from someone her age, that is darn fine humor right there :laugh:

I should really mess with him and join his bathroom thread, as much as I dislike the person it is about, that practice is very common for famous and infamous people. Do you want someone taking a pic of you while you are "facing a wall" or having a seat? Certain people, oh say hustler mag, offers a million bucks for any person famous/infamous you can get a pic of in a compromising position no matter what that situation is including a restroom. They are far and away not the only publication to do that. Most are of a similar ilk. A Canadian hockey player from Toronto found this out first hand, a pic of Mr. Happy made the sleaze rags for cash. It isn't only actors,writers or singers, it is sports figures too.

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More than silly. Remove the sports angle, I doubt any women will ever find themselves in a "facility" at the same time as Oprah. There is probably a reason for that. The ignorance of some in the public is the reason for that. Not many cell phones do not have a camera anymore. It is a weird world.

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Of course, it does make for excellent jabs.  Like Saban's height issues may not be his only "size" issues that are short. Or the fact that that stupid fanbase of his won't even let him take a dump in peace.

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