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I'm on a tearjerker hiatus, glad I missed it ;)

TT's be fine. Spike just cracked me up, fixed big breakfast and we were chowing down. L put her plate down on the couch behind me in the office, she went to get some more juice for herself. When she got back, Mr. Spike was sitting up there with scrambled eggs dripping from the chin, trying to look innocent :laugh:

To save my boy, I made her some more eggs quickly :laugh:

You boys and girls at home or the lake this weekend?

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Home.  :(  The wifey had to work.  I tweeked my back messing around the house yesterday.  I guess I irritated the degenerative disc in the lower back.  Muscle spasms in the lower back all night and this morning.  :-\

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I'm sorry, sir, I know exactly how horrible that is, I have the same issue. Fun huh?

Uh last weekend you killed yourself in the yard at the lake, what did you do this time :-\

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Really not that much.  Mowed the lawn, trimmed, blower; cut down a couple of small dead trees in the very back; cleaned up the gargage; wrestled the dog; layed on couch.  I think it was partly a carry over from last weekend. 

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I'm doing just peachy, thanks for asking.  How you doin? Spike didn't get in too much trouble I hope.  :laugh:

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He knew which side of the office was buttered for him, he went to the kitchen with me to make the eggs and jumped up in my lap when we got back. He got a few words from his mom though :laugh:

We are fine, lazy start, late breakfast and LAID BACK :hellyeah:

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Hey Lady!!!  The old man will be fine in a day or two.  Just gotta get these spasms toned down.  The heating pad and meds help. 

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Ah, meds.  Such wonderful things.  :cool:

Tell Laura it could have been worse.  It could have been the satellite wires that he ate. I think there is a rule somewhere in the man's book about an unguarded plate being fair game.

My grandmother's visit with my mom was cut short by the death of her sister.  Now my grandmother is the only sibling left. We'll be driving down Tuesday for the funeral, so throw up the safe travel prayers for us, please.

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In some cases it is a blessing.  She died peacefully in her sleep. Good way to go, beats suffering with illness.  She was in her 90's so she had a nice long life.  No children, so my mom and her siblings handled her affairs.

That Laura is one smart cookie.  :laugh:  :bow:

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It's been a reciprocal sort of day :cool:

Sometimes that's a good thing.  Sometimes not so much.  Dare I ask what is being reciprocated?

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It's been a reciprocal sort of day :cool:

Sometimes that's a good thing.  Sometimes not so much.  Dare I ask what is being reciprocated?

No!!  Don't...

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And therein lies the fun of you. . . with you one never knows.  ;)

I can never remember the difference between bloviating and flatulating.

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A cynic might say it would depend on whcih part was involved in the release of that info. My biggest fan would say it comes from the same place. :laugh: and I'm good with that. :hellyeah:

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I want to get the opinion of folks who are normally in this thread.

Recently there was a certain announcement made that mirrored almost exactly an announcement made last year by someone doing the same thing.

Some think it was his idea and his idea alone. Some think it was something of a planned statement and not by him.

I'm of the opinion that he is not sophisticated enough at 17 to have done that by himself. Had he wanted to do it, I think he would have been somewhat apprehensive about doing it before getting an "opinion" on it.

I think there was a message involved. It would not be the first time I've seen it in public commentary or imaging, heck it wouldn't be the first time I've written or done it in PR/statements.

Ideas? :dunno:

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Maybe there is no difference.  So what has you bloviating/flatulating today? On second thought, maybe I should just not ask any questions at all.

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